Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/531

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 24, 1914.



Carnwath House, demolition of, 327, 378 < 1 arracci (Annibale), hn picture ' The Three

Maries,' 166 Carter (Sarah), " The Sleeping Beauty," d. 1855,


  • ' Cartholes," meaning of the word, 426

Cary (H. P.), c. 1788, his poems, 309 Casanova and Mary Anne Clarke, c. 1798, 421 "*' Castill Jordeyn," place-name, its locality, 350,


<Catechism by Watts, use of, 331, 434 "" Cat-gallows," origin of the designation, 188, 256 Cathedral bell stolen, 1863, 27, 290, 377 Catherine Court, Tower Hill, London, 266 Catholic emancipation and the stake, 95 Catholic Mission, Austrian, in the Sudan, c. 1847,

168, 216

Cawthorne and Halley families, 305 <Jawthorne family, 56

"" Cerne," meaning of in place-names, 169, 214 Chamerovzow (Louis Alexis), author, 1873, 9 Channel Tunnel scheme, 1802, 266 Chanteys, English, references to, 78 -Chapman (John), editor of ' Westminster Review,'


Chardin (Sir John), Kt., 1643-1712, 422 Charles I., autograph letters of, 29 ; and the

Parliamentary soldiers, 57 Charlotte (Princess) and Prince Leopold, portraits

of, 187 Charlotte (Queen), statue of, Queen Square,

Bloomsbury, 12, 430

Oharnock (Job), c. 1656, his antecedents, 238 Charter, Eatneld, temp. Edward III., 126 Charterhouse, Nathaniel Hulme's epitaph, 505 Charters of Yorkshire of twelfth century, 489 Chartulary of Hexham, a fragment of, 489 Cheapside, St. Mary-le-Bow, registers of, 1631-

1653, 368 ; petition for flags, 1814, 466 Checkendon, co. Oxon, deeds relating to, 232, 333 Chester (J. Lemuel) and the ' Westminster Abbey

Registers, 228, 292

Winchester, the Corporation of St. Pancras, 168, 213 Children, names terrible to, 138 Children's books and stories, ' Lady Anne,' 50 Chilston, author of " litil tretise " of music, 38 Chinese proverb in Burton's ' Anatomy,' 189 <Jhoir balance, St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 168,

212, 315, 358

< Choirboys in ruffs, 450, 496

Choral Fund Society, mentioned in will, 1843, 390

Christ Church, Oxford, time of Elizabeth, 151, 270

Christian names : Aphra, 505 ; Ifiigo, Ignatius, 7 ; Pamela, 409 ; Panthera, 109, 291, 340

Christian names, double, c. 1700, 125

Christian rules of life, 149, 216

-Christmas, bibliography of, 481

Christmas card, the first, 505

Christmas Eve in the South of France, 501

Churcii, isolated, at Buckfastleigh, 207

Church bell, date of inscription, 330

Churches : their history in situ, 12, 57, 136 ; pictures o the Deity in, 34, 334 ; heart-burial in niches, 289, 336, 352, 391, 432, 493

Churchgoing in the fifteenth century, 483

< Churchwardens' accounts, Saffron Walden, 1623-

1756, 348, 433 Churchyard inscriptions : Amersham, 23. 103,

204. -iO {, 423 ; St. James's, Piccadilly, 395 Churchyards, upright tombstones in, 490 Cicero (Mir:u T.), tested by the Christian

standards, 269, 318 Cicero (Quintus) and Stone Circles, 229

' Circus," Marylebone Road, London, 7, 438 Cities and towns, historical designations of, 209 Oity Livery Companies, records of, 144, 386 City Night-Cap,' play, 1661, 170, 212 ' Claptable," meaning of the word, 425, 478 Clarke (Mary Anne) and Casanova, c. 1798, 421 3lay pipes used in 1858, 190, 256 Clayton (Sarah) =R. Toft of Leeke, 366, 434 Clergy, benefit of, boy or girl pleading, 370 Clergy, sons of, article on, 250, 295 Clermont (Jane), conversations with Mr. W.

Graham, 228, 249

Clock without a face, St. Vedast's, 310, 355 Clockmakers of Bristol, Bartley & Eggert, 290,


Clonmel, defenders of, 1650, their religion, 330 " Clorantibus," meaning of the word, 425, 478 Clouet, in Gray's ' Shakespeare Verses,' 109,

156, 195

Clubs : Grillion's, and the Wednesday, 30, 57, 495 ; Coaching, of the nineteenth century, 38 ; Rota, mentioned by Scott, 58 ; the dining- room at White's, 129 Coaching clubs of the nineteenth century, 38 Coaching tokens, magazine articles on, 416, 457 Cobbett (William), bibliography of his works,

36, 137

Coberley, Seven Springs pool at, 148, 197 Cockayne (Sir Aston), of Warwickshire, 109 Cockburne (James), poet, his works, 1605, 408 " Cockleshell Walk," origin of the name, 450 Cole (Rev. A. A.), his poem ' Gadara,' 1853, 249, 318 Cole (Richard), Rector of Michelmersh, 1620, 127 Cole family of Winchester, 127 College (or King's) School, Gloucester, 85, 433 Colleges : matriculation and graduation, 33 Collins (Arthur), 1690-1760, his Bower, 369 Colonial Governors, style of address to, 329, o77,


Colonne (Guido delle) in England, c. 1273, 72, 196 Coming of age at twenty-one years, 172 Constitutional History of England, 1649-53,90, 158 Conway in list of names, c. 1313, 130, 177 Coote (General Sir Eyre), c. 1756, 130 " Copebelle," meaning of the word, 425 Copinger (Patrick), Westminster scholar, 1744, 409 Copley (J.), Westminster scholar, 1726, 409, 454 Corbet (Dugnan), Westminster scholar, 1720, 409 Corday (Charlotte), a letter of, 365 Corelli (Marie) and ' The Silver Domino,' 3(5,

133, 174, 438, 514

Cornish Regiment of 1643, list of, 90 Cornthwaite (R.), Westminster scholar, 1733, 409 " Corpse " used for a living body, 209 " Corses," meaning of the word, 425 Cossey (J.), Westminster scholar, 1729, 409 Cottingham (J.), Westminster scholar, 1719, 409,

454, 491

Cottington family, 509 Cotton (Christopher), Westminster scholar, 1725),


Court influence on letters, 246 Co vent Garden, De Quincey and, 104 Covent Garden Theatre, riot at, 1773, 65, 172 Cowley (Windham), Westminster scholar, 171(5,


Cox (Elisha), ensign, b. 1721, his ancestry, 28 Crab, pretended astrologer, the story of, 243 Crest> : a camel's head couped, haltered or, J 11 ; a demi-lion holding a mullet, 33 ; a lion rampant proper, 408 ; a lion's head erased or, 115 ; on a wreath of the colours a heron's head, 6