Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/424

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. in. MAY 27, wn.

graduates and undergraduates frequently went abroad, either travelling or staying at some foreign University. Chaucer's " Clerk of Oxenford " had his story

Lerned at Padowe of a worthy clerk. In twelfth-century Paris there was a re- cognized "set" of such students.

The best educational writers of the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries probably on the whole advocate a later entrance than usual. Brinsley advises that seventeen years should be the earliest age for admission. John Paston at nineteen was, we know, still at Eton ; while from a mid-fourteenth- century work we have the following : Quod resoun, in age of xx yeer Goo to Oxenford.

E. M. Fox.


368). I can contribute a small item to the solution of this question. It is that in the

  • Inquisitiones post Mortem,' vol. i. p. 167,

" Belver and Woolsthorpe " are mentioned together in 1301. This makes it probable that this is the place named " Ulfstanetorp " in Domesday Book. It is likely that the other place was named from it.

I wholly dissent from Canon Streat- feild's reference of this name to Danish origin. He has mistaken the peculiarity of the Norman spelling, which frequently substitutes Ulf for the A.-S. Wolf. The W is preserved to this day, which shows that the name is not Norse, but English ; and the reference to the " wolf " is extremely remote, viz., that English names frequently began with Wolf, without any mythological reference whatever. The whole of the argu- ment is very little to the purpose, "and would hardly now find any general acceptance.

The name evidently means " Wolfstan's thorp " ; and I see nothing peculiarly " Danish " (as it is the fashion to say) about the word thorp, which is Friesic, Gothic, and good English as well as Scandinavian. Wolf stan is one of the commonest of purely English names ; forty-eight of them are on record, from A.D. 869 onwards.


In Mr. C. Gowan Smith's ' Translation of that Portion of Domesday Book which relates to Lincolnshire,' &c., Vlestanetorp and Westorp are alike rendered Wools- thorpe. I think Vlestanetorp probably refers to Woolsthorpe-by-Belvoir, because it occurs when the scribe is setting down the list of the lands owned by Robert de Todeni, who was the builder of Belvoir Castle. Wes-

torp rnay signify the hamlet made famous by the birth of Newton. It was owned by Walter de Aincourt, and Domesday records : " The whole of the ecclesiastical customs and tithes. . . .they say belong to the church of Grantham, as claimed by Bishop Osmund " (p. 254). Of Wools- thorpe near Colsterworth, Turnor, author of the ' History of Grantham,' wrote : "In ancient writings Wullesthorp, South Wells- thorpe " ; and he seemed to be feeling for an etymology when he added that it was " in a beautiful little valley, in which are copious wells of pure spring water " (p. 157). One of the sources of the Witham is in this- parish. ST. SWITHIN.

CHAMNEY OR CHOLMONDELEY FAMILY (11 S. iii. 3, 295). MR. ARCHER in his note on p. 3 quotes the expression " the con- traction of illiterate flunkeys " as applied to the pronunciation of " Chumley or Chulmley." In a will of Richard, 'l521 r his brother Roger is written Cholmley, while Richard is Chomley of Chomley. Surely there can be little of the " illiterate flunkey's " pronunciation in the difference between Chumley and Chomley.


PETER *DE WINT (11 S. iii. 368). Mr, Payne of Pawsey & Payne, art dealers, 1, Bury Street, King Street, S.W., could probably either lend or procure a copy of the catalogue of the exhibition at Vokins's. Mr. Payne was for a long period with the now extinct firm of Vokins. I have the catalogue of Peter de Wint's works sold at Christie's in May, 1850. The five days' sale of 493 lots realized only 2,364?. Is. 6d.


PORTRAIT IN PITTI GALLERY : JUSTUS SUSTERMANS (US. hi. 267, 314). For two examples of portraits by this powerful artist I would refer MR. J. B. WAINE WRIGHT to the portraits belonging to Col. G. L. Holford, of a man and of a lady, exhibited in the exhibition of Old Masters at Burlington House in 1908 ; and I would direct his attention especially to the fine portrait of the man. W. H. QUARRELL.


iii. 366). When this was issued in parts in 1855, a statement was made at the end of ' Patrington ' and ' Skirlaugh ' (at least) that those were written by the Rev. G. A. Poole. He was assisted in this and in other works by Mr. John West Hugall, architect, of Pontefract, W. C. B.