Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, Jan. -4, 1914.

JFynmore (Col. B. J.) on authors of quotations wanted, 396. Burleigh (Lord of) and Sarah Hoggins, 319, 471. Case of duplicate marriage, 495. Donelly (Sir Boss), 473. Folkestone Cross, 398. Gage (Sir Henry), 1645, 326. Great storm of 1703, 346. Heart-burial in niches in church walls, 336, 433. Hudson (Thomas), portrait painter, 489. Louch family, 137. Patience " as a surname, 417. Pragell family, 370. " Queen's Trumpeter," 312. Redcoats, 297. Buxton, 178. Sever of Mer- ton, 276. Spong, 456. Strout (John), Devon, 489. Warde (Capt. John), of Yalding, Kent, 509

O. on Glasgow Cross and Defoe's 'Tour,' 416. ' Beader ' and Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, 36. Soap-bubbles, 208. Tarring, 368, 473 <G. (W. C.) on Despicht, 248 Gadsden (W. J.) on Whichcote in Wilts, 378 Galage on Arno Poebel : tablet deciphered, 489 Oalbreath (Donald L.) on Douglas epitaph in Bohemia, 505. Scotch arms, 489. Van Hel- mont the Younger : " Fahnenschwingen," 54 Oallagher on Thomas Greene, cousin of Shake- speare, 70

Oardiner (Florence Mary) on " tram-car," 474 Oarnett (F. W. B.) on " All Sir Garnet," 70. Largest square in London, 52. Neville-Bolfe : Garnett : Brooksbank, 308. Smallest square in London, 174 Gay (Ernest L.) on bibliography of John Gay,


Oerish (W. B.) on consecration crosses at Throck- ing, Herts, 286. Dane O'Coys, 210. Epitaph at Welwyn, 505. Faggots to burn heretics : Osidge, 388. Harvey (Capt. William), B.N., 47. Hertfordshire superstitions, 425. " Mis- ter " as a surname, 278. " Patience " as a surname, 418. Pennington, 135. Queenhoo Hall, 18. Wade (Armigall), 277 Oilbert (W.) on Little Oakley, Essex, 505 Oladstone (Hugh S.) on William McCartney, 290 Olencross (Beginald M.) on Alberic de Vere, 412 Oosselin (Hellier) on "Gas" as a street -name,


Grant (J. G.) on " gadareilie," 290 <rrant (W.) on " Patience " as a surname, 350 Oravely (C. E.) on Simon de Montfort and Lewes,


Oray (G. J.) on " Angelina Gushington," 434 Gray (H.) on. Lancashire sobriquets, 197 Gray (Patrick) on De Grey : Henry de Grey of

Thurrock, 107, 235

Oreever (Garland) on Bowles and Watts, 350 Orew (Miss Julia E.) on Dr. Nehemiah Grew, 248 Gridley (A. B.) on Lady Frances Erskine : issue, 390. Octagonal meeting-houses, 333. Platt (Sir John), Knight, grandson of Sir Hugh Platt, 333 Gnindy-Newman (S. A.) on Sir Boss Donelly, 473.

Pettitt (Henry), 330

Ouiney (Miss L. I.) on Hall family, friends of Strafford, 409. Q.uaritch MSS., 207. Bed- coats, 226 Owyn (Cecil) on Justinian Lewyn, 228. Bings

with a death's head, 217

Gwyther (A.) on constitutional history, 158. Greek typography, 429. Highlanders at Que- bec, 1759, 308. Private schools, 58. Wearing of swords, 410


H. on Pawlett or Powlett : Smith, 133

H. (A. F.) on Ferguson of Kentucky, 31S

H. (A. T.) on superstition in the twentieth century,


H. (C.) on J. de Fleury, 30 H. (F.) on throwing a hat into a house, 288 H. (H. F.) on burlesques of mystery plays, 427.

' Laughing Cavalier,' by Franz Hals, 189 H. (H. K.) on " double entendre," 508. " Buck- sac " or " riicksac," 447. Weddings Field, Harborne, 169 H. (J.) on "Five Wounds," 177. Hamilton's

(Lady) grave, 188 H. (J. C.) on "ask"=tart, 194 H. (J. J.) on " Patience " as a surname, 418 H. (K.) on Wild Huntsman : Herlothingi, 487 H. (K. H.) on reference wanted : Cicero, 318 H. (N. I.) on numbers in history, 346 H. (B. P.) on " Marleypins," Shoreham, 109 H. (S. H. A.) on J. Wilcocke, painter, 268 H. (W. B.) on authors wanted, 247, 329, 348. " Cerne," 214. Coaching tokens, 416. Davis (Harry), 428. Epigram, 246. Execution of Earl Ferrers, 1760, 287. Ferrara (Andrea) and the Freemasons' state sword of Shrewsbtiry, 517. Gladstoniana : ' Glynnese Glossary,' 146. Goldsmith's (Oliver) ' Deserted Village,' 20. Hemans (Mrs.) and " the distinguished lin- guist," 133. Humorous stories, 449. Jones (Bev. William) of Nayland, 134. ' Mask,' 97, 155. " Mister " as a surname, 337. Origin of rimes wanted : ' The Bonny Brown Bowl ' song, 274. ' Pro and Con : a Journal for Literary Investigation,' 488. Tailors' riot at Haymarket Theatre, 1805, 172. Thatch fires, 76. Water-colour by Joseph John Jenkins, 1838, 108

H. (W. S. B.) on " auditious " ("auditions") advice, 9. Buckfastleigh's isolated church, 207. Downderry, Cornwall, 32, 158. Gooda- meavy House, South Devon, 290. " Rum- mage," 56. Theatre lit by gas, 11. TOAVH Clerk's signature, 313 H.-A. (W.) on divination by twitching, 187.

Fire and new-birth, 325 Haggard (Col. C.) on Black Hole of Calcutta, 91.

Napoleon I. and duelling, 215 Hales (Frances) on Cromarty, 312 Hall (Catherine S.) on "Five Wounds," 236 Hall (H. I.) on Montais, on the Biver Selle, 150 Hall (J. B. Clark) on Throp's wife, 468 Hammond (J. J.) on General Sir Eyre Coote, 130 Hardy (Miss B. C.) on Anne, Countess of Dorset,

Pembroke, and Montgomery, 106 Harmony on choir balance : St. George's Chapel,

Windsor, 168, 315

Harris (D. Fraser) on Frith, silhouette artist, 1< Harris (Mary Dormer) on Durham, 1469, !().

Godiva and horse-toll, 328. " SS," 350 Harris (W. M.) on Mount Krapak, 329 Harrison (Bev. A.) on Giffard or Gyffard of Bures

(now Bowers Gifford), 169 Hawes (J. W.) on-Hawes of Solihull, 147 Hayes (J. W.) on Q. Cicero and stone circles,


Hayler (A.) on Andrew or George Melly, 74 Hayler (T.) on Melly: Stokes, 488 HayAvard (F.) on Carlyle quotation, 472. Tran- scendental," 356. Two poems wanted, 316 Heffer (B.) on Sarah Carter, 231. Sancroft (James), Gent., 231