Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/488

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. vm. DEC. 20,

[1635 ?]. Christmas' Lamentation for the loss of his Acquaintances, showing how he is forced to leave the Country and Come to London. Gent. Mag., N.S. xxvii. (1847), pp. 235-6. Re- printed from ' A Book of Roxburghe Ballads.' Edited by J. P. Collier.

[1616.] The Complaint of Christmas, written after Twelfetide, and Printed before Candlemas. By lohn Taylor. Reprinted by the Spenser Society in the first collection of Taylor's Works (1869-70).

1647. A Ha ! Christmas. This Book of Christmas is a sound and good perswasion for Gentlemen and all wealthy men to Keep a good Christmas. Here is proved the cause of Free-will Offerings, and to be liberall to the poore, proved out of Scripture. By T. H. Catalogued by Messrs. Maggs Bros. (Cat. 311, No. 387), 1913.

1652. Christmas In & Ovt : or, Our Lord & Saviour Christs Birth-Day. By John Taylor. Reprinted, Spenser Society, 1869-70.

1774. Sermons on various Subjects, by the late Rev. Ebenezar Latham, M.D., vol. i., 1774. In the thirteenth sermon, preached on Christmas Day, the author inquires into the time of the Nativity.

1789. A Letter from the Rev. John Bowie, F.A.S., on the Canonization of St. Osmund, with some observations concerning the Episcopus Puerorum, addressed to the Bishop of Salisbury. Archceologia, ix. 39-44.

1799. [Disquisition on the Misseltoe, with Extracts from Writers.] Gent. Mag., Ixix. 573-5.

1812. 'Sir Henry Wotton's Meditation on Christmas-Day. Gent. Mag., Ixxxii. part ii. pp. 622-3.

1821. Burlesque Festivals of former Ages. [The Boy Bishop.] Gent. Mag., vol. xci. part ii. pp. 198-200. Reprinted " Gent. Mag. Library " : ' Manners and Customs' (1883), pp. 86-90.

1836. Receipt " For to make a mooste choyse Paaste of Gamys to be eten at ye Feste of Chryst- masse," A.D. 1394. Gent. Mag\, N.S. v. 537.

1842. Christmas Customs in Monmouthshire. Gent. Mag., N.S. xvii. 41-2.

1866. The Mistletoe. Gent. Mag., N.S. i. 72-3. Lullaby Carols. By Edmund Sedding. Id., 88-93

1866. Thoughts in Italy about Christmas. Cornhill, xiii. 16-27.

1867. Royal Christmases. Chambers' 's Journal, xliv. 822-6.

[1868.] The Holidays ; Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide, their social festivities, customs, and carols. By N. B. Warren. Given at 7 S. vi. 484 without author or date.

1869. Christmas Festivals. By A. Shiras. Philadelphia.

1870. Glimpses of Christinas in the Days of Old. Cornhill, xxi. 28-47.

1876. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. By Joseph Strutt. [Lord of Misrule, Boy-Bishop, &c., pp. 440-51.]

1876. Christmas Festival : origin, history, and customs. By W. A. Leonard. New York.

1882. Christmas. By G. B. Leathom. Antiquary, vi. 233-7.

1883. Gentleman's Magazine Library. Manners and Customs : [Christmas customs in Hereford- shire], pp. 20-22 ; Old Christmas Customs and Superstitions of Lincolnshire, pp. 28-33 ; The Morris -Dance in Wales, pp. 79-80; On the

Holiday Times of Old, pp. 153-6 ; The Christmas: Barring-out [at Ormskirk Grammar School] ,. pp. 166-73 ; [A Birmingham custom on Christ- mas Eve], p. 193; [Blossoming of the Glaston bury Thorn at Christmas], pp. 209-11.

1884. Gentleman's Magazine Library. Popular Superstitions : New Year's Day, pp. 14-16 Twelfth Day, pp. 16-20 ; Christmas, pp. 75-103 ; Relick Sunday, pp. 103-4.

1885. Gentleman's Magazine Library. Customs of Foreign Countries : Christmas-Eve at Golds- berg, pp. 249-51. Printed from ' Friendship's Offering ; or, The Annual Remembrancer ' London, 1823.

1885. Miettes de 1'histoire de Provence. Les Fetes de Noel. Par S. d'Arve. Pp. 192.

1887. Recutil de Noels de 1'Ariege. Par L. Lafont de Sentenac. Pp. 144.

1887. Les Noels populaires. Par C. Pierre Pp. 20.

1890. The Sketch Book. By Washington Irving. Christmas, pp. 199-204, 213-15, 226-56. First published in 1848.

[1890.] ' Gloucestriana,' or papers relating: to the City of Gloucester. By John Joseph Powell. ' A Boy Bishop ' [John Stubs], pp. 194-9..

1891. Noels en pays neuchatelois. Pp. 12. 1891. Lyrics of the living Church : original

poems. Compiled by C. W. Leffingwell. Christ- mas, pp. 29-47.

1894. Christmas Cards and their Chief De- signers. Studio Extra, 1894. Pp. 56.

1895. Noels normands. Sociele des Biblio- philes Normands. Pp. 306.

1895. Other Times and other Seasons. By L. Hutton. ' Christmas Day in Olden Times ' pp. 161-83.

1896. The Schoolboys' Feast. [Custom of the Boy Bishop.] By Arthur F. Leach. Fort- nightly Review, N.S. lix. 128-41.

1897. Christmas, 1897. [\ selection of Christ- mas Carols.] Oxford, Daniel Press.

1897. The Sacred Tree, or the Tree in Religion and Myth. By Mrs. J. H. Philpot. Pp. xvi and 179. ' Christmas Observances,' pp. 145-73.

1898. Quelques vieux Noels dauphinois. Par* J. Rey.

1899. Noels anciens de la Nouvelle-France.. Par J. E. Myrand. Pp. 199.

1900. Christmas in French Canada. By L. H. Frechette.

1900. Fetes de Noel en Provence. Coutumes et traditions populaires. Par M. J. de Kersaint- Gilly. Pp. 33.

1900. Our Records ot the Nativity and modern historical Research. By J. Thomas. Pp. 400.

1900. Shakespeare's Greenwood ; the Customs of the Country. By G. Morley. ' Christmas Customs,' pp. 138-45.

1901. The Christmas Legend. By J. A. Picton. Pp. 36.

1902. A Christmas Garland. By E. Gibson.

1902. Christmas at the Mermaid. By Theo- dore Watts-Dunton. Pp. 66.

1903. The Beginnings of Christianity. By Paul Wernle. ' The Origin of Christmas,' pp. 137-56.

1905. Christmas Time in many a Clime.- Pp. 127.

1905. A Christmas Greeting. By C. A. HalL Pp. 31.

1905. Les Noels francais. Par N. Herve. Pp. 145.