Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/551

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 24, 1914.



Maca-list or (M. A. M.) on Heine : translation wanted, 473

Macalister (B. A. S.) on Irish superstition : boys in petticoats, 58

Mac Arthur (W.) on Ashford family, 32. " Bucca- boo," 15. Corporation of St. Pancras, Chi- chester, 168. Downderry, 255. History of co. Down, 378. Irish family histories, 403. Oldest Indian settlement in British Columbia. 424. Revolution memorials in the Peak District, 270. Statue of William III., Hoghton, Lancashire, 328. Walker (George), Governor of Londonderry, 54

MacCarthy (Jno.) on Panthera, 109, 291

McClure (R.) on historical MSS., 248

MrCord (David Ross), K.C., on General Edward W. Braddock, 370. Durell and Charles Holmes (Rear- Admirals), 1759, 28. Murray (Major- General John), 169. Pouchbelt (Peregrine) and Roderick Ramrod, Quebec, 268. Saxton (Sir Charles), Bart., 70. Warwick : Durell, 188

McDowall (A.) on ballad of " Boldhang'em," 108

McGovern (Rev. J. B.) on Bishop Richard of Bury's library, 341, 435. Byron and the Hobhouse MS., 51. Hood, (Robin) romances, 313. Illegitimacy in the Middle Ages, 253. Irish family histories, 335. " Marriage " as surname^ 287. Octagonal meeting-houses, 298. Pictures of the Deity in churches, 334. Poems by H. P. Cary, 309. Raymond (George Frederick), 508. Roding or Roothing, 270. ' Silver Domino ; or, Side Whispers, Social and Literary,' 86. Some " 88," 475

Mackinlay (J. M.), F.S.A., on traces of the cultus of St. Lawrence at Huesca, 189

McMahon (Morgan) on Casanova and Mary Anne Clarke, 421

Me Naught (C.) on Red Hand of Ulster: burial- place of the Disraelis, 154

McPike (Eugene F.) on Boddie family, 409. Cawthorne and Halley families. 305. ' ' Hen and Chickens " sign, 307. Polyglot ' Rubaiy ( at,' 469

Macray (Rev. W. D.) on authors of quotations wanted, 55. Bibliography of Johnson, 71. Bury's (Bishop Richard of) library, 436. " Five Wounds," 457. Greek typography, 517. Warenne (Gundrada de), 74

Madeley (C.) on "firing-glass," 429. 'Our National Statues ' : ' The Saturday Magazine,' 157

Madert (Dr.) on queries from Green's ' Short I i istory,' 97

Magrath (Dr. John R.) on ambiguous possessive case, 91. Biographical information wanted, 218. Danvers family of Swithland and Lon- don, 113. Elzevir, 251. " Gas " as a street- name, 378. Irish family histories, 213. Second Folio of the Shakespeare plays, 1632, 196. Seventeenth-century school-books, 406. Source of quotation wanted, 152. Thornley (Rev. John), 174. Two poems wanted, 193. Wooden nutcrackers, 157

Ma Ian (E. C.) on Bruce of Airth, 7

.M.-i!"t (Col. Harold) on clay pipes of gentility, 257. Hamilton's (Lady) grave, 276. Old London fish shops, 174. Smallest square in London, 298. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 183

Manwaring (G. E.) on Sir Henry Manway ring's ' Seaman's Dictionary,' 367

Marchant .(Francis P.) on amusing etymological error, 146. Bohemian " Pied Piper," 366. Court influence on letters, 246. Uskoks, 165

Marvin (Dwight E.) on Hebrew or Arabic pro- verb, 136. " The deaf adder that stoppeth her ears," 136

Mathew (Bishop Arnold H.) on author of quota- tion wanted, 14. " Old Mother Damnable," 69"

Matthews (Albert) on Bird Island : Bramble Cay, 496. Burges (Col. Elizeus), 360. Colo- nial Governors, 512. Eaton (Nathaniel), 70, Letters of Governor John W T inthrop, 169. Pilgrim Fathers : John Alden, 436 Pollard (Ann), 94. Povey (Col. Thomas), 427. Ramee (Louise de la), Ouida, 17. Scott (William) and " A. L. M.," 407. Tailer (Col. William), 385. Woodward (Samuel), 468 F

Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on Bishop Richard of Bury's library, 397. Inverness Burgess Act : W. Curtis, 178. Land's End, Cornwall, 413

Maycock (Sir Willoughby) on British troopship wrecked on Reunion Island, 130. Largest square in London, 52. Model of Waterloo, 393. Picture-cards, 408. Theatre lit by gas, 10, 96

Mayhew (Rev. A. L.) on " Democcuana," 329. English as spoke*n in Dublin, 467 " Tirikkis " 465

Maynard-Smith (Rev. H.) on maids of honour under the Stuarts. 417

Mee (Arthur) on ' Tomahawk ' : Matt Morgan, 133

Mercer (W.) on J. F. Meehan, bookseller, 504. Moore's (Sir John) brother, Surgeon James Moore: his burial-place, 135. Pay of a cardinal, 31

Merrick (W. Percy) on words and tunes wanted, 17ft

Metcalf (Rev. J. P.) on Smyth of Newbottle, 315

Metz (S.) on Andreas Gisalbertus, 454

Miller (T. H.) on South Africa: Union medal issued in December, 1910, 467

Miller (W. Addis) on " fairy-tales," 249

Minakata (Kumagusu) on " agenda " and "akoda," 147. Alchemist's ape, 33. Botanical press and entomological pins, 270. Cathedral bell stolen, 290. Crab, the pretended astro- loger, 243. Divination by twitching, 417. Extracting snakes from holes, 85. Mica, 453. " Scolopendra cetacea," 116. Slip in ' The Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 187

Minnesota on Staveley, 429. Tourgis of Jersey,

Miranda on songs in Lamb's ' Memoirs,' 340 Mistletoe on Lawrence : Washington, 418 Mitchell (Major A. J.) on helmets over memorial

tablets, 289

Molony (A.) on Frith, silhouette artist, 197 Moned^e on Walter de Mundy, Knt., A.D. 1300, r>\> Moody (Harry) on Sir Henry Moody, 230 Moreton (R. L.) on Catholic emancipation and

the stake, 95. St. Paul at Virgil's tomb, 8.

" Unconscious humour," 86

Morgan (E. T.) on " Gas " as a street-name, 356 Morgan (F. C.) on thatch fires, 75 Morgan (Forrest) on Bird Island : Bramble Cay,

496. Decoration of military order, 32!).

Goldsmith's (Oliver) ' Deserted Village,' 135.

Maimonides and evolution, 152. Old stories

sought for, 368. Synod of Aries, 1620, 387 Moriarty (Miss L. E.) on some Irish familr

histories, 173 Moseley (B. D.) on clay pipes of gentility, 257.

Toft of Leeke, co. Stafford, 434 Murray (Sir J. A. H.) on roar of guns and the

glare of fire : Waterloo, 310. " Tradesman,"

68. "Tram -car," 420. "Tramp," 42(i.

" Transcendental," 307. " Transept," 287.

" Transliteration," 268. " Traps," 347 Mutschmann (Heinrich) on Gore of Weimar, 215