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ii s. m. FEB. 11, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


ing of dramatizing for Miss Sedgwick Did Cecil Howard ever write a play of any kind, or dramatize one for Miss Sedgwick (Amy) or any one else ? S. J. A. F.

JOHN ABBUTHNOT (1667-1735), PHYSICIAN AND WIT. Whom and when did he marry ? The ' Diet of Nat. Biog.,' ii. 62, does not mention his marriage, though there is a reference to his children. G. F. R. B.

CHABLES BARB OUR was admitted on the foundation at Westminster School in 1674. There is no information about him in

  • Alum. Westmon.' Can correspondents of
  • N. & Q.' supply any ? G. F. R. B.

JAMES DRAKE, M.D. (1667-1707). When and whom did this political writer marry, and what family had he ? The * Diet. Nat. Biog.,' xv. 446, gives no information on these points. G. F. R. B.

RICHARD HEATH, son of Richard Heath of Guildford, Surrey, was educated at West- minster School and Trin. Coll., Camb., where he graduated M.A., 1714. I should be glad to obtain further particulars of his parentage and career. G. F. R. B.

ELIZABETH Dixoif , QUAKER. Can any one tell me anything about Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon, a Quaker, and a friend and con- temporary of Elizabeth Fry ? Information as to her family or place of residence in Norfolk would be gratefully received by

(Mrs.) M. ELLIOTT.

Hethcl Hall, Norwich.

" WARE " POTATOES. One of the street cries of a hawker of my acquaintance seems to me to be " Four-wheeled cabbage I " He affirms it to be " All ware new potatoes ! " and explains " all ware " as a trade term for " the best." Can any one explain it ?

J. M.

["Ware" is used in Co vent Garden Market to indicate potatoes of the most even size for cooking, both the small (called "chats") and large being sold at lower prices.]

" THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR." This phrase is commonly attributed, and it would seem rightly so, to Washington Irving. It appears in his ' Creole Village,' 1837, and he vindicates it in a foot-note from the charge of irreverence. But it must have come into frequent, if not common, use earlier than that year ; for it occurs in quotation marks in the Philadelphia Public Ledger, 2 December, 1836, where an editorial article Bays : " 'The Almighty Dollar ' is the

only object of worship." (The writer is criticizing Governor Isaac Hill of New Hampshire. )

It may be that the * Creole Village ' saw the light in some periodical before this date, in which case the difficulty is solved. Can any correspondent clear the matter up ? RICHARD H. THORNTON.

36, Upper Bedford Place, W.C.


MILTON BIBLES. (11 S. iii. 1, 70.)

IT may perhaps be useful to focus the references to Bibles associated with the name of Milton. These appear to be as follows, in order of date :

1. Breeches Bible (Genevan Bible, 1560), 4to. A copy of this edition is said to have been sold in 1901 to Mr. Herbert Dodd (Dodd, Mead & Co., of New York), and to have subsequently been disposed of by them to Mr. Buckler, then of the American Lega- tion in Madrid, and by him sold by auction in 1907 to Mr. Alfred J. Barton for 1,225 dollars. The purchaser declared Milton's signature to be a forgery, Dr. Aldis Wright being of opinion that it was that of Major John Milton of the City of London Trained Bands. See Daily News, 12 November, 1907, and 10 S. ix. 27. If the article in The Times of 13 December, 1907, be correct (which it probably is), the description of the book as a " Breeches " Bible is incorrect, and the book in question is that next described.

2. Genevan Version, London (Chr. Bar- ker), 1588, 4to. This formerly belonged to Mr. Alexander Howell. At his sale at Sotheby's, February, 1901, it was purchased by Mr. B. F. Stevens for 225?., probably for America ; but it was not included among the Miltoniana at the Grolier Club Tercen- tenary Exhibition. It is a quarto in black- letter. The poet's signature (" John Mil- ton ffeb 24 : 1654 ") is written on a piece o{ rough paper 3J inches by 1^ inches, pasted, inside the front cover. Underneath this are written " William Minshull, Nantwich "

said to be a relation of Milton's third wife), and " Thos. Minshull, Middlewich." On he first fly-leaf are " Mary Matthews, Vliddlewich," and " Eliz. Mingham " ; on the second fly-leaf, " J. Mathews." At the

op of the title of the New Testament is the

ugnature "Elizabeth Milton 1664"