Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/506

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. m. JUXE ->4, 1911.

"Rivers's Archaeological Works, with memoir by Gray, 6 vols., 4to, privately printed, 1887-1905, 5Z. 5s. ; a set of The Reliquary, 34 vols., 81. 8s. ; and Northcote's ' Sir Joshua Reynolds.' with the scarce Supplement, an extra-illustrated copy, 4to, calf extra, 1813-15, 4Z. 10s.

Mr. George Gregory's Bath Catalogue 203-4 contains recent purchases. We note ' Aris- tophanis Comcediae,' 5 vols., large paper, royal 8vo, levant, a fine set, 21. ; Bacon's Works. 10 vols., 1824, 1Z. Is. ; and Hume and Smollett, 13 vols., Pickering, 1826, 1?. There are a number of journals, magazines, and Proceedings of Societies. American items include Reports of the Coast, Geological, and Geographical Surveys. A complete set of The Ancestor, a fine unopened copy, is 21. There is a complete set of The Illustrated London News to December, 1899, 9Z., besides a set of The Graphic. There are original documents in courthand with seals, with facsimile illustrations dating from 1260 to 1750, comprising wills and chantry foundations, chiefly relating to Wells, Chedder and district, and a few Exeter documents. 'There is also a collection of Nelson MSS. containing upwards of 250 original documents.

Messrs. Jeffery & Co. send two Catalogues, Nos. 12 and 13, both containing cheap books and pamphlets. There is one item of special interest to Thackeray collectors, The National Standard of Literature, Nos. 1 to 57, all issued. A note states that Dr. John Brown, referring to The National Standard and Thackeray's connexion with it, says that " Thackeray's editorial reign began about the nineteenth number, after which he appears to have done a good deal of work, reviews, criticisms, verses, &c." (North British Review, February, 1864). There are pamphlets under America, Ireland, Slave Trade, .and Woman Suffrage 1871. There is an auto- graph letter of Lancaster, the founder of the system of education associated with his name. A copy of ' The London Catalogue of Books, 1800-27,' is 10s. Qd.

Messrs. Sotheran & Co.'s Price Current 715 is rich in Books on Botany. Gardening, and Hus- bandry, all the well-known authorities appearing. There are sets of Curtis's Botanical Magazine .and of The Garden. Curtis's ' Flora Londinensis,' second edition, 647 plates coloured by hand, 5 vols., royal folio, half-morocco, 1817-28, is 31Z. 10s. ; a choice copy of Gerarde's ' Herbal,' levant extra, 1597, 25Z. ; Sweet's ' British Flower Garden,' 7 vols., royal 8vo, half-calf, 1823-38, 21Z. ; and a Japanese Flora .with three indexes, 21 vols. in 11, half-morocco, 11. 15s. Books on Freemasonry include a series of designs of the initiation ceremony, 7 coloured plates, 1812, 15Z. 15s. There are books from the library of the author of ' Tom Brown's Schooldays,' and selections of foreign books from the library of the late Dr. Emil Reich, each bearing his book-plate.

The other portion of the Catalogue contains the new Library Edition of Ruskin, 38 vols., 1903-9, 251. 10s. (the last volume wilLbe forwarded to the buyer when published). Under Shake- speare we find the Fourth Folio, the third Quarto of ' The Merchant of Venice,' the sixth Quarto of

Pericles,' and a choice set which includes the

fourth edition of Johnson and Steevens, Malone,

Douce, and others, together 23 vols., morocco with floral tooling by Lewis, 1791-1807, 151. There are a number of works under Halliwell- Phillipps. Under Shelley is a copy of the poet's second publication, ' St. Irvyne,' the first edition, fcap. 8vo, with boards as issued, but with a new

Earchment back, wholly uncut, in a silken card- oard case, Stockdale, 1811, 65Z. Mr. Sotherau ha a note states that the book met with such a poor reception that the sheets were sold off as a remainder. In 1822 the holders of the sheets bound them up with a new title-page dated that year. Under Surrey is a copy of Manning and Bray, 3 vols., royal folio, calf, 1804-14, 211. Under Tennyson is the Edition de Luxe, 12 vols, levant by Riviere, 18Z. 18s. There is a choice set of Walpole's Historical Memoirs, 20 vols., 8vo, half- levant, 1845-59, 38Z. Under Yvery is Anderson's ' Genealogical History,' privately printed, 1742, 12Z. 12s.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

MESSRS. BOWES & BOWES of 1, Trinity Street, Cambridge, invite subscriptions for an ' Index to the Cole MSS.,' by Mr. J. E. Foster and Mr. G. J. Gray. The MSS. in question are a large mass of documents, and a guide to their contents should be very useful to historians and antiquaries. The MSS. refer largely to Cambridgeshire, but also to other counties, and the specimen of the Index sent to us is very satisfactory as a means of readily ascertaining details concerning places or persons.

THERE will be a private press view of a Thacke- ray Exhibition at the Old Charterhouse, B.C., on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 28th inst. The exhibition will be opened on the 30th by Lord Rosebery.


WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means oi disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements arid Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages tc which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

J. R. M. (" The good Ananias "). Noted ante, p. 395.