Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/187

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n is. HI. MAK. 11, 1911.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




NOTES : William Chalmers of Fintray and Fastemburg, 181 First Perforated Postage Stamps ' Lucrece ' and 'The Passionate Pilgrim,' 183 Jordan not a Type of Baptism, 184 Winchester Measures and Bottles The Confession of Louis XVI., 185 Last Mail Coach Veneti : Venetians Indexes Locorum to Printed Parish Registers Longevity Forwardal Peter Mundy, 186.

QUERIES : Mozart's Works Ancient Horn J. C. Le Blon The Magpie's Death Queen Elizabeth's Statue in Royal Exchange Gondola Prow 'Big Ben' and Phil May- Unicorn on Royal Arms " To the West ! " Gallows Bank: Mathew Cockling, 187 Edward Jarrett Dr. Johnson of Warwick Charles Joye Thoresby Pedigree Charles Bridgman Anderson : Simpson : Dickson : Baillie : Gordon-Jenner, of Widhill, Wilts, 188-Cousin of Boswell Walter R. Benjamin Rice for the Complexion Burning of Moscow Remarkable Echoes " Royal Blue" Omnibuses Dutchmen in Pembroke Lieut. -Gen. Richard Hamilton Atrebatum Richard Baddeley, 189.

REPLIES : Lady O'Looney's Epitaph, 190-Milton on Plagiarism" Cruel of heart were they "Earliest Tele- graphy, 191 Holwell Family Knots in Handkerchiefs- William Elmham, 192- Scottish Titles conferred by Cromwell Vanishing London Court Life Henry Gataker Warwick Lane, 193 Physician's Cane "Teapoy" Moving Pictures Roeites of Calverton Count of the Holy Roman Empire, 194 Rebecca and her Daughters Murderers reprieved for Marriage Samuel Byrom, 195 Authors Wanted Keats, Hampstead, and Dilke Benjamin Garlike Mew or Mewes Families American Words and Phrases, 196 Newenham Abbey- Napoleon Print John Hudson, 197.

NOTES ON BOOKS :-' Dumfries and Galloway Notes and Queries ' ' A Book of Light Verse ' ' Fragrance Among Old Volumes ' ' The West Riding of Yorkshire ' Reviews and Magazines.

Booksellers' Catalogues. Notices to Correspondents.



(See 11 S. i. 267, 337, 393.)

THROUGH the kindness of several corre- spondents (notably of the Very Rev. P. Boyle, College des Irlandais, Paris), I have been able to get together some facts about this Aberdeenshire William Chalmers, who figures prominently in the theological con- troversies of his day. Accounts of him, which to some extent supplement each other, are to be found in Moreri, Dupin, and P6rennes's edition of Feller ; but it may be as well to put on record what I have discovered about his works from other sources.

His family connexion was not known to the late Mr. A. M. Munro, the historian of the

Chalmerses ; but the year of his birth is given as 1595, and in 1616 he was at the Scots College in Rome (' Records of Scots Colleges,' i. 105). The register states : " Fecit jura- mentum 13 Martii ; discessit 1618 ; in- gressus deinde Societatem Jesu." His writings, however, are not included in Backer and Sommervo gel's monumental work, though he is mentioned in vol. vi. p. 1527. Indeed, he appears to have left the Order in 1625, and to have entered the Congregation of the French Oratory founded by Pere Berulle.

He was teaching philosophy in 1624 in the College at Chalons-sur-Marne, and in 1629 in the College at Angers, whence he seems to have had his doctorate in canon law. At a later date he was teaching theology in the College at Saumur and was doctor in divinity. According to Feller he survived to 1678.

His works are now of exceptional rarity. Of several I have been able to trace only single copies in different libraries. Two I have not yet located. The titles are as under :

1. Gulielmi Camerarii Scoti, Congregationis Oratorii Domini Jesu presbyteri, Selectae disputa- tiones philosophic, in tres partes distributee. Pars prima, praecipuas disputationes Logicae et Moralis Philosophise complectens. (Pars secunda, praecipuas disputationes totius Physicae complec- tens ; Pars tertia, preecipuas disputationes Metaphysicee complectens.) Parisiis, apud Caro- lum Chapellain, via Signaria, prope Scholas medicas ad insigne D. Barbaras. 1630. St. Andrews University Library ; Angers Town Library. In the prefixed Letters of Approba- tion, dated 1629, Chalmers is styled " in Andina Universitate Philosophies professor." A copy of the same book in the Cambridge University Library has the first part dated 1537 (sic).

2. Ad universam Aristotelis Logicam Intro- ductio. Andegavi, 1632. Given by Perennes. No copy located.

3. Sanctorum Patrum Augustini, Fulgentii et Anselmi Monimenta theologis et concionatoribus utilissima nunc primum ex vetustissimis manu- scriptis eruta, ad [sic] adnotationibus illustrata, studio et opera R. Patris Gulielmi Camerarii Scoti, Congregationis Oratorii Domini Jesu presbyteri et sacrae theologiaB professoris. Parisiis, apud Fiacrum Dehors in Monte Divi Hilarii 1634. Bibliotheque Nationale.

4. [The same.] Parisiis, apud Sebastianum Hur, via Jacobaea. 1634. Bibliotheque Mazarine.

5a. Eugenii Philadelphi Romani [i.e. Francisci Annat] Exercitatio scholastica tripartite, contra novam rationem, tuendi physicas prsemotiones liberorum agentium eorumque libertatem expo- nendi quam auctor operis De libertate Dei et creatxiree [i.e. Gul. Gibieuf] nuper inyexit. . . .Cum appendice ad Guillelmum Camerarium, Scotum. Cadurci, ex typographis loannis d'Alvy, 1632. Cambridge University Library. This work called forth No. 5.