Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/466

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NOTES AND QUERIES. rn s. in. JUNE 10, 1911.


MESSRS. LUPTON BROTHERS' Burnley Catalogue 113 contains the largest-paper Bewick's ' Birds ' and ' Quadrupeds,' 3 vols., Newcastle, 1820-26, 4Z. 7s. Qd. ; a set of the Chetham Society, 1844-85, 10?. ; the " National Dickens," 40 vols., cloth, 1906, 18Z. 18s.; Hogarth's Works, published by Baldwin & Cradock, atlas folio, 4Z. ; Lancashire Parish Register Society Publications, 23 vols., 51. 10s. ; Motley's Complete Works, 9 vols., Murray, 1904, 2,1. 2s. ; Pinkerton's ' Voyages,' 17 vols., 4to, 1808-14, 21. 10s. ; ' The Preacher's Commentary,' 39 vols., 1885-96, 4Z. 10s. ; and the Library Edition of Prescott, 15 vols., calf, Phila- delphia, 1860, 31. Under Scott is the Border Edition of the Novels, 48 vols., Nimmo, 1892-4, 10Z. 10s. There are works under Asiatic, Astro- nomy, Biography, Derbyshire Topography, Scot- tish Literature, &c. Those under Discussions include Harrison v. Bradlaugh, Howes v. Bottom- ley, King v. Bradlaugh, Murphy v. Mooney, Pope v. Maguire, &c.

Mr. John Orr's Edinburgh Catalogue 33 con- tains Capt. Burton's Works, Memorial Edition, 7 vols., 1893-4, II. 15s. ; Monstrelet's ' Chro- nicles,' 2 vols., 4to, 1877, 1Z. 2s. Qd. ; and Frois- sart, 2 vols., 4to, 1874, II. 2s. Qd. A copy of the very rare Confession of Faith, small 4to, morocco, 1590, is 4Z. 4s. (a copy at the Scott Sale fetched 321.) There are some Cruikshank plates, also first editions of Dickens. Under Drama is the Mermaid Series, 27 vols., a complete set (4 of the vols. not uniform, and on thin paper), 21. 18s. Qd. A fine copy of Mainland's ' Edinburgh,' folio, 1753, panelled calf, is 11. 15s. Under Epitaphs is Monteith's ' Theatre of Mortality,' 12mo, half-calf, 1704-8, 11. Is. There is some Scottish folk-lore. Works on Heraldry include Milles's ' Catalogue of Honour,' folio, 1610, 21. 10s. A large-paper copy of Talfourd's ' Memorials of Lamb ' (one of 150 printed), 1892, is 12s. Qd. There are lists under Jacobite, Military, Natural History, Queen Mary Stuart, and Scots Peerage. Under Walton is Marston's edition of the ' Angler,' 2 vols., 4to, 1888, 31. Is. Qd.

Mr. Charles J. Sawyer's Catalogue 26 contains A number of books with coloured plates, new copies at greatly reduced prices. An extra-illus- trated copy of * Dickens and his Illustrators,' royal 4to, purple levant, 1899, is 101. 10*. ; a collection of 70 coloured plates of Female Costume, 4to, full levant, Ackermann, 1810-15, 121. 12s. ; a set of the " Aldine Poets," 53 vols., original cloth, 1866-7, 11. 10s. ; and a large-paper

  • Arabian Nights,' translated by Forster, 5 vols.,

royal 8vo, red morocco, 1802,- 81. 10s. Among art works is ' Jacob Maris,' by T. de Bock, royal folio, vellum, 1900, 71. 5s. Under Bibliography is Hazlitt's ' Collections,' 2 vols., royal 8vo, half-morocco, 1876-82, 51. 15s. There are specimens of bindings. A clean fresh copy of Sullivan's ' Tour through Ireland,' original boards, McLean, 1824, is 81. 12s. Qd. Under Dickens is a collection of 60 original character studies, unpublished, 91. 10s. ; and among first -editions is ' Master Humphrey's Clock,' the original 88 numbers as issued, 1840-41, preserved in a morocco case, 11. Is. A Dickens relic is the chair he used when editing Household Words, 1QI. Under Gardening is Parkinson's ' Paradisi in

Sole,' &c. 1629, 17Z. 10s. A specially large copy of the ' Heptameron,' 5 vols., Society of English Bibliophilist?, 1894, is 51. 5s. ; and the original large-type Library Edition of ' Walpole's Letters,' 9 vols., half-calf, Bentley, 1857-8, 10Z. 10s. Under Kent are Cozens's ' Topographical History,' 2 vols., 4to, morocco, 35?. ; and a collection of coloured drawings of places of interest, from the Hovenden Collection, 1797, 27?. A coloured copy of Macklin's Bible, 1800, 6 vols., royal folio, morocco, is 22Z. 10s. Napoleon's own copy of ' Histoire d'Herodote,' 9 vols., calf, 1802, is 121. 12s. This was read by the Emperor while at St. Helena. Alfred Darbishire's collection of Old Play Bills, 6 folio vols., 1790-1900, is 12 1. 12s. Under Scott is the Library Edition, 27 vols., three-quarter morocco, 1900, 1'OZ. 10s. Among many Thackeray items is the first edition of ' Vanity Fair,' with three water-colours and a letter of B. W. Procter's, white vellum, with the original covers, enclosed in case, 81. 12s. Qd. There are a number of old tracts from the library of Prof. Mayor.

Messrs. Simmons & Waters of Leamington Spa devote their Catalogue 256 to Topographical and Antiquarian Books relating to the British Isles, including engravings and maps arranged under counties. Under Berkshire, Windsor of course occupies an important place. Under Cumber- land we find Pyne's ' Lake Scenery,' pages a little foxed as usual, imperial folio, 1853, 11. 10s. Under Hertfordshire is Hassell's ' Tour,' 1819, 21. 2s. Middlesex entries include Besant's ' London, ' first editions, 5 vols., original cloth, 1887-1901, 21. 10s. ; Boulton's ' Amusements of Old London,' 12 coloured plates, interleaved copy, 2 vols., 4to, half-calf by Riviere, 1901, 3Z. ; Boydell's * Thames,' 2 vols., folio, half-morocco, gilt top, uncut, 1794-6, HZ. 11s. ; an extra-illus- trated copy of Hewitt's ' Northern Heights of London,' extended to 2 vols., new crimson calf by Morrell, 1869, 4Z. 15s. ; and Westall and Owen's ' Tour of the Thames,' royal 4to, original silk cloth, Ackermann, 1828, 9Z. 9s. Yorkshire contains Fletcher's ' Picturesque History,' best edition, 6 vols., 4to, 11. 8s. ; and Thoresby's ' Leeds,' 2 vols., folio, original boards, 1816, 31. 3s. An extra-illustrated copy of Smith's ' Book for a Rainy Day,' extended to 2 vols., half -morocco, 1905, is 4.1. 4s. Many of the prints are of special interest.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


We must call special attention to the following notices :

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we dp not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

C. J. H., New Jersey ("Mr. Benjamin"). Anticipated ante, p. 393, by another American con- tributor.