Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/520

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

Gould (A. W.) on municipal records printed, 494

Worcester House, Thames Street, 450 Gourd or goord, building term, its meaning, 67 Gove (John), b. 1604, brass-founder, 428 Governors of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, por- traits of, 127, 235, 278 Gower (B. Vaughan) on Gower family, 472 'Hamlet' in 1585, 311 'Pickwick' difficulties, 313 St. Dunstan and Tunbridge Wells, 489 Gower family of Worcestershire, 472 Gracechurch Street, formerly called Gratious or

Gracines, 149, 175, 212, 398 Gracines or Gratious Street = Gracechurch Street,

149, 175, 212, 398

Graduation, early instances, 32, 75, 327, 334, 417 Graham (John) on songs of the peasantry, 47 Grainge family c. 1705, 308 Grandison (Charlotte) and Anna Howe, their

similarity, 164

Grange, Kilburn, its demolition, 306 Grange, Shropshire, and Windsor family, 268 Grange Court, St. Clement Danes, solicitors in,

1730-50, 28, 118

Granger (John), bell-founder c. 1560, 6 Grant (Gabriel), Archdeacon of Westminster,

d. 1638, 8 Grant (James) of Bengal, c. 1779, his biography,

229, 355 Grant (J.) on James Ballantyne's Kelso press,

347, 457 Gratious or Gracines Street = Gracechurch Street,

149, 175, 212, 398

Gray (G. J.) on Coronation bibliography, 471 Gray (Thomas), his ' Elegy,' translations and

parodies, 62, 144, 204, 338

Gray (Thomas), 1729-1802, and mail coaches, 288 Greatorex (Roger), paper manufacturer c. 1784-

1795, 7

Greek Church, Soho, and proprietary chapels, 466 Green Park, Deputy Ranger's Lodge, 1789, 163 Greenwood (J. A.) on Gale family, 297 Grenville (George), Junius's letters to, 347 Gresham College, the Royal Exchange, and

Crosby Hall, 241

Grey (William), Bishop of Ely, 1454, his bio- graphy, 228, 317 Grey (William), Bishop of Lincoln, 1431-6, his

biography, 228, 317

Grimaldi (Agostino), Bishop of Grasse, his dis- patch to Genoa, 344

Gruselier (Gregory) on parish formation, 88 Guest (Sir Lyonell), Westminster scholar, 53 Guillotine, Parliamentary term, its origin, 468 Guimaraens (A. J. C.) on Harrison the Regicide.

285 Guinness (H. S.) on ' Death of Capt. Cook,' 132,

Gunsmiths, London, their work, book on, 49, 210, 318


H. on Lady Conyngham, 71

Junius and horsewhipping of the Duke of

Bedford, 410

H. (C.) on Col. John Hewson the Regicide, 408 H. (C. P.) on " Never swap horses," &c., 269 H. (C. L.) on authors of quotations wanted, 48 H. (F.) on arrest of Louis XVI., 203

' Church Historians of England,' 308 H. (H. K.) on Keats, Hampstead, and Sir C. W. Dilke, 196

H. ( J. C. ) on Miles Gale, 208

H. (M. F.) on James Grant of Bengal, 229

H. (M. Y. A.) on ' Hull Advertiser,' 1796 :

extracts, 245 H. (R.) on ' Death of Capt. Cook,' 87

Jordan not a type of baptism, 256 H. (S. H. A.) on corn and dishonesty, 57 H. (W.) on Subsidy Rolls, Lancashire, 1663, 369 H. (W. B.) on authors of quotations wanted, 57 Church with wooden bell- turret, 10 Conscience-stricken: tardy advertisements,


Coronation bibliography, 453 D'Assigny (Fifield), 497 Epitaphiana, 485

Gallows Bank : Matthew Cockling, 316 Harrison (Elizabeth), her ' Miscellanies,' 449 ' May Fair,' 438 Roeites of Calverton : Wroeites of Australia,


Walton and Cotton medal, 329 H. ( W. S. B.) on Clerks of the Parliament, 228

Vestry held on Lady Day, 288, 473 Hackney, Tom Hood at a ball in, 29, 78 " Had I Wist," bogy in Anglo-Saxon fairy-tale,

129, 172

Haddon (Walter), his biography, 128, 171, 357 Hair folk-lore in Mexico, 126 Haldinstein (F. W.) on " mouner," 272 Hale (W. Gifford) on ' Young Folks,' 251 Halfacree, origin of surname, 467 Halfpenny newspaper, the first, 366, 431 Hall (Bishop J.) and R. B. Sheridan, literary

parallel, 104

Halley, Day, and Pyke families, 388 Hamilton (Lieut. -General Richard), his portrait,

189 'Hamlet' acted at Cambridge, 1585, 267, 311,

398, 416, 474

Hammersmith, Andrew Arter's memorial at, 75 Hampshire map with engravings, c. 1800, 89, 236 Hampstead: Keats and Sir C. W. Dilke, 145,

176, 196

Handkerchiefs, knots in, as reminder, 35, 97, 192 Hanover Square, Club Etranger in, 96 Hanoverian regiment with Sebastopol on shakos,

327, 378, 415, 457 Hard-shells, American political nickname, 229,

314, 335

Hare (Thomas), Westminster scholar 1743, 72, 254 Hare folk-lore and Easter, 1620, 285 Harington (John) the elder, and Tottel's ' Mis- cellany,' 201, 322, 423 Harmatopegos on ' Nicholas Nickleby ' : " Popy-

lorum tibi," 313 Harris (Leverton) on Sir R. Hotham : Mary H.

Cholmondeley, 267 Harris (Mary Dormer) on elephant and castle in

heraldry, 377

Horses and market tolls, 369

Harrison (Elizabeth), her ' Miscellanies,' pub- lished 1756, 449 Harrison (Thomas), regicide, executed 1660,

285, 332 Hartley Wintney, Hants, Prioress Martyn's

monument, 48 Harvest superstitions : judgments on impiety,

226, 277 Harvey (Gabriel), his letter-book, 261 ; books

containing his marginalia, 409

Hawthornden on departed hero and sun's linger- ing light, 275 Hawthorne (Nathaniel), his letters, 189, 393