Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/532

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911

Ratcliffe (T.) on ' Pickwick ' difficulties, 392

Postage stamps, first perforated, 251

Rice for the complexion, 258

St. Mark's Eve : " Watching the supper," 305

Tailors, itinerant, 34

" To the West ! To the West ! " 187

" Welcome as the flowers in May," 367

' White Hand and a Black Thumb,' 249

Woodyer, 116

Bats and the spread of plague, 78 Raven on pheasant penny, 268

Unicorn on royal arms, 187 Raven (Rev. John James), campanologist, portraits

of, 249 Ravenscroft (Edward), c. 1800, his descent and

marriage, 289 Rea (Toe) on " Cruel of heart were they," 191

Peel (Sir Robert) and his speeches, 178

Smith (Charlotte), her poem ' St. Monica,' 298

Swedish mission to Abyssinia, 417 Reade (Aleyn Lyell) on Richardson's supposed

Derbyshire connexions, 123 4 Rebecca and her Daughters,' book on Rebecca

riots, 89, 195

Rebecca Riots in Wales, book on, 89, 195 Recorders and High Stewards at the Restoration,

17, 138, 376

Records, municipal, list of printed, 493 Rector on Rosamond Spong : " Orta Carolo

Rege," 269

Rectors and militia expenses, 1716, 8 Reformation, Colani on, 32 Regiment, Hanoverian, with " Sebastopol " on

shakos, 327, 378, 415, 457 Regiment, Queen's, Sheffield plate dish belonging

to, 70, 138, 239 Register of Newenham Abbey, Devon, 1246,

70, 110, 197

Registers of Belfast, c. 1677, 70, 114 Registers of London parishes, c. 1664, transcripts

of, 303, 475

Registers of Stoke Newington, 1559-1812, 244 Remembrance, Irish book of, 1800, 70, 114 Rempston (Sir Thomas), c. 1421, his death, 243

  • Renascence : Sculptured Tombs of Rome,'

alleged inaccuracies, 274 Restoration, High Stewards and Recorders at, 17,

138, 376

Reynolds (Sir Joshua), his MS. notebooks, 267, 313 Rhinoceros, first in England, 1711, 286 Rhodes (A.) on Bishopsgate Street Without, 477

Black bandsmen hi the Army, 287

" Bolton ffaire groates," 94

Carnall (Robert), 308

Corpse bleeding, 35

Essex as Christian name, 92, 295

Marriage on 30 February, 146

Mears (William), bell-founder, 1626, 75

Mother's maiden name as children's surname, 154

Municipal records printed, 493

Poor Souls' Light : " Totenlaterne," 30

Rags left at wells, 470

" Seekers," religious sect, 255

Spider's web and fever, 96

Sweetapple surname, 213

" To the West ! To the West ! " 237

Unicorn on royal arms, 274 Rhubarb, derivation of the word, 328, 392, 476 Riby, Lincolnshire, battle at, 1645, 487 Rice, eaten raw for the complexion, 189, 258 Richards (G. W.) on Job or Jope family, 448

Richards (Robert), Uttoxeter printer c. 1785,

405, 454

Richardson (S.), and the English philosophers, 5 ; his supposed connexions in Derbyshire, 123 ; his references to Methodists, 124 ; his birth, 127 ; Anna Howe and Charlotte Grandison, 164 Ricketts ( William )i= Mary Goodwin, and John- son family, 168 Riddell (Mrs. C.) on Lawton and Inman families,


Riddle of claret served in Scotland, 76 Rider (John) of Camberwell, c. 1830, his parent- age, 309

Rimes : cuckoo, 465 ; " Swarm o' bees i' May," 406 ; " There was a little girl," 128, 234, 271, 333, 438

Ringham (J. C.) on pensioners in the Long Par- liament, 103

Rings, sanctuary, their origin and use, 347, 436 Robbins (A. F.) on Anglo-American mail service, 5 Cadie = caddie, 206 Clerks of the Parliament, 312 Fielding (Henry) and the civil power, 486 Furlough, 226

Newspaper, first halfpenny, 366 Rousseau and England, 405 Rousseau and Voltaire, 447 Scarborough Spa, 129 Scout = spy, sneak, 165 Telegraphy, earliest, 24 Roberts (W.) on Bonar & Co., 497 Cagnoni (Domenico), 125 Conyngham (Lady), 110 Lely (Richard), 305 Milton Bibles, 70 Portrait in Pitti Gallery : Justus Sustermans,


Reynolds's pocket-books, 313 Rolle (Richard), 'The Prick of Conscience,'


Wint (Peter de), 418

Robinson (H. Crabb) and De Quincey, 102 Robinson (J.) on Speaker's chair of the old House

of Commons, 93 Robinson (Lionel G.) on Nelson and the Victory,


Rockingham on rats and plague, 78 Rod-titles : Blue Rod, 425 Rodger (E.) on London gunsmiths and their

work, 49, 318 Rodway (A.) on Collar of SS : the forget-me-not,

413 Roebuck, Portland packet, and French privateer

Arcoul, 1797, 288 Roeites of Calverton, founded 1780, 9, 194, 272,

385, 455 Rogers (Samuel), and B. Disraeli's baptism, 268,

314 Rolle (Richard), and ' The Prick of Conscience,'

227, 277, 377, 417, 458

Roman Empire, Holy, Counts of, 54, 94, 194 Rome, historic fires in, c. 283 A.D., 209, 410 ;

Charles Martel in book on tombs of, 274 Romney family and Lord Lifford, c. 1700, 169 Romney or Rumney (George), recusant, c. 1611,


Romney (Sir W.), Alderman, d. 1611, his de- scendants, 169, 238, 294, 314 Roper (Ida M.) on dogs on brasses and stone

effigies, 311

Rosenthal (Ludwig) on Atrebatum, 256 Rossetti (Dante G.) on art, 407 Rotton (Sir J. F.) on Alfieri in England, 37