Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/529

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.



Pearse (Col. H. W.), D.S.O., on R. R. Gillespie

at Vellore, 348

Peasantry, songs of the, 47, 97, 334 Peel (Sir Robert), preparation for his speeches

107, 178 Peet (W. H.) on James Ballantyne's Kelso press


Christian names used by men and women, 45 Pembroke, Dutchmen in, statement in 1616

189, 292

Pengelly (R. S.) on " Clerk of the Papers," 414 Penn (William), memorial in St. Mary Redcliffe

Bristol, 125 ; his works and letters, 387 Penny : pheasant penny, meaning of the term

268', 337

Penny (P.) on black bandsmen in the Army, 370 East India Company's chaplains, 410 Gillespie (Robert Rollo) at Vellore, 437 Holwell family, 192 Peter the Great's portrait, 447 Pensioners in the Long Parliament, 103, 253 Perforation of postage stamps, inventions for

183, 251

Perthroat, meaning of the word, 409, 457 Peter (John), 1677, his ' Artificial Versifying,

&c., 249

Peter the Great, his portraits, 447 Petty (S. L.) on Danes' -blood^a flower, 16 Pewter church flagon, 1734, its restoration, 148 Phear (Sir John Budd), Indian judge, portraits

249, 472

Pheasant penny, meaning of the term, 268, 337 Phillips (Lawrence) on Cowper's " God moves in

a mysterious way," 58 Phillymaclink= Philadelphia, earliest use of the

sobriquet, 127

Philological School, founded 1792, 247 Phipps (Major H. R.) on Phipps or Phip family, 49 Phip or Phipps family, 49, 177 Phrases and words, American, 48, 172, 196, 315,

354 Physician's cane, safeguard against contagion,

168, 194, 437 Pickering ( J. E. Latton) on Junius and the horse

whipping of the Duke of Bedford, 495 Pickthall (Marmaduke) on Dickens : " Shalla-

balah," 68

Pickwick (S.) on Andrew Arter's memorial, 75 Pierpoint (R.) on birthdays and the change of

Calendar, 474 Blue Rod, 425 Boz and Dombey as French place-names, 244 Chandos (Sir John), 115 ' Church Historians of England,' 373 Corpse bleeding, 92 Custom House cutters, 477 Dilke (Sir Charles Wentworth), 130 Elephant and castle in heraldry, 36 Elizabeth (Queen), statue in Royal Exchange,


Guichard d' Angle, 73 " Hie locus odit, amat," &c., 66, 131 High Stewards at the Restoration, 17 John Hudson (late Burkitt & Hudson), 9 John de Cosington, 133 Johnson (Dr.) in the hunting field, 52 " Love me, love my dog," 113 Moving pictures to cinematographs, 57 Napoleon and the Little Red Man, 54

O'Looney's (Lady) epitaph, 190

), Earl of horse, 463

Pitt (William),

horse, 463 Royal Jubilees, 467

Chatham, cornet of

Pierpoint (R.) on Scottish titles conferred by

Cromwell, 374

Teapoy : cellarette : gardevin, 272 Turcopolier : Knights Hospitallers, 12 Water-shoes for walking on water : G-

Parratt, 77, 177 Piggott (Ralph), Catholic Judge, 1724, his bio-

graphy, 449

Pigott (J.) captain 1772, and Black Hole of Cal- cutta, 74, 111, 192, 272, 432 Pigott (W. Jackson) on Holwell familv, 74, 192,.


Pigs, cured by nightshade, 427, 491 Pigtails last worn in British Army, 1808, 466 Pincerna (Simon), and Westminster, 170 Pink (W. D.) on John Appleyard, 307

Arundel (Sir John) of Clerkenwell, 367 Ashley or Astley (Mistress Katherine), 447 Ashton (Sir William), 387 Parington of Worden, 385 Wharton (Sir Miles), 372 Pirton, Herts, apparition at, 466 Pitfield (Rev. Sebastian), his ghost, 95 Pitman (J. F.) on Sudane, Soudan, or Soldaiik

family, 88 Pitt (William), Earl of Chatham, his letter on.

superstition, 107, 218 ; as cornet of horse, 463 Pitt (William), his disfranchisement scheme r

1785, 8, 77

Pitti Gallery, portrait of son of Frederick III. of Denmark, 267, 314, 418

Place-Names :

Bagdad, 69 Boz and Dombey, 244 Buckrose, 464 cand/in, 229, 351,398 -de- and -ty- in, 108, 178 Dryden, 68, 137, 178 Faircross, 464 Goodbeter, 167, 254 Haywra, 487 Lacy, 8, 136

Moor, More, Moory-ground, 450 Oundle, 9, 137, 153, 298 Woolsthorpe, 368, 418 Plagiarism, Milton on, 191 Plague spread by rats, 78

Plaistow and its products, poem c. 1760, 208, 25ft Platt (Isaac Hull) on fishing in classical times,

453 Playgoer on " burgling," 286

Vestris (Madame), 371 Plays, mediaeval " Oberammergaus," 267, 333 r

395 Plomer (H. R.) on bells and bell-founders c. 1560 r

John Granger, 6 Lowe family, 1670-80, 106 Poets, German, of English birth, 161 Poland (Sir Harry B.) on " Old Cock o' Wax," 56-

  • Pickwick ' difficulties, 332

Poland (J.) on Sir Andrew Judd, 148 Pole (Geoffrey), Winchester scholar, his bio- graphy, 45, 112, 154 Politician on birthdays and change of Calendar,.


Colleges of Commerce, 369 " Kangaroo closure," 345 Leader of the House of Commons, 108 " Never swap horses," &c., 358 Pitt and Wilkes on disfranchisement, 8 Speaker's chair of old House of Commons, 94 ollard (H. T. ) on Bishop M. H. T. Luscombe, 37