Notes and Queries, Jan. '24, 1914.
A U T H O K S' I N D E X.
A. (G. J.) on Kerrie arms, 350
A. (H. I.) on Quaritch MSS., 336
A. (M. C.) on Agnes Crop hall, Lady Devereux, 509
Abbatt (William) on Buxton, 109
Abell (Francis) on lace made at Portchester Castle by French prisoners of war, 269
Abrahams (Aleck) on almshouses near the Strand, 377. Ballantyne - Lockhart contro- versy, 266. Bergamot, 398. Boydell (Miss) and Deputy Ellis, 507. Chester's (Joseph Lemuel) ' Westminster Abbey Registers,' 292. Collins's Bower at Holloway, 369. Earliest English lending library, 442. First Christmas card, 505. Guildhall, 287. * Gulliver's Tra- vels,' 190. Johnson's ' Lives of the Poets,' 167. , Lackington (James) the bookseller, 125. Old i London directories, 278. Old London fish ' shops, 85. Pall Mall, 223. Peter Pett, 1610- 1670 (?), 27. Pickett's ' London Improve- ments,' 9
Ackermann (Dr. B.) on author wanted, 370
Adam (Maior W. A.) on history of County Down, 310
Adams (W. B.) on Little Dauphin, 506
Albrecht (J. A.) on Smith : name in the Vascon- cellos family, 510
Aldrich (Stephen J.) on sand -pictures, 116
Anderson (A. W.) on divination by twitching, 471. j "Five Wounds": the Janus Cross at Sher- i burn, Yorks, 217. Scottish date-letters, 469
Annalist on Paulet of Eddington, 208
Anscombe (A.) on digraph " ea " in proper names in ' Widsith,' 261. Heruli in ' Widsith,' 402. Markyate, 253
Ap Thomas on De Glamorgan, 468
Apperson (G. L.) on clay pipes of gentility, 190. Bedcoats, 296. Books' justice, 516
Archer (H. G.) on Irish family histories, 173. Saward (James Townshend), alias " Jem the Penman, 76.
Ardagh (J.) on books on London : Great Chart, 232. Carnwath House, 327. " Cockleshell Walk," 450. " Crooked Billet," 50, 116. Curious bibliographical item, 28. Dickens's ' The Uncommercial Traveller,' 14. Jezreel's Tower, 404. Model of Waterloo, 394. ' Our National Statues ' : ' The Saturday Magazine,' 109. Predecessor of Madame Tussaud's, 510. St. Katharine 's-by-the-Tower, 495. St. Ve- dast's clock, 310. Stones of London, 18. Street-names, 90. Ward (Ned), 128. Wreck of the Boyal George, 335
Arkle (T. H.) on Andrew or George Melly, 74
Arthur (J.) on Smyth of Newbottle, 208
Ashby-Sterry (J.) on ' Mask,' 252
Austin (Boland)
on age of yew trees, 475. ' Am-
bulator,' 92. " Barring-out," 417. ' Bearsden-
hall,' 9. Christmas bibliography, 481. Col-
lege (or King's) School, Gloucester, 85. Old
house in Bristol, 155. Portrait of Bishop
Hooper, 66. Seven Springs, Coberley, 148.
Theatre lit by gas, 11. ' Times ' and Christmas
Day, 505. Wallis (Balph), the " Cobler of
Gloucester," 1
B. on cages for criminals, 269. Old London streets, 516
B. (B.) on " Pro pelle cutem," 453. Bed Hand of Ulster, 217
B. (C. C.) on Bergamot, 398. "Buds of mar- joram," 237. Christian rule, 216. " Eowestre " : " Yousters," 173. Goldsmith's (Oliver) ' De- serted Village,' 135. Pilgrim Fathers : John Alden, 376, 494. " The common damn'd shun his society," 197. Unicorn's horn, 33
B. (E.) on " Trailbaston," 292
B. (E. G.) on street-names, 158
B. (E. W. M.) on John and Benjamin Mosse, 248
B. (F. C.) on Capt. Charles James Moore Mans- field (or Mansfeild), 330
B. (F. J. ) on Dr. John Brown's * Hora3 Subsecivse ' : "Teste Jacobo Gray," 227
B. (G.) on consecration crosses near piscinae, 328. "Gas" as a street-name, 472. Moresby (Bichard), Archdeacon of London, 369
B. (G. D.) on General Ingoldsby, 55. Walker (Ellis), 115
B. (G. F. B.) on biographical information wanted, 90, 168, 189, 208, 231, 248, 310, 409, 417, 448, 469. Walton [(Izaak) and tomb -scratching, 97
B. (G. B.) on Bennett of Wallhills, Ledbury, Here- ford, 437. Biographical information : James Morgan, 471. Bolton (Duchess of), 349. Lewis (Erasmus), 1671-1754, 487. Powlett r Smith or Smyth, 416
B. (H. I.) on derived senses of the cardinal points, 52, 216. Divination by twitching, 273. Error in ' Lives of the Queens of England * : minia- ture portrait of Elizabeth Woodvile, 266. Fane : Vane : Vaughan, 117. Heart-burial in niches in church walls, 353. Milkwort in literature, 188
B. (J. E. C.) on Montais, on the Biver Selle, 236
B. (M. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 69
B s (B.) on flower-name, 467
B. (B. E.) on " Pull one's leg," 58. Warren of Ottery St. Mary, Devon, 148
B. (B. S.) on Caldecott's ' Three Jovial Hunts- men,' 198. Case of duplicate marriage, 456. Onslow (Arthur): Seymour, 108 B. (S.) on author of quotation wanted, 136 B. (W. E.) on ambiguous possessive case : " ones,
135. Marquessate of Lincolnshire, 113 Baddeley (St. Clair) on " Cerne," 214. Identity of Emeline de Beddesford, 171, 253, 431. Military : coloured print wanted, 489