Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/517

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.



Dugdale (W.) Nottingham monastery unrecorded

in, 53

Dunheved on Bishop Bartholomew Vigors, 289 Dunmurry on Litany : spitting and stamping the

feet, 396

Milton in Ireland, 328 " Stick-in-the-Mud," 257 Duppa (Bp. Brian), his ' Guide to the Penitent,'

88, 272

D'Urfey (Thomas) and Allan Ramsay, 467 Durham (Bishop of) and the curate, 147 Duroure (Col. John), c. 1784, his biography,

389, 450

Dutch words in English, 386 Dutchmen in Pembroke, statement in 1616, 189,

292 D wight (T. F.) on Adelaide, widow of Hermann IV.,


' Farewell to the Swallows,' 69 Franklin (Benjamin) and dreams, 296 ' Renascence : the Sculptured Tombs of

Rome,' 274 Dymoke family and the Championship, 461

E. on sonnets by Rafael, 208 *

E. (H. G.) on " George Inn " at Woburn, 147

E. (K. P. D.) on authors of quotations wanted,

228 Ear-piercing, reason and origin of the custom,

149, 171, 235, 294 Earthworks, rectangular, and long barrows,

88, 273

East India Company, its chaplains, 410 Easter, and hare folk-lore. 1620, 285 ; rule for

finding date of, 389

Echoes in the United Kingdom, list of, 189, 352 Eden (F. Sydney) on Boothby family quarterings,


Stained glass in Essex churches, 41 Edgar (A.) on Alexander Holmes, 70 Edgcumbe (Richard) on Barabbas a publisher, 335 Carlyle and Charles I., 328 Shelley and Leigh Hunt, 21 Editor ' Bradford Antiquary ' on barrows and

earthworks, 88

Editor ' Irish Book Lover ' on authors wanted, 474 Belfast registers, 114 Gillespie (Robert Rollo) at Vellore, 472 Glass manufactured at Belfast, 473 Irish Book of Remembrance, 114 Walker (Bishop) of Derry, 276 Edleston (R. H.), F.S.A., on Rev. Sebastian Pit- field's ghost, 95 Edmunds (Albert J.) on Buddha in Christian art,


" Phillymaclink," 127 Education, Aristotle on, 107, 258, 433 Edwards (F. A.) on Freeman : Beauchamp, 415 Swedish mission to Abyssinia, 288 Terrace, 252

Eggans (S. M.) on Bedfordshire epitaphs, 207 Eiloart (Arnold) on authors of poems wanted,


Elephant and castle in heraldry, 36, 237, 298, 377

Elizabeth (Queen), her statue in Royal Exchange,

187, 230, 315 ; names of her horses, 346 ;

her portrait with Italian proverb, 487

Ellacombe (Canon H. N.) on ' Crystals from

Sydenham,' 127 Tennyson's ' Flower in the crannied wall,' 167

Elliott (Mrs. M.) on Elizabeth Dixon, Quaker,

109 Ellis (A. S.), his ' Notes on Ralph Thoresby's

Pedigree,' 188, 258

Ellis (A. S.) on Boothby family quarterings, 416 Ellis (H. D.) on teapoy : cellarette, 194 Elmham (William), English admiral 1379, 87,

192 Ely, St. Zita's Chapel built by Sir W. Langstow,

1456, 229

Elze=already, use of the word, 25, 72, 111 Emeritus on authors of quotations wanted, 348 Prickly pear and Monreale Cathedral, 132 Emperor and painter's brush, story, 209, 296 English, Dutch words in, 386 English bookbindings, 12th, 13th, and 14th

centuries, 208 ' English Dialect Dictionary,' additions and

corrections, 67

Englishmen as German authors, 161 Ennomic, meaning of the word, 9, 92 Envelope, musical, c. 1840, 37 Envy, "eldest-born of Hell," earliest use of the

phrase, 468

Epigrams :

Down, down with Arts, the Gallic Casuist

Cries, 405

Hie locus odit, amat, 66, 131 Leset fleizig die Alten, die wahren eigentlich

Alten, 128, 156

Epitaphs :

A Loving Wife she was in Life, 485 Ainsworth (Rob.) et uxor ejus admodum

senes, 476 Bland, passionate, and deeply religious, 108,

154, 190, 277 Coston (John), in St. Botolph's, Aldersgate,


God works wonders now and then, 13, 57 Gray (Thomas), and mail coaches, 1802,


Here lies a man which farmers lov'd, 57 Here lies his Dust, whose Heavenly Mind, 479 Here Lyes their Bodies, both at Rest, 485 I have engraved for many a one, 485 If honor, virtue, truth, or youth could save,


Like Birds of prey, 485 Nomine Lavrentivs qvondam Cognomine

Colus, 485

Orta Carolo Rege, 269 Our friend has gone before, 485 Reader you have within this grave, 485 Thus lieth the dead, that whilome lived here,


Epitaphs : Bedfordshire, 207 ; Breedon-on-the- Hill, Leicestershire, 485 ; Lillington, Dorset, ib. ; Stevenage, ib. Erick (John), c. 1590, his family [and biography,

409 Esquires, clergymen described as, in 17th century,

409, 454 Essex, used as Christian name, 92, 173, 214, 295,

338, 377, 387 Evatt (Surgeon-General G. J. H.) on William

Evatt, 367, 476 Evatt (William), a clerk of the House of Commons,

367, 437, 476 Ewbank family, 449

Ex. Gen. on Rev. John Cowper of Penrith, 227 Exhibition of 1851, its motto, 10, 74