Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/537

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 24, 1914.


!: Marquis of Antwerp," history of the title. 2:{n ' Marriage " as surname, 287, 336, 378, 457 Marriage, entered i-i more than one register, 410,

455, 495 ; complications shown in will, 1616, 424 Marriage licences of St. George's, Hanover Square,

1754-1812, 12, 73

Marryat (Capt. F.), his birthplace, 1702, 266 Marsh (Anthony), clockmaker, London, c. 1724,

348, 430

Marvell ( A.), his reference to the bergamot, 328, 398 Mary Tavy, Devon, rectors of, 1660-1807, 107 ' Mask,' periodicals of the name, 29, 53, 97, 155,

252 Matriculation and graduation at the Universities,


' Maurice Rhynhart, Life of an Irish Rebel/ 1871. 1 269

Mayor, English, coloured man as, 406 Medal, South African, issued 1910, 467 Meehan (J. P.), bookseller, of Bath, d. 1913, 504 Meeting-houses built in the octagonal form, 298,

333, 433

Melly (Andrew), in Khartoum, 1850, 74 Melly (George), of Liverpool, his death, 488 Memorial tablets, helmets^over, 289 Memorials in the British Isles, 4, 13, 75, 82, 183,

278, 285, 382, 444

Memorials of Revolution in Peak district, 270 ' ; Men, women, and Herveys," author of the

phrase, 250, 334, 360

Mentelli, the Hungarian Diogenes, 1836, 350 Merchants, English, in Leghorn, 1702, 6 ' ; Merrygreek," origin of the word, 510 Mew family, 319

Mexico, the " zona libre " of, 149 Meyer (G. C.) and Miss Blount, c. 1783, 448 Mica, used in pills by Indians, 232, 453 ; pre- paration of, " Sahasra putita abhra," 369 Midsummer Eve, custom of dancing on, 58 Military Order decoration, its identitv, 329 Milkwort in literature, 188, 277, 333 * Miller of Huntingdon, proverbial, 30, 115 Milton (J.)> his epitaph on Shakespeare, " star-

ypointing," 11, 141, 196, 232, 294, 317, 320 ;

his copy of Dante's ' Convivio/ 49 Mines, tin, of Bohemia, discoverer of, 388 Mingay (James), K.C., "with the iron hand/'

1752-1812, 41 Mission, Austrian Catholic, in the Sudan, c. 1847,

168, 216

" Mister " as a surname, 209, 278, 338 Mitford (Mary Russell), her ' Tales of Our Village,'


Moira (Earl of), jewel presented to, 1813, 489 " Monies " or ' moneys, the spelling, 128 Montais, on the river Selle, its whereabouts, 150,


Mont fort (Simon de) and Lewes, 308, 357, 434 Montreal playbill on satin, 1842, 465 Monument to Capt. G. Farmer, 467 Moody (Sir Henry), d. 1661, his library, 230 Moore (Major G. S.), d. 1834, his second Christian

name, 410

Moore (Sir John), his brother James, 66, 135 Moore (Surgeon James), 1763-1834, his burial- place, 66, 135

Moresby (R.) Archdeacon of London, 1430, 369 Morgan (J.), Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, 1751. 389, 471 Morgan (Matt), illustrator of ' The Tomahawk/

53, 133, 433 Morris family, 68, 156 Mosse (Rev. B.), his curacy, c. 1779, 248 Mosse (Rer. J.), of Great Hampdcii, 1750, -J. (^

Mottoes :

Altera securitas, 49

Audaciter, 33

Audeo quid audeo, 408

Fear God and be merry, 395 ]

Lahore et perseverantia, 387

Pro pelle cutem, 387, 453, 514

Prodesse quam conspici, 44

So doth the life of man decay, 290

Volat alta ad sidera vertus, 269 Mount Krapak, mentioned by Voltaire, 329, 376 Munday (Anthony), dramatist, his father, 509 Mundy (Walter de), Knt., 1300, his surname, 129 Murdoch (W.), 1754-1839, inventor of gas- lighting, 227, 260, 307, 358

Murray (Major-General John), d. c. 1815, his repre- sentatives, 169

4 Musaruni Deliciai/ published 1656, 509

  • ' Museum " sermon, custom at Buckland Newton,

Dorsetshire, 429 My less, Essex, its locality, 71 Mystery plays, bxirlesques of, 427


Nairne family, 248

Names, double Christian, c. 1700, 125]

Names terrible to children, 138

Napoleon. See Bonaparte.

Naundorff claim and the little Dauphin, 506

Navy, petition of officers' widows, 447

Nelson (Lord), cameo of, by Burnett, 210

Neville- Rolf e, Garnett, and Brooksbank families,


' New English Dictionary/ additions and correc- tions, 85, 106, 148, 157, 246, 249, 346, 367, 427, 429, 475

Newman (Cardinal), his epitaph, 34 Newnham (G. Lewis), K.C., Bencher of Lincoln's

Inn, 1772, 389

Newnham family, Isle of Wight, 489 Newspapers, earliest provincial, 37 ; earliest pub- lished in England, 327

Nicknames of regiments, " The Faithful Dur- ham:?," 30

Nightingale family, 450

Nixon (J.), author of poem in ' The Chase/ 465 Norborne, place-name in London, 1633, 488 Norman (Martin), b. c. 1740, his descent, 289 Northumberland (first Duke of), 1715-86, natural

issue, 72, 132

Note-taking, method of, 65 ' Notes and Queries/ the editors of, 401 Novel describing " Star Inn" at Lewes, 167, 215,


Numbers in history, the inaccuracy of, 346 Numerals : " ina," " dina," " deina," 308, 398 Nunnery at Little Gidding, pamphlet on, 445 Nursery rimes : It was a black bunny with spots

on his head, 150

" Nut," origin of slang term, 78, 175 Nutcrackers of wood, the date of, 89, 157

Oak trees taking firmer root in a gale, 49, 115 Obituary : Courtney (William Prideaux), 420 ;

Heal (Ambrose), 479 Officers, Yorkshire, list of, by H. S. Smith, 1855,

467 Officers wearing uniform off duty, 89, 137