Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, Jan, 24, 1914.

S. (C.) on old London directories, 188. Stewart (Lieut. James), R.N., 388. Stewart (Mr.) [Lieut. Stuart] of Scindiah's service, 388

S. (C. L.) on Angelina Gushington," 358. Author of quotation wanted, 14, 432. Theatre lit by gas, 96

S. (G. A. H ) on coaching tokens, 457

S. (G. B.) on Richard Waller of Cully, 188

S. (G. T.) on throwing a hat into a house, 377

S r (H.) on " vitremyte," 327

S (II. C.) on redcoats, 296

S. (H. K. St. J.) on words and tunes wanted, 107

S. (J. F.) on " Jongheer," 353

S. (M.) on Aphra Behn's comedies, 469. Isabel's drops, 167

S. (N. S.) on link with " Old Mortality," 166

S. (S.) on Norborne, 488. Smith or Smijth (Richard), 408

S. (8. F.) on author wanted, 309

Sadleir (T. U.) on Crowle family, 489

St. Swifchin on "barring-out," 515. Choirboys in ruffs, 496. Christmas Eve, 501. Cross- legged monumental effigy at Birkin, W.R. Yorks, 207. Dancing on " Midsummer Night," 58. Dhona, 355. " Five Wounds," 176, 258. Ghost at Stoke Dry, 85. Groom of the Stole, 515. Healing herb, 168. Heart-burial, 493. Lancashire sobriquets, 125, 256. Language and physiognomy, 306. Linsey-woolsey, 174. " Marriage " as surname, 336. Milkwort in literature, 333. Names terrible to children, 138. Private schools, 117. "Raising feast," 134. Rolandsaulen, 145. Superstition in the twen- tieth century, 347. Teething, 106. Two poems wanted, 194. " Wear the blue," 155

Salmon (Principal David) on " barring-out," 473. References wanted, '433. Seventeenth-century school-books, 455

Saunders (H. A. C.) on fire and new-birth, 376

Savage (T.) on capital letters, 134

Scattergood (Edith M.) on " ask "=tart, 194

Scott (J. W.) on cathedral bell stolen, 377

Scott (Mary Augusta) on Caldecott's ' Three Jovial Huntsmen ' : " Powlert," 148

Seaver (G.) on Seaver, 229. Sever of London and " Ye Olde Harpe," 267. Sever of Merton, 181, 297

Senex on Sambel : Wells, 476

Seymour (St. John D.) on Irish ghost stories, 389

Shackford (S. B.) on Shuckforth, 488

Sharp (F. V.) on Queen of Candy, 310

Sharp (I.) on insey-woolsey, 174

Sharpe (Dr. Reginald R.) on " tredekeiles," 45

Sherlock (F.) on "our incomparable Liturgy," 97

Shorter (Clement K.) on John Chapman, 490. Hemans (Mrs.) and " the distinguished lin- guist," 88. Serial issue of two stories, 247

Singleton (J. W.) on origin of rime wanted, 388

Sladen (Rev. S.) on " Spade Oak " Farm, Bourne End, Bucks, 232

Smart (J. S.) on Milton, 49

Smith (E.) on thatch fires, 76

Smith (F. Robertson) on Braddock family, 50 , 328

Smith (Prof. G. C. Moore) on Bishop Richard of Bury's library, 397. Model of Waterloo, 394. Seven Springs, Coberley, 197. Shakespeare allusions, 155. " Two Reynoldses," 50. Webster's ' Duchess of Malfi,' 355, 424

Smith (J. de Berniere) on " largesse," 399. Sicilian heraldry, 158. "W r histling Oyster," 258

Soddy (R. J.) on Moira jewel, 489

Solomons (Israel) on authors wanted, 450, Sambel : Wells, 408

South (Andrew) on Whichcote in Wiltshire, 254

Sparke (Archibald), F.R.S.L., on authors wanted, 298, 496, 514. British infantry, 428. Despicht, 314. " Gas " as a street-name, 337. ' Guy Livingstone,' 415. Kt.oja Hussein, 278. "Patience" as a surname, 418. Town Clerk's signature, 313

Steinberger (M.) on London to Budapest in 1859,

1*3 ,

Stewart (Alan) on theatre lit by gas, 10. Walton

(Izaak) and tomb-scratching. 52 Stockley (W T . F. P.) on verse of ' Julius Ca&sav,' 162 Stone (H.) on Abraham Ezekiel Ezekiel, 369, 4li Stone (J. Harris) on Aphra as a Christian name :

Fordwich Church, Kent, 505. Heart-burial in

niches in church walls, 289, 352, 432. Moore's

(Sir John) brother, Surgeon James Moore : his

burial-place, 66 Strachan (L. R. M.) on Miller of Huntingdon, 30.

" Oxendoles " : " aughendols/' 77. Reference

and quotation wanted, 117 Street (E. E.) on Corporation of St. Pancras,

Chichester, 213. Elzevir, 251. Thatch fires, 76 Suckling (Mrs. Florence Horatia) on Richard Cole,

Rector of Michelmersh, 127 Sutton (C. W.) on " dxibbing " : " iling," 29 Swanzy (Rev. H. B.) on Irish family histories, 124 Swynnerton (C.) on Waures of cos. Warwick and

Stafford, 70 Sykes (H. D.) on date of Webster's ' Appius and

Virginia,' 63. Webster and Sir Thomas-

Overbury, 221, 244, 263, 282, 304 Sylviola on English chanteys, 78

T. on Martin Norman, 289

T. (C.) on " Gas " as a street-name, 472. Heart- burial in niches in church walls, 432

T. (F. W.) on Ferguson of Kentucky, 250

T. (L. E.) on Dr. Gregory Sharpe's correspond- ence, 49. Thatch fires, 75

T. (M. P.) on unnoted Shakespeare allusions in Thomas Shadwell, 46

T. (M. S.) on biographical information wanted, 389

T. (O. S.) on " eight and fortie men," 49

T. (S.) on gentlemen pensioners in His Majesty's- Household, 310

T. (Y.) on cameo of Nelson : Burnett, 210. Divination by twitching, 237. " Marquis of Antwerp," 230

Tapley-Soper (H.) on case of duplicate marriage,. 456. Warren of Ottery St. Mary, Devon, 198

Tarring (Mrs. J.) on " Marriage " as surname, 457

Tarring (W.) on heart-burial in niches in church walls, 432

Tavenor-Perry (J.) on Bures, 216

Taylor (H.), F.S.A., on Myless, Essex, 71

Taylor (W. A.) on Seven Dials, 182

Tekell (Frederick) on John Tekell and his houses^ 389

Ternant (Andrew de) on ' Dictionary of Musicians ' of 1822-7, 394

Tew (E. L. H.) on ' Last Links with Byron, Shelley, and Keats,' 228

Thackeray (J. W.) on British infantry, 491

Thomas (Ralph) on ' Arabian Nights Entertain- ments,' 217. " Esquire " by charter, 377. Gilbert (Sir John), J. F. Smith, and 'The