Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/166

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MESSRS. DEIGHTON BELL & Co.'s Catalogue 22, New Series, contains Rothschild's Extinct Birds, imp. 4to, half-morocco, 20Z. Foster's Stuarts, 2 vols., folio, one of 550 copies, 61. 6s. Stubbs's Cambridge, roy. 4to, one of a hundred copies, 2Z. 2s. Byron, the edition de luxe of Coleridge and Prothero, 13 vols., 4to, 250 copies printed, 6Z. 6s. There are works under Theology and Church History, besides Greek and Latin Classics, Archaeology and Philology, and Oriental Literature. The last section includes The Jataka, being tales of the Anterior Births of Gotama Buddha, 7 vols., 1877-97, 21. 15s. Under Palestine Exploration Fund is The Survey of Western Palestine, 8 vols., 4to 12,1 12s. Natural History includes Jarrell's British Birds, 4 vols., 21. 12s. 6d. There are 47 vols. of The Annual Register, 1760-1814, 11. 15s. Under Freemasonry is Gould's History, 6 vols., 4to, 11. Is. A copy of Gladstone's Past Years, 1843-78, 7 vols., is priced 15s. Among works under Bibliography is Hindley's Catnach Press, 4to, 12s. 6d., and Catalogue of the Printed Books and MSS. in the Ry lands Library, 3 vols., 4to, 21. 10s. There is the first series of the Early English Dramatists, edited by Farmer, 13 vols., 4to, large paper, only 60 copies printed, 21Z. 15s. Also the Tudor Facsimile Texts, edited by Farmer, 43 vols., 4to and folio, 42Z. 10s. The publications of the English Dialect Society from the commencement in 1873 to 1900 complete, including Parish's Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect, 7 vols., half -calf, and the remainder in original wrappers, are offered for 15Z. Among additions are Littre's Dictionary, Paris, 1877-8, 5 vols., 4to, half-morocco, 31. 10s. The Vatican Bible, 1209, one of the hundred copies of the complete reproduction, 4 vols., imp. 4to, 201. Eighteenth-Century Colour Prints, one of fifty copies, 10Z, 10s. ; Old English Masters engraved by Cole, 12Z. 12s. The life and works of the Wards, by Frankau, 15Z. Under Walt Whitman is the Book Lover's Camden Edition, New York, 1902, 10 vols., half-vellum, 9Z. 9s.

Messrs. S. Drayton & Sons, Exeter, forward Catalogues 222 and 223. The former contains Britton's Cathedral Antiquities, 5 vols., 4to, half-morocco, 1836, 2Z. 15s. ; the first edition of Casa Guidi Windows, Chapman & Hall, 1851, 12s. Qd. ; and some curious old Children's Books. Under Local is an account of the Bristol Riots, 2 vols., 1832, 12s. 6eZ. There are works under Heraldry, Ireland, Natural History, &c. Cata- logue 223 is devoted to Divinity, and includes the names of Newman, R. J. Campbell, Dean Alford, Henry Drummond, Liddon, Hook, Stanley, and many others.

Mr. Francis Edwards sends two catalogues. The one devoted to important books on Native Races comprises Skeat and Blagden's Malay Races and Skeat's Malay Magic ; Dennett's and Leonard's The Negroes of West Africa, and others, all at greatly reduced prices. The other cata- logue is a short list of new remainders : we note Boccaccio, Rigg's translation, with Chalon's twelve fine plates, the two volumes with separate portfolio, containing 8 extra plates, 1Z. 6s. Holmes's Bookbindings in the Royal Library at Windsor, 4to, 2Z. 10s. ; Cox's Introduction to Folk-lore, Is. Qd. ; Jennings's Rosicrucians, ,4s. 6d.-,

The Literary Club edition of Dr. Johnson's Complete Works, 16 vols., roy. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, 3Z. 3s., published at 8Z. Under a curiosity in literature is The Mafeking Mail, a news-sheet published daily during the siege, 18s.

Mr. William Glaisher's Catalogue 375 is a supplementary one of Publishers' Remainders. We note a few : ' Delane of " The Times," ' 2 vols., 7s. 6d. ; Duke of Argyll's ' Passages from the Past,' 2 vols., 5s. ; ' The Letters of Lord Chesterfield,' 3 vols., 8s. 3d. ; ' Life of the Right Hon. Hugh Childers,' 2 vols., 3s. 6d. ; ' The Orrery Papers,' 2 vols., 9s. ; Dobell's ' Side- lights on Lamb,' 2s. Qd. ; Wright's ' Life of W T alter Pater,' 2 vols., 7s. 6cZ. ; Scott, 25 handy pocket volumes, India paper, calf, in cloth cabinet, 2Z. 2s. ; Seyffert's 'Dictionary of Antiquities,' large 4to, 6s. ; and Herbert Spencer's ' Auto- biography,' 2 vols., 6s. Qd. Under the heading ' A Great Art Work ' is ' The Bible in Art,' 786 illustrations,^ massive 4to volumes, 12s.

Mr. J. Jacobs's Catalogue 56 opens with a Collection of Spiritualistic Manuscript Records made by Henderson Mackenzie, bound in 7 vols., 4to., 1857-65, 12Z. 12s. Under Carlyle are first editions. Defoe items include the first edition of The Fortunate Mistress, 1724, 5Z. 5s. (wants frontispiece, age-stained throughout). We note a copy of Shakespeare, Stockdale's edition, 1807, 6 vols., 4to, 10Z. 10s., and some early and rare Tracts by Swift. Under Tortoise-Shell Binding is Le Nouveau Testament, Amsterdam, 1697, and Les Pseavmes de David, together in 1 vol., 2Z. 2s. Works under Americana, George Colman, France, and Paris are also offered. Among Autograph Letters is one of George Washington's, August, 1778, written from Fort Wayne, 3Z. 3s.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


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