Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/76

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. HI. JAN. 28, 1011.

QUEEN'S REGIMENT : SHEFFIELD PLATE DISH. The officers of the Queen's Regiment, Warley, Essex, possess a very large old Sheffield plate dish donor's name forgotten. They would be glad to know what family have a cockatrice or griffin with arrow in its beak, and motto " In Deo spero," as shown on the dish. W. MACKIE, Lieut. -Col.

NEWENHAM ABBEY, DEVON. In Dug- dale's ' Monasticon,' vol. v. p. 690, it is said that a minute account of the journey of the colony from Beaulieu, 2 January, 1246/7, appears in the Register of the Abbey of Newenham, " at present in the possession of William Wavell, Esq., M.D., of Barnstaple." Can any of your readers inform me where I can consult this Register, or find a transla- tion of the account of this journey ?

J. K. F.

CHERTSEY CARTULARIES. Can any one inform me whether there are any of the cartularies of Chertsey Monastery published besides those given by Dugdale ? G. A. K.

JEREMY SMITH, 1666. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' give me information concerning Jeremy Smith, who held the office of Ranger and Bailiff of Windsor Park in 1666 ?


MARQUIS OF ORMONDE'S GUARD. Where can I get information concerning officers who served in the Marquis of Oimonde's Guard of Battleaxes ?


BELFAST REGISTERS. Are there any old registers of Belfast in existence ? If so, would it be possible to see them ? I want information concerning some one born about 1677 in Belfast. E. G. COCK.

IRISH BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE. I have a letter from an old Irish lady (now dead) in which she refers to a " Book of Remem- brance " which must have been published (probably in Ireland) before 1800. It was presumably a chronicle of Ulster families or of Anglo-Irish history. Apparently there was a list of subscribers printed at the beginning. Can any reader kindly refer me to such a book ? I am not at all sure that she gave me the right title of the book and I can find nothing like it at the British Museum. W. ROBERTS CROW.

ALEXANDER HOLMES. 1848. In or aboul 1848 the late Alexander Holmes, formerly o1 3, St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, hac a remarkable adventure. A leader in The

Times followed, entitled ' Taking the Bull

>y the Horn.' Can some reader put me in

correspondence with some one who retains

a copy of the paper, now out of print ? I

am interested, as the person referred to

was my uncle, and the attempt was made

,o save his brother my father-in-law, the

ate Joseph Arthur Holmes, J.P., D.L., &c., of

logher House, co. Sligo, near which a hired

assassin lay concealed. ALFRED EDGAR.

55, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh..


(11 S. iii. 1.)

IN the later years of the last century I was a frequent visitor to Bristol, and always went the round of the old-book shops from the Colonnade to George's in Park Street, and I believe it was Kerslake who told me that when he was staying at a hydropathic establishment at Matlock, a fellow-visitor told him he had an old Bible in his bedroom that had belonged to Jo. Mitt on, the sporting man. Kerslake asked to see it, and, on its being brought, exclaimed : " Why, this be- longed to John Milton the poet ! " to which its owner replied : " If it only belonged to a poet, it ain't no good." The result was that Kerslake obtained it for a trifling sum, and later very liberally handed it to the British Mueum authorities at the same price.

I am positive I acquired this information twenty or more years ago, and have no doubt it was from Kerslake's own lips.

GEORGE POTTER. 10, Priestwood Mansions, Highgate, N.

P.S. Since sending the above to 'N. & Q.' I have found in my Milton scrapbook an article with the heading 'Milton's Bible,' signed Thomas Kerslake, from The Athenceum of 5 January, 1884, which gives an extended account of the acquisition of this Bible, and references to others. I may add that I have drawn Sir George Warner's attention to this article, but I would recommend its perusal to J. S. S. and others interested.

Probably some information as to the provenance of the Bible in question might be obtained by going through Kerslake's book- catalogues. I have two of them of about the late fifties or early sixties of the last century, which comprise the remains of the library formed by Dr. William Turner of Herbal