Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/332

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vni. OCT. 25, 1013.

to be found anywhere in all the country round. It is a well-known fact to the pioneers of the

Avilderness of N. Pennsylvania that on a newly

cleared piece of woodland, when the soil is killed by burning, * fire- weeds ' spring up almost as thick .as hair on an animal's back."

Lately I discussed this subject with a countryman, and he informed me that, ^fter an extensive fire in a neighbouring woodland, young birch trees appeared, which had never before been seen growing in that part.

Can any reader furnish me with further instances of this new -birth from fire ?

W. H.-A.

WILL OF KATHERINE, COUNTESS OF WAR- WICK, 1369. In Doyle's * Official Baronage ' is a note that this lady died before 1340. The following will, transcribed into the Register of William de Lynne, Bishop of Worcester 1368-75, proves this date to be incorrect. Her husband died 13 Nov., 1369. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' tell me anything of Lovereigne de Bryseyerd ?

Widl of Katherine, eldest daughter of Roger, 1st Earl oi March, and Wife of Thomas de Beau champ 1., Earl of Warwick,' dated 4- August, 1369. (Reg. Bp. Lynne, fol. 52d, Worcester.) En noun du pere du fils et du Seint Espiryt je Katherine de JBeaucharnp contesse de Warre- -vvicke en bone memoire face mon testament Ian del incarnacion notre seignour mccclxix le quart jour dauguste en manere que seuvent. Premiere- ment Je deuise et assigne malme a dieu et as toutes les seintes de paradys, a mon corps destre ^nterre la ou il plest a mon treshonour seignour Je Comtte Item je deuise a mon treshonour seignour mon hanape lye dor et argent le fermail /dor que je solei porter et un anel oveun emeraude Item ie deuise que toutes mes dettes soient -quittes par la bone volente et eide de mon seigneur Item ie deuise a Thomas mon fils mon livre de chevaliers tenues [?] (ch ! tenuz) Item a William mon fils 1 tablet dor. Item a Maud du Clifford ma fille 1 coupe enamale des chiens Item a Phelippe -de Stafford ma fille 1 bolle ove la covercle Item a alice ma fille 1 hanap dargent endorre. Item a Margaret Mountfort ma fille la crois ove le pie _gest en la chapele Item a Isabelle ma fille une coupe. Item a Elizabeth fille de mon fils Guy une oupe Item a Isabelle de Harleye vynt livres et ma goune et ma cote descarlet Item a margaret Wilteshire ma goune de Russet et ma blanche ote et c s Item a Margaret de Falvesle lx s et ma cote de blu Item a Agneis c s et soit rewarde de mes draps Item a Thomelyn mon chamberlyn cinquante sold'. Item je deuise au covent de freres precheurs de Wincestre xx 11 Item au covent des freres menours de mesms la ville xx n Item au covent des freres precheurs de Shroves- burie xx h . Item au covent des Freres menours de mesme ville xx 11 Item au covent des freres prechours de Warrewike xx 11 Item a covent de freres precheurs de Norhampton xx 11 Item a covent des freres menours de Coventre x n Item au covent des freres menours de Licheffeld c s .

Item je deuise a Lovereigne de Bryseyerd xx' 1 Item je deuise a ma cosyn de mohoun un saucer et mes pater nostre. Et de ce testament je face et ordeigne Isabelle de Harleye, Rauf Tangele, et Johnne Falvesle mes executores et prie a mon treshonourable seignour quil veille estr' a eux eidant et favourables a perfourmer cest ma vo- lente Et veil que le residue de mes biens soient employe au profit de malme solont lauys et ordenance de mes executoures susdits. En test- moignance de quele chose a ce testament jaymys mon seal. Fait et escript au chastel de Elmeleye le jour et an desus dits. Item je deuise a sire Roger Taiigeleye mon porthors Item a frere William Keylemersh c s Item a frerc Water de Bikerstone diz marcs Et veil que ovesque les altres executoures desusnounces soient Sire William de Mortone et Sire Roger Tangelye auxint executours Item je deuise a Rauf de Tangelye et a Johnne Falvesle et a chescun deuz diz marcs. j HARVEY BLOOM.

ANGLO-IRISH USE or " TUITION." In Father Tyrrell' s ' Autobiography ' (London, Edward Arnold, 1912) I notice a pretty frequent use of the word " tuition " in a sense unknown, I believe, outside Ireland, namely, " engagement as a tutor." The following passage (pp. 164-5) will illustrate the use :

" Father Christie suggested I should go to Manresa in September, and meantime get some tuitions in London.... My tuition engagements were short-lived, irregular, and unremunentive."

I am familiar with this colloquial use of the word in Ireland, but I had never seen it in print until I took up Father Tyrrell's ' Autobiography.' Probably the use has not escaped the Argus-eyed editors of the ' N.E.D.' ALEX. LEEPER.

Trinity College, Melbourne University.

SIR HENRY GAGE, 1645. (See 11 S. ii. 469.) To some extent I can answer my own query. I recently found in the Appendix to the Fourth Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, p. 236, that in the papers of the Most Noble the Marquis of Bath at Longleat, in Bundle 46, the verses commencing " Drums, beat an onset," &c., were referred to as on 1 p. folio, 6 lines, by Wm. Finmore. I wrote to Longleat to inquire, and the Marquis of Bath very kindly sent me a copy ; but instead of six lines there are (v. below) forty-six. Apparently there is no explanation as to how they came to be there, whether a copy or the original manuscript. I am therefore still anxious to learn if the lines exist in print, and whether the author published other verses.

William Fynmore was a Westminster Scholar and student of Christ Church, Oxford, and no doubt was with the King as