Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/447

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Hs.viiLDEc.6,i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS.-No. 206.

INOTES: Uncollecbed Kipling Items, 441 The Earliest English Lending Library, 4i2 Admiral Sir Thomas Hopson, 443 Statues and Memorials in the British Isles, 444 -Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Last Words Little Gidding Nunnery, 445 Vanishing Landmarks of London Will of Anne, Countess of Pembroke Cross-legged Effigies, 446 Widows' Petition Sorrow's Letters from Hungary, 447.

QUERIES : "Short-coat" " Rucksac" or " Riicksac " 'Feast of Belshazzar ' Two Curious Place-Names: Sidbury, 447 The Liverymen of London The Guild of Knights Biographical Information Wanted: Georgi Charles Meyer : Miss Blount Defoe's ' Weekly Review,' 448 Humorous Stories Author of Pamphlet Wanted " Flewengge " : " Intowe," 449 Nightingale Family " Cockleshell Walk " Authonj Wanted Choirboys in Ruffs, 450.

REPLIES : Lady Hamilton's Grave, 450 Lady Frances Erskine, 451 -Sir George Wright of Richmond, 452 Irish Ghost Stories Mica Bird Island: Bramble Cay " Pro pelle cutem," 453 Andreas Gisalbertus Fire and New- Birth Biographical Information Wanted, 454 Seven- teenth-Century School- Books Nixon Name of Durham Case of Duplicate Marriage, 455 Spong Capt. C. J. M. Mansfield, 456 Historical MSS. Coaching Tokens The Five Wounds" Marriage " as Surname, 457.

NOTES ON BOOKS:-' The Cambridge History of Eng-

lish Literature ' ' A Bookman's Letters ' Reviews and Magazines.

Notices to Correspondents.


'THE recent issue of Mr. Kipling's ' Songs from Books,' in which are "collected.... practically all the verses and chapter- headings scattered through my books," has sent the admirers and students of this author to their cabinets and portfolios. The moment is an opportune one for finding out what has been allowed to slip into the forgotten past. In this and the following articles I have endeavoured to set down the poems and prose that cannot be found in any of the standard editions, either English or American, of Mr. Kipling's works.

The task has not been easy, for Mr. Kipling has no sympathy for the biblio- grapher, and treats his English and American admirers in different fashion. Moreover, the facts that he has changed his publishers in the past, and has altered the style of his

editions several times, render the tracing of items difficult.

For the present article I have accepted as "collected items which have appeared in "The Outward Bound Edition" (Scribner), in Hodder & Stoughton's ' Collected Verse ' (1912), in 'Abaft the Funnel' (Doubleday, Page & Co., 1909), and 'A School History of England' (Clarendon Press, 1911). All of these contain items which cannot be found in the Macmillan editions or Methuen's volumes of poetry.

For convenience I may refer to a few titles in some of these books in the lists which follow. The titles hereinafter men- tioned are arranged in groups. The first given comprises all the prose arrears down to the publication of ' Rewards and Fairies in 1910.

Burden of Nineveh (The). Mentioned in an article in The Daily Express (? date) by H. B. Marriott Watson, entitled ' Forgotten Kipliugs.' An Anglo-Indian sketch on 'Padgett, M.P.,' lines. Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), no date quoted.

Burgher of the Free State. A Story of the Boer War. Seven parts. Daily Express (London), June 26, 27, 28, 29, July 2, 3, 4, 1900. Bloemfon- tein during the early days of the British occupa- tion.

Burning of the Sarah Sands (The). The story re- told of a sea disaster in 1857. Bla^k and White Christmas Number, 1898. 2 illustrations by C. M. Shel Ion.

Exile's Line (The). Particulars of this title were asked for in T.P.'s Weekly, November 24, 1911. Stated to have been published in The Civil an-l Military Gazette (Lahore), July (?) 1892. There WHS no response. Doubtful.

Fables for the Staff. Printed in The Friend (Bloemfontein) in 1900, and reprinted in Julian Ralph's ' War's Brighter Side ' (Pearson). Titles and dates ; the latter all 1900.

I. King Log and King Stork. March 24.

II. The Elephant and the Lark's Nest. March 26.

III. The Persuasive Pom-Pom. March 28.

IV. Vain Horses. March 29.

V. No title. The moral is that "Invention is a good servant, but the Letter killeth." March 30.

VI. No title. The moral is "Oh, Caesar!" March 31.

Folly Bridge. A Tale of the Boer War. Daily Express (London), two parts, June 15, 16, 1900.

For One Night Only. A short story. Longman s Magazine (London), April, 1890.

From a Winter Note Book. An article on Ame- rican home life. Harper's Magazine. 10 illustra- tions. Reproductions of photographs at Brattle- boro'.

Genuine. Recorded in F. York Powell's biblio- raphy. The Week's News (Allahabad), January?, No particulars.