Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/246

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NOTES AND QUERIES. in s. in. M. *, wn.


WE have from Messrs. Maggs Brothers another of their beautifully illustrated Catalogues, No. 265, in which they offer original etchings by Diirer, Rembrandt, Beham, Hollar, and other old masters. Those of the modern school include Whistler, Meryon, Haden, and Cameron. The range of the Catalogue is extremely wide, as it comprises examples of etchings and woodcuts from the fifteenth century to the present day. There are 476 items, and the illustrations include Diirer's

  • St. Jerome en Penitence,' and his ' Holy Family '

with the three hares ; Rembrandt's ' Jesus healing the Sick ' ; Vaillant's ' The Love Letter ' ; Seymour Haden's ' Egham Lock ' ; and Cameron's ' View of the Quay at Ayr.' There are two of T. Bewick's, ' The Chillingham Wild Bull ' and

  • The Kyloe Ox.' Lucas, Palmer, and Rowland-

son are also represented. The Catalogue closes with Japanese colour prints from the Happer and

Hayashi collections.

Mr. Charles J. Sawyer's Catalogue 25 includes among extra-illustrated works ' Nollekens and his Times,' 2 vols., levant, 1828, 81. 8s. ; Thornbury's

  • Turner,' 2 vols., levant, 1862, 11. 10s. ; Jesse's
  • London,' 6 vols., purple levant, a choice specimen

of modern English binding, 1871, 31Z. 10s. ; and Walpole's ' Letters,' Bentley's edition in 9 vols., extended to 18, 211. Other entries comprise Burton's 'Arabian Nights,' 'The Century Dic- tionary,' and Ainsworth's and Fenimore Cooper's novels. The large-type Library Edition of Dickens, 30 vols., is 11. 10s. ;* Foster's 'French Art,' 3 vols., royal 4to, 8Z. 8s. ; and the Edition de Luxe of Dawe's ' Life of Morland,' folio, 41. 12s. 6<7. There is an uncut subscription copy of the Edition .de Luxe of Ruskin, .37 vols., as new 1907-11, 26Z. 10s. (cost 42Z.).

Messrs. Simmons & W T aters, c Leamington Spa,

send their llth Annual Clearance Catalogue, which

contains Staunton and Bloxham's ' Churches of Warwickshire,' 1Z. Is. There are lists under Catalogues of Art Sales, Art Books, Astronomy, .and Biography. An extra-illustrated copy of ' The Croker Papers,' 3 vols., half -calf, is '31. 3s. Under Folk-Lore is Lean's ' Collectanea,' 5 vols., II. 15s. Many important works will be found under Botany, Ceramics, Coinage, and various other subjects. There are several editions of Dickens. An extra-illustrated copy of Grono\v's ' Reminiscences ' is 51. 5s. Works on London include Hyde and Meynell's ' London Impres- sions,' folio, 21., and Hepworth Dixon's ' Her Majesty's Tower,' 2 vols., as new, 6s. There are many sets of magazines.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co'.'s Price Current 712 contains A'Beckett's ' Comic History,' first edition, 4Z. 4s. ; ' The Arabian Nights,' Forster's translation, with Smirke's plates, 5 vols., 4to, largest paper, blue morocco, 1802, 151. 15s. ; Benlley's Miscellany, 1837-43, 14 vols., original blue cloth, 15Z. 15s. ; and Bonn's seven extra volumes, 3Z. 10s. Under Byron is the first edition of ' Hours of Idleness,' large paper, original boards, Newark, 1807, 211. Under Coronations are the 45 plates illustrating the Coronation of George IV., issued by special command, 28Z. 10s. Dickens items include the Edition de Luxe, 16Z. 16s. ; and the first edition -of ' Bleak House,' original parts, 4Z. 10s. There

is a set of The Edinburgh to July, 1909, 17Z. 17s. A choice copy of Dugdale's ' Monasticon Angli- canum ' is 28Z. Under Gospels is the first edition of the Anglo-Saxon Version, blue levant, John Daye, 1571, 25Z. Under Ireland are The United Irishman, complete, 12 February to its conclusion, 27 May, 1848 ; The Irish Felcn ; and The Irish Tribune, Dublin, 1848, 35Z. These are excessively rare as the stock was seized. There is a fine copy of the first edition of ' Endymion,' original boards (the outside label wanting), in a box, calf lettered as a book, 52Z. 10s. Under Louvre are ' The Great Masters in the Gallery,' 2 vols. in 4, folio, half crimson levant, 1899-1900, 58Z. This copy is No. 1 -(only 25 issued). Under Ornithology is a set of Sharpe and Dresser's ' Birds of Europe,' 9 vols., royal 4to, 1871-96, 75Z. Under Rodriguez is ' The Hindoo Pantheon,' containing 140 coloured plates of gods, goddesses, and godlings, 4to, calf, Madras, 1841-5, 12Z. 12.s. There are items under John Addington Symonds and Swinburne. Charles I. and the Spanish match are represented by Michael du Val's ' Rosa Hispani-Anglica,' 1623, 12Z.

Messrs. Young & Sons' Liverpool Catalogue CCCCXVIII. contains a collection of engravings by John Scott, in 3 large volumes, brown morocco, 1800-26, 115Z. ; two illuminated Persian manu- scripts ; the first edition of ' The Anatomy of Melancholy,' 1621, 57Z. 10s. ; the first edition of both series of Elia, 2 vols., morocco, 32Z. ; and Knight's ' Pictorial Shakespeare,' original issue, also Cowden Clarke's Concordance, the 9 vols. extended to 16 by the addition of 1,118 plates, 1843, 30Z.' Among other first editions are Percy's ' Reliques,' 3 vols., calf, 1765, 3Z. 10s. ; Marryat's ' Jacob Faithful,' illustrated edition,' 3 vols., 1837, 7Z. 7s., and ' Peter Simple,' 4Z. 4s. ; Swinburne's ' Poems and Ballads,' 2 vols., 1866-78, 5Z. 5s. ; and Rossetti's ' Poems,' 1870, and ' Ballads,' 1881, 5Z. 5s. There is a fine set of Thackeray, first editions, 10 vols., full calf, 1848-59, 21Z. Under Painted Edge is the first edition of Besant's ' London,' morocco, 1892, 5Z. 5.s-. The fore-edge has a painting of the Houses of Parliament.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

We must call special attention to the followino notices:

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return eonimunications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

ULSTER SCOTT ("Redeemable Stock"). Better suited to one of the financial papers.

PERCY ADDLESHAW (' A Voice from the Bush') See the discussion ante, pp. 48, 114, 214.