Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/326

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NOTES AND QUERIES, tn s. m. A PEIL 22, mi,


MB. FRANK HOLLINGS'S Catalogue 85 contains tinder Tennyson the rare first edition of ' Poems by Two Brothers,' 1827, dark blue calf, 12Z.- Under Fielding is a collection of first editions, 20 vols., 40 guineas. There are works of the Ashendene, Caradoc, Daniel's, Doves, Bragny, Essex House, and Vale Presses. Among Kelm- scott Press books are ' Utopia ' (one of eight copies), 21Z. 15s. ; ' Sidonia,' by Meinhold, trans- lated by Lady Wilde, 261. 15s. ; Coleridge poems chosen by Ellis, 177. 17s. ; and Chaucer, edited by Ellis (one of 425 copies), folio, half holland, 551. 10s. There is another copy of Chaucer, in, stamped pigskin with clasps by J. Cobden- Sanderson, preserved in wooden box, 151. There .are works under Alken and Cruikshank. The Rowlandsons include ' Brighthelmstone in 1789,' morocco, 16Z. 16s. A set of " The Aldine Poets," Pickering, 1830-53, 50 vols., yellow calf, is 35Z. 'There are beautiful specimens of binding, in- cluding painting on fore-edge. First editions of Browning include Mrs. Browning's ' Essay on Mind,' 1826, HZ. 11s. The copy is half bound, uncut, with the original paper label, morocco folding wrapper and drop case. Under De Quincey is an immaculate copy of the rare first edition of ' The Confessions,' 1822, original boards, uncut, in morocco case, 9Z. 9s. There are many first editions of Dickens. Under Edward Fitz- -Gerald is the first edition of ' Euphranor,' Pickering, 1851, 41. 4s. Among first editions of Goldsmith is ' The Good-Natur'd Man,' 1768, 10Z. 15s. Under Charles Lamb is an album containing original autograph contributions by Lamb, also verses by Hood and others, small 4to, morocco, 1825-31, 50 guineas. There are many Bother choice items in the Catalogue.

Mr. Edmund Lister's Oldham Catalogue 3 is -devoted to Book-plates. There are nearly thirteen hundred items, comprising ladies' plates, Early English, Jacobeans, and Chippendales, together with many modern examples. The list includes the names of Moberly Bell, Walter Besant, William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments (an office now being discussed in ' N. & Q.'), Mrs. Craigie, Madame de Stael, Lady Elizabeth Germain, the friend of Horace Walpole, Joseph Knight, Julian Marshall, Daniel O'Connell, and Anthony Trollope. Among Institutions are the Hibernian Academy, Lincoln Public Library, New York Society Library, and- the Parthenon Club. Mr. Lister has purchased the stock of the Journal of the Ex-Libris Society, and catalogues a complete set for 11.

Mr. G. A. Poynder's Reading Catalogue 58 contains under America Harvey's ' Marine Algae,' royal 4to, 1851-8, 21. 15s. Pickering's edition of Bacon, 16 vols., 1825-34, is 4Z. 10s. ; and a large-paper copy of the first- edition of ' The Chase,' with Bewick's illustrations, 4to, half- morocco, 1796, II. 2s. Qd. Under Botany is Maund's ' Botanic Garden,' large paper, 13 vols., small 4to, calf gilt. 13Z. 10s. ; under Britton, ' Cathe- dral Antiquities,' 6 vols., 4to, 1836, 21. Is. Qd. ; and under Cambridge, The Eagle, the St. John's College magazine, 1859-1908, 51. 5s. The first edition of De Morgan's ' Budget of Paradoxes ' is 21. Under Horn Book is Tuer's ' History,' 2 vols., 4to, 21. Is. Qd. Other entries include

Lodge's 'Portraits,' best edition, 12 vols half- morocco, 1835, 31. 10s. ; Foster's ' Mary, Queen of bcots, Edition de Luxe, 4Z. ; Ruskin's ' Seven Lamps,' first edition, 1849, original cloth, 21. 5s. ; the fourth edition of ' Dr. Syntax,' 1819, 21. 5s Qd - Shelley, Mrs. Shelley's edition, 4 vols., 12mo' original cloth, 1839, 2L 5s. ; and Symonds's Renaissance in Italy,' 3 vols., SI. Is. Qd. There are two works under Sundials Collins 's, with large cuts of each quadrant, small 4to, 1658, If. 7s. Qd. ; and Morgan's ' Horologiographia Opbica, 1 1652, 21. 2s.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co.'s Price Current 713 opens with a complete set of The Alpine Journal, 24 vols., and Index, 1863-1909, scarce, 35Z. Under Astronomical Journals is a set to date of The Astrophysical Journal and others. There are beautiful specimens of bindings. Under Bibliography we find first editions of Dibdin ; a large-paper of Lowndes, with Bohn's notes ; and Catalogues of the Huth Library and the Payne collection, besides an extra-illustrated copy of the Catalogue of the Perkins Library. The last-named collection fetched 26,OOOZ., and included two examples of the Mazarin Bible. A copy on largest paper of Britton's ' Cathedral Antiquities,' 14 vols., imp. folio, in 10, half-russia, 1814-35, is 20Z. ; and a fine uncut copy of Ackermann's Cambridge,' 2 vols., 4to, three-quarter morocco, 1815, 22Z. 10s. One of 250 copies of Browning on large hand-made paper, 17 vols., 1888-94, is 21Z. ; and a large - paper copy of Surtees's 1 Durham,' 4 vols., royal folio, half-russia, 1816-40, with a number of extra illustrations, 36Z. There is a good series of the Early English Text Society, 32Z. Under Heraldry are some rare items including Bossewell's ' Workes of Armorie,' an exceptionally fine tall copy, 1572, 3Z. 10s. Unde? Ireland is the Dublin University Magazine, 1833-68, 14Z. 14s. Choice works under Kent include Hasted's ' History ' and HavelPs ' Southern Coast.' There is a fine set of Kinglake's ' Crimea,' 8 vols., calf by Riviere, 6Z. 6s. Other entries include Motley, 9 vols., calf extra, 9Z. 9s. ; the Knebworth Lytton, 37 vols., half-calf, HZ. 11s. ; the third edition of Montaigne, folio, calf, 1632, 6Z. 6s. ; Kipling, 24 vols., half -morocco, 16Z. 5s. ; and Pepys, by Wheatley, 10 vols., large paper (one of 250), 18Z. 18s. There is a list under Napoleon and the French Revolution.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

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WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

J. A. H. M. and G. W. E. K Forwarded. M. L. R. BRESLAR(" Hoodlum"). See 8 S. iii. 449 ; iv. 17, 157, 274, 337 ; v. 113 ; vi. 276, 477.