Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/446

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NOTES AND QUERIES. en s. in. JUNE 3, 1911,


MESSRS. S. & E. COLEMAN'S Tottenham Cata- logue, Third Series, No. IV., contains deeds and various documents relating to the United States. One is the agreement, made 17 March, 1720, between Joshua Gee, Thomas Russell, and other English ironmasters to purchase lands in Mary- land ; another recites a deed between Letitia Penn and her father William Penn, 1680, and relates to 5,000 acres in Pennsylvania. Other documents are connected with Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Honduras, New York, Virginia, &c. There are in all nearly three hundred items.

Mr. Alfred Cooper's Hammersmith Catalogue 92 contains a general selection of books at moderate prices. The first 24 vols. of The Art Journal:, half-morocco, 1850-72, may be had for 51. 5s. ; Finden's 'Gallery,' folio, morocco, fitted into tin case with padlock and key, 51. (published at 63Z.) ; 4 French Masterpieces in Fiction,' edited by Edmund Gosse, 12 vols., 1904, 21. 2s. ; and Froude's ' England,' 12 vols., 11. 10s. There are items under Classics and Oriental.

Mr. Francis Edwards sends a Supplement to his Catalogue of Books, Maps, and Views relating to the Topography of Great Britain and Ireland. There are eleven hundred items, of which we note a few. Dugdale's ' Monasticon ' with ' St. Paul's,' in all 9 vols., folio, large paper, blue levant, 1817-30, is 551. ; Chatelain's ' Views,' 1750, 11. 10s. ; Nichols's ' Bibliotheca Topo- graphica,' 18 vols., 4to, 1780-1820, 40Z. ; Pen- nant's Works, 11 vols. in 10, 4to, full calf, a fine set, 61. ; Stothard's ' Effigies,' 4to, half-morocco, 1817, 4Z. 10s. ; Atkyns's ' Gloucestershire,' folio, 1768, 51. 10s. ; Boys's ' History of Sand- wich,' 2 vols., 4to, half calf, 1792, Ql. 15s. ; and Hasted's ' Kent,' 4 vols.,. folio, green levant by Bedford, Canterbury, 1778-9, SQL The first item under Leicestershire is Nichols's ' History,' 4 vols. in 8, large paper, red levant by Holloway, 1795-1815, a fine copy of a grand book, 150Z. Boydell's * Thames,' 2 vols., folio, half morocco, 1794-6, is 131. ; and Lysons's ' Environs of Lon- don,' 10 vols., 4to, morocco by Hayday, with 1,486 additional views and portraits, and some original drawings, 1811, 901. A complete set of the Transactions of the Royal Society, 1665, to 1906, is 250Z. ; the sixth and best edition of Stow, 2 vols., folio, calf, 1754-5, 81. ; and an early and clean copy of Wilkinson's ' Londina Illustrata,' large paper, 2 vols., folio, half-russia, 1819-25, 11. 10s. Under Norfolk is the corrected reprint of the rare original folio (with many additions) of Blomefield's ' History,' 11 vols., royal 8vo, uncut, new half morocco, . 1805-10, 16Z. Under Staffordshire is Plot's ' Natural His- tory,' folio, calf, 1686, Ql. 5s. Under Sussex are Ellis 's ' Collections for the History of East Grinstead,' half calf, folio, 4Z. ; and original MS. Pedigrees of Sussex Families, 4 vols., folio, half-russia, 1870, 111. Under Ireland are Irton's

  • Scenery,' folio, half-morocco, 1822, 51. 5s. ;

and Petty's ' Ireland Delineated,' folio, 1685, 8/. 10s. The latter is the first published atlas of Ireland. There is also a copy of the first edition of the St. Albans Chronicle, 1483, being the second book printed at St. Albans. This is of extreme rarity, Mr. -Edwards stating that " no absolutely perfect copy is known. A perfect copy should have 288 leaves, of which number this wants

altogether 15 11., which are here supplied in exact facsimile. There are some old MS. notes in the margins. This copy formerly belonged to Lord Ashburnham, and was sold in the Ashburnham sale." The volume is folio, brown morocco, gilt edges, and the price i& 200Z.

Mr. John Hitchman's Birmingham Catalogue 516 con tarns Bryan's ' Dictionary of Painters,' 5 vols., new, 1909, 51. 5s. Under Black-Letter Bible is the first edition of the Authorized Version (second issue), 1613-11, folio, 4Z. 4s. A set of Jesse's Memoirs, 30 vols., is 81. 10s. ; and one of the small number privately printed by the Villon Society of the novels of Bandello, 6 vols., vellum, 51. 15s. Under Swift is Scott's edition, 19 vols., new half-calf, 1814, 11. Under Bibliography is the Catalogue General de la Librarie Francaise, 7 vols., 1867-77, 4Z. 4s. Other works include Seymour's ' British Birds,' 4 vols., half-morocco, 4Z. 15s. ; Bruce's ' Roman Wall,' 4to, 1867, original half-morocco, 4Z. 4s. ; and Drake's ' City of York,' a fine large-paper copy, large folio, morocco, 1736, 51. 5s. Among Heraldic works is Yorke's * Union of Honour,' folio, 1640, 11. Under Thiers is ' The Consulate andi the Empire,' 12 vols., 21. 12s. Qd. A fine copy of ' Tales from the Arabic,' Villon Society, 3 vols., vellum, is 21. 12s. Qd.

Mr. F. L. Jones's Oxford Catalogue 5 contains a miscellaneous collection of ancient and modern books. Under Bucks is Cocks's ' Church Bells,' 4to, 1862, 12s. Qd. A black-letter copy of Fitz- Herbert's ' Neuue Boke of Justices of Peace,' some leaves slightly stained and wormed, 1560, is II. 10s. There are lists under Medical and under Occultism, New Thought, and Psychical Research. Editions of Shakespeare include Johnson and Steevens, 15 vols., calf, 21. The original set of water-colours by Sir Charles D'Oyle which illus- trate Sir Wilson-Hunter's ' The Old Missionary,' 4to, cloth, 1896, may be had for 21. Under Paston Letter* js the 1910 edition, 4 vols., 14s. Qd. There are also a number of book-plates and en- gravings.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

10 (K0rasp0ni&ntts.

ON all communications must be written the name ind address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value >f old books and other objects or as to the means ol disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.

A. A. Forwarded.

CECIL CLARKE (" Screw " W ages). The earliest date in the * N.E.LV for this m caning is 1864, from 4 Hotten's Slang Dictionary.'