Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/137

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ii s. iv. AUG. 12, MIL] NOTES AND QU ERIES.



(11 S. ii. 287, 450, 529 ; iii. 493.)

f ONCE more let me say that this list is not perfect, and that some works marked " In Progress " in the British Museum Catalogue when I started are completed by this time. My list is compiled from the B.M. Catalogue, and some of the additions were not in the Catalogue at first, and some are not even yet. For instance, the ' Records of Inverness,' by Mackay and Boyd, mentioned by MR. P. J. ANDERSON, had not even reached the B.M. authorities when I received the proof of the last list which the Editor kindly sent me. On making inquiries, I was, as a favour, shown the book, which bears the date 1911 on the title-page, so the omission was not my fault.

Gould's ' Records of Dorchester ' was not in the Catalogue when the first part of my list appeared. I am too deeply sensible of the good work done by MR. E. A. FRY to resent any criticism from him, but my imperfect list was a correct description of the ' Dorset Records.' when it appeared.

The same remark applies to MR. BEAVEN. I am well aware how conscientious and in- dustrious he has been in all his work. I am not going to deny that the chronological order in his case is not the best, especially with regard to Bristol ; but as he has a more important work on London, I Avill defer a few remarks till that.

Lanark. Extracts from the Records of the Royal Burgh of Lanark, with Charters and Documents relating to the Burgh, A.D. 1150- 1122. (1895.) List of Surnames, Index and Glossary.

Selections from the Registers of the Pres- bytery of Lanark, 1623 to 1709. Abbotsford Club. (1839.) Index.

Lancaster, City, County, and Duchy. Official Lists of the Duchy and County of Lancaster, from the earliest times to the present day. By W. R. Williams. (1901.) Index of Names.

Pleadings and Depositions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster. Time of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. (1896.) Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society Publications, vol. xxxii. Index of Names and Places.

Record of the Provincial Assembly of Lancashire and Cheshire. By G. E. Evans. (1896.) Index of Ministers.

The Lancaster Pipe Rolls of 31 Henry I., 1130, and of the Reigns of Henry II., 1155-89 ; Richard I., 1189-99; and John, 1199-1216. Also Early Lancashire Charters, from the Reign of William Rufus to that of King John. By W. Farrer. (1902.)

Final Concords of the County of Lancaster. Part I. 7 Ric. I. to 35 Ed. I., 1196 to 1307. By W. Farrer. (1899.) Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society Publications, vol. xxxix. Index.

A List of the Freeholders in Lancashire in the Year 1600 . Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society Publications, xii. 225-51. (1885.) Index of Names of Persons and Places.

The Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster. By W. Hardy. (1845.) General Index.

Pleadings and Depositions in the Duchy Court of L. Time of Henry VII and Henry VIII. ByH.Fishwick. 2 parts. (1896-7.) Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society Publications, vols. xxxii. and xxxv. Index of Names and Places.

Lancaster Records, or Leaves from Local History ; comprising an Authentic Account of the Progress of the Borough of Lancaster during the Period of Half a Century, 1801-50. Has an Appendix of Ancient Chronology from 1193 to 1800. Good Index. Principally compiled from The Lancaster Gazette. (1869.)

The Charters of Lancaster. By R. O. Roper. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lan- cashire and Cheshire, vol. xxxv. pp. 1-14. (1886.) Names indexed in volume Index. Langport. The Papers of the former Corporation of Langport, 1596-1886. By D. M. Ross. Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. liii. pp. 148-73. (1907.) Lap worth. Memorials of a Warwickshire Parish : being Papers mainly descriptive of the Records and Registers of the Parish of Lap worth. By R. Hudson. (1904.) Index to the Pre- Reformation names, and to the names in the Registers from 1561 to 1860.

Leeds. Copies of all the Local Acts of Parlia- ment for the Town and Borough of Leeds, from the Reign of George II. down to the Present Period, &c., Charters, Wills, &c. (1822.) No index.

An Abstract of Accounts for Fourteen Years, ending Whitsuntide, 1840, showing the Income and Expenditure relative to Property under the management of the Pious Use Trustees, &c. (1841.)

Abstract of the Report of the Statistical Committee (for 1838-40) of the Town Council of the Borough of Leeds. (1841.)

Civic Life in Bygone Centuries. By J. D. Shaw.' The Antiquary,' iv. 147-51. (1881.) Leicester. Records of the Borough of Leicester : being a Series of Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Leicester. By Mary Bateson.

I. 1103-1327. (1899.)

II. 1327-1509. (1901.)

III. 1509-1603. (1905.)

Vols. I. and II. have three indexes : 1. Rarer Words and Matters. 2. Streets, Fields, &c. 3. Names and Places. Vol. III. has an Index of Names of Persons and Trade or Office.

An Index to the Ancient Manuscripts of the Borough of Leicester preserved in the Muni- ment Room of the Town Hall. By J. C. Jeaffreson. (1878.) See also Hist. MSS. Com., Seventh and Eighth Reports, which contain Mr. Jeaffreson 's fuller account.

Return as to Parish Documents ordered to be made by the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the Leicestershire County Council.