Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/289

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us. in. APRIL 15, mi.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



The following is the list of parishes united with others in the City of London :


1. S. Benet, Gracechurch Street

2. S. Leonard, East-cheap

3. S. Dionis Backchurch

4. S. Mary Axe

5. Holy Trinity, Minories 0. S. James, Duke's Place

7. S. Martin Orgar

8. S. Nicholas Aeons

9. S. Martin Outwich

10. S. Margaret, New Fish Street

11. S. Michael, Crooked Lane . .

12. S. Christopher-le-Stock

1.'5. S. Bartholomew, Exchange 1 1. S. Olave, Old Jewry 15. S. Martin, Pomeroy 10. K. Mildred, Poultry ..

17. S. Mary, Colechurch. .

18. S. Gabriel, Fenchurch

19. S. George, Botolph Lane 19*. 8. Andrew Hubbard

20. S. Botolph, Billingsgate

21. S. Mary Woolchurch

22. All Hallows Staining

2:5. S. Benet Fink

2L S. Olave, Silver Street 25. S. Michael. Wood Street 20. S. Mary Staining . .

27. S. Anne, Blackl'riars

28. S. John /.aehary, Gresham Street 2<). S. Faith, Waiting Street

',<). S. Leonard, Foster Lane

31. S. Thomas. Liberty of the Rolls

32. S. Bartholomew, Moorfields

33. S. Michael, Queenhithe

31. Holy Trinity the Less, Gariick Hill 35. S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street

i<>. S. Michael Bassishaw

37. S. Mary Magdalen, Old Fih Street

38. S. Gregory by S. Paul

3J). S. Lawrence. Abchurch Lane

40. S. Thomas the Apostle

41. S. Ant-holm

42. S. John the Baptist, Walbrook 4:5. S. Pancras, Soper Lane

44. All Hallows, Honey Lane . .

45. All Hallows, Bread Street . .

40. S. John the Evangelist, Cheapside

47. S. Martin, Vintry

48. All Hallows the Great and Less 41). S. Margaret Moses

50. S. Nicholas, Olave

51. S. Mary Somerset

52. S. Mary Mounthaw . . 5'5. S. Peter, Paul's Wharf 5t. S. Benet, Sherohog ..

55. S. Mary Bothaw, London Stone

5C>. s. Michael-le-Quern

57. S. Matthew. Friday Street .

.')>. S. Peter. Cheap

r > ( .. s. Peter-le-Poer

f!t>. Holy Trinity, Gough Square

. j- All Hallows, Lombard Street.

S. Andrew Undershaft. . S. Botolph, Aldgate. . S. Catharine Cree.

S. Clement, Eastcheap.

S. Edmund the King, Lombard Street..

S. Helen, Bishopsgate.

' j- S. Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge.

' r S. Margaret, Lothbury.

S. Margaret Pattens. '. Is. Mary-at-Hill.


S. Mary Woolnoth. S. Olave, Hart Street. S. Peter-le-Poer.

S. Alban, Wood Street.

S. Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe.

SS. Anne and Agnes, Gresham Street v

S. Augustine, Watling Street.

Christ Church, Newgate Street.

S. Dunstan-in-the-\Vest, Fleet Street..

S. Giles. Cripplegate.

S. James?, Garlickhithe. S. Laurence, Jewry.

S. Martin, Ludgate. S. Mary, Abchurch. S. Mary, Aldermary.

. ' S. Mary-le-Bow.

| S. Michael Royal.

S- Mildred, Bread Street.

S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.

S. Stephen, Walbrook. S. S within, Cannon Street.

S. Vedast, Foster Lane.

S. Michael, Cornhill. S. Brirle, Fleet Street.


Other unions have been recently (Arranged, but r,ro not completed.