Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/495

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iis.m.jix K 24,i9ii.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


states that lie " ob. 10th March, 1757 ^Et.?26." Can any reader tell me if ther is a list of the portraits painted by Miers ? M. ELLEX POOLE.

Alsager, Cheshire.

HEATH = CAVE. Is anything known o the ancestry of the Heath who in the latter half of the eighteenth century married the daughter of Edward Cave, Pool Hall Bromyarcl ? F. GEE.

GEE FAMILY. Are there known to be any living descendants of Alexander Gee who lived at Rothley, Leicestershire, in the fifteenth century, and from whom were descended the Gees of Bishop Burton ? Can any light be thrown on the origin of the name ?" F. GEE.

59, St. Giles, Oxford.

FERGUSON OF INVEBURIE : FERGUSON- TEPPER. Can any one give me information of the descendants of the family of Ferguson of Inverurie ? Walter, eldest son of James Ferguson and Isobel Scott, was Writer to the Signet, married Catherine, daughter of Lord Swinton, and died without issue at Edinburgh, 25 May, 1797. James, second son, was captain R.N. and Governor of Greenwich Hospital, where he died 14 Feb- ruary, 1793, leaving a daughter Janet, who married William Berry in Edinburgh, 30 November, 1816. Anthony, fourth son of James Ferguson, died in Dublin 18 April, 1798, and had one son, Hugh, an " eminent physician in Dublin." Janet, third daughter of James Ferguson of Inverurie, married my great-grandfather, Robert Lock of Old Crook- stone, near Paisley, and died 16 July, 1779.

There are in the possession of my family some beautiful portraits in crayon of certain members of the Ferguson-Tepper family. William Ferguson of Inverurie emigrated to Poland, and in 1714 married Catherine Concordia Tepper of Posen, by whom he had three sons, Lauience, William, and Peter. William settled at Breslau. Peter, born 19 April, 1732, married 19 June, 1763, Marie Philippina Valentine -of Warsaw ; was adopted by Mr. Peter Tepper, his mother's brother, as his heir, in 1767, on condition of adding Tepper to the name of Ferguson ; and became " the richest banker in Europe," and Knight of the Order of St. John of Malta. He had five sons Peter Charles, \\homarried Marie Bone, "fille du Banquier Bone in Hamburg unfils " ; Philip Bernard, "Banquier a Warsaw"; Lewis William, Lieutenant in the Russian Guards; Daniel Frederick, and * Otto Walter and five

daughters, of whom Henrietta married M. d'Arnt, Conseilleur de Guerre a Breslau ; Charlotte, married first Baron d'Axt, Minis- ter de Prusse a Warsaw, secondly M. de Milaszawicz, Lieutenant-Colonel au Service de Russie ; and Anne Isobel mairied in 1792 S.E. le Comte Jean de Waladkowicz, Chambellan de S.M. le Roi de Pologne. These particulars are taken from a memo- randum in French preserved among the Pitfour Papers, included in * Records of the Clan and Family of Ferguson,' by Sir James Ferguson, 1895. I have also obtained many particulars from 'Inverurie,' by J.Davidson, D.D., 1878.

Information as to the present descendants of any of these is desired; also conceining Hugh Ferguson, the " eminent physician in Dublin." (Rev.) CAMPBELL LOCK.

Ashknowle, Whitwell, Isle of Wight.


Who was the author of the following ?

St. Dunstan, so the story goes, Once seized the devil by the nose, With red-hot tongs, which made him roar, That he was heard three miles or more.

These lines, referred to as "an ancient poem," appear in the 1879 edition of ' Black's Guide to Kent ' in connexion with a " tra- dition " there given concerning the Tun- bridge Wells chalybeate springs. The " tra- dition " is that St. Dunstan occupied a cell at May field (9 miles from Tunbridge Wells), and was there visited by his Satanic majesty. St. Dunstan, taking up a pair of red-hot tongs,

"seized the devil by the nose, causing him to take a tremendous leap right over brooks, fields, hedges, lills, and valleys alighting at Tunbridge Wells, in whose coolsome spring waters he plunged his glowing nose and obtained relief."

According to another version, St. Dunstan Washed his tongs in the springs to cleanse

hem after their contact with the devil's


I shall be very glad to learn When and where this " tradition " first appeared in print. Was it originally given as relating to he Tunbridge Wells springs (which were discovered in 1606), or has it been adapted o them ? R. VAUGHAN GOWEB.

Ferndale Lodge, Tunbridge Wells.


259-60 one Guionet de Provence had

, grant of lands in Little Saughall, near

Chester. He married Alice, sister of Sir

atrick de Heswall, who was knighted in

_288. She had lands in Oldfield as her

marriage portion. Their son Simon de