Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/129

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ii s. iv. AUG. 12, mi.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



THE quiet Buckinghamshire churchyard of Chesham Bois is situated on high land about one hundred yards to the west of the road leading from that village to Chesham. The church, dedicated in the name of St. Leonard, is an ancient building of small dimensions : in the chancel are three brasses to the memory of Robert Cheyne (1552), Elizabeth Cheyne, and Benedict Lee. The tower contains three bells, the tenor of which is inscribed " Sancte Andrea Ora Pro Nobis," and has 011 it in addition a crowned fleur-de- lis and a shield bearing the arms of the family of Kebyll or Keble. It is thought that John Kebyll, a member of the Wheelwrights' Guild, who did some bell-hanging for the church of St. Stephen, Walbrook, in 1480, may possibly have been the founder of this bell. The church is at the present time being enlarged ; a new vestry is being built at the east end of the north aisle, and the nave and north aisle extended westward to provide additional seating accommodation. In consequence of this the graves 6"f the Rev. Thomas Clarke, his wife, daughter, and son, of Thomas Sage and Mrs. Mary Bailey, and all those of the Stonhall family which are close to the west end of the church, have had to be removed, and the remains reinterred in another part of the churchyard. My list starts at the north-east corner of the churchyard, underneath the large yew tree, considered to be upwards of 800 years old, and works westward.

1. Edward Turst Carver, died Nov. 25, 1887, aged 78 years. Elizabeth Tudor his wife (who died at Brighton), Oct. 9, 1864.

2. George Rose, born May 19, 1825 ; died March 13, 1902. George Senby Rose, born March 28, 1885; died July 15, '1902. George Fox Rose, born May 17, 1849 ; died Nov. 10, 1889. Charlotte Tuffnell Rose, born Nov. 18, 1821 ; died Nov. 16, 1890.

3. Emily Smith, died Dec. 31, 1889, aged 39 years.

4. George Evilthrift, died Feb. 14, 1872, aged 49 years. Also George Henry Lines, nephew of the above, died April 12, 1889,' aged 38 years.

Affliction sore long time I bore,

Physicians were in vain ; But death did seize when God did please,

And ease me of my pain.

5. Sarah, wife of George Evilthrift, died Aug. 8, 1866, aged 41.

6. Mary Ann, wife of D. Puddephatt, died July 10, 1898, aged 49 years.

7. Henry Garrett Key, Esq., Blackwell Hall, Chesham, died Sept. 17, 1853, aged 77. Also Mary, widow of the above, died Nov. 1, 1861, aged 74.

8. Mary Henrietta, the beloved wife of the Rev. Joseph Matthews, and younger daughter of the late Henry Garrett Kev, Esq., born Aug. 12,. 1819 ; died Dec. 20, 1899. *

9. Henderson Burnside, fell asleep in Jesus Feb. 9, 1903, in his 59th year ; for 22 years- Vicar of St. Saviour's, Forest Gate.

10. Sarah, wife of William White of Rickmans- worth, died June 26, 1876, aged 51 years. Also- of William White, husband of the above, who died at Rickmansworth Feb. 6, 1890, aged 60 years. Also of Herbert White, son of the above, who died' Oct. 25, 1859, aged 3 years 6 months.

11. William Ball, son of Robert and Mary Ball, who departed this life Jan 17, 1845, aged 13 years..

The bud was cropt in early bloom, The flower in heaven shall blow. Also of Mary Ball, wife of Robert Ball, who- departed this life Jan. 24, 1849, aged 61 years. Also of Robert Ball, who departed this life June 17, 1859, aged 68 years. Also of Harriett [widow of the late] Robert Ball, who died Feb. 26. 1896, aged 85 years.

12. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, 3rd wife of Mr. Edward Finchbeck of Chessham, who departeds" this life the 4[?] of October, 1781, aged 60 years..

Her painful heart now is at rest, Her violent achings are o'er ;

Her cancerous mortified breast

Neither throbs nor aches any more.

Her eyes, which she seldom could close- Without [opiates ?] to give her [ ?],

Are now most sweetly composed

With him whom her soul did love best.

13. Mr. James Tufnell, who departed this life- Oct. 15, 1805. Also of Mrs. Elizabeth Conquest, wife of the above, died June 25, 1825, aged 70 years.

14. Mr. Daniel Tufnell, who died Aug. 4, 1779, aged 62 years.

Affliction sore long time he bore,

Physicians tried in vain, Till God was pleased to ease

And rid him of his pain.

15. Sarah, the beloved wife of William Cox, born July 13, 1816 ; died June 19, 1882.

Beneath in the ever peacefull grave

Thy body findeth rest ; Thy life is from all sickness free,

"thy soul is with the blest. Where the silver stars are shining

Before the Father's throne, . And where no grief or pain can come,

There, loved one, thou art gone. George, Charles, Sarah, and Charlotte reunited.. William, husband and father of the above, born Oct. 7, 1820 ; died June 16y 1905.

16. W T illiam Stonhall, son of John and Sarah Stonhall of Amersham, who departed this life the 2[ ]of[ ], 1784, aged 14 years. Likewise of Sarah Stonhall, their [ ], died the [ ] of April, 17 [ ], aged [ ] years. Mr. John Stonhall, died July [ ], 18 [ J, aged 81. Mary, daughter of John Stonhall, died [ ] 1809[?], aged [ ] years. Sarah, wife of John Stonhall, died* Oct. 10, 18[ ], aged 70 years.

17. Here lies the body of Mr. Thomas Sage, late of the City of London, haberdasher, who- departed this life Aug. 26, in the 55th year of his. age, anno domini 1778.