Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/146

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NOTES AND QUERIES. m s. iv. AUG. 12, 1911.

formed by Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundcl,' is -a piece of careful work by Mr. Lionel Oust, who also shows that a supposed portrait of Louise La Valliere at Windsor Castle is in reality a portrait of Elizabeth, Duchess of Orleans, granddaughter of Elizabeth of Bohemia.


MR. BERTRAM DOBELL'S first Catalogue of Auto- graphs comprises manuscripts of literary interest, together with a large collection of autograph letters. In it will be found unpublished poems of Dr. Joseph Beaumont, author of ' Psyche ' ; a play of Dryden's with corrections in the author's hand ; unpublished plays by Leigh Hunt ; and a large collection of unpublished Scots poems. Under Joanna Baillie are about 110 letters to Miss Holford, afterwards Mrs. Hodson ; also about 50 from Miss Bowdler to Miss Holford, 16Z. 16s. The Beaumont poems are in a 4to volume bound in calf, 1643-52, 45Z. .Among the autograph letters we note one in which Canon Ainger writes : " Though I read Browning I don't understand him." There are letters of Dickens and Emerson. Edward Freeman writes: "I knew Hannah More very well when I was a little boy, before 1829 I never saw her after that. She petted me as she petted Macaulay twenty-two years earlier. But I never, like him, offered her a glass of old spirits." Froude writes : " I have not the slightest doubt that the poor woman [Amy Rob- sart] was murdered, not perhaps with Leicester's knowledge, but by officious friends who wished to open the road to his promotion." Thomas Hood writes to his wife as " My own dearest and best " ; and Ernest Jones to Jerdan, asking him to speak on his behalf to the editor of The Court Journal, to which paper, under the signature of " Karl," " The Student," &c., he had been a con- tributor for some years. Among Lander's is one to " Dear Mrs. Brough " : " Never talk of dismal weather no such can exist in any house where you happen to be." In another Landor writes that he is " deeply grieved to see my old friend The Examiner become the camp follower of The Times in the attack on Kossuth." Glad- stone, Palmerston, Bright, Hallam, Mrs. Fitz- herbert, Hartley Coleridge, George Crabbe, and Douglas Jerrold are also represented in the Catalogue.

Mr. George Gregory's Bath Catalogue 205-6 contains a fine example of the Plantin Press under Chifletius (The Brothers), ' Miscellanea Chifletiana,' 7 vols., small 4to, calf, illustrated throughout with beautiful copper-plate engravings, 6Z. 6s. Among many cheap items are Cowper, edited by Grim- shawe, 8 vols. ; D' Israeli's ' Curiosities of Lite- rature,' 6 vols., half-calf ; Madame D'Arblay's ' Diary,' 4 vols. ; and Miss Ferrier's ' The In- heritance,' second edition. Other works are ' Histoire des Papes,' 45 steel plates, 10 vols., royal 8vo, 1842-4, 21. 10s. ; Pote's ' Windsor Castle,' 4to, calf, 1749, 21. 2s. ; the Oxford fac- simile of the First Folio, No. 736 (limited to 1,000), 81. ; and Sowerby's ' Botany,' 27 vols., half- calf, 1790-1808, 10Z. There are magazines, reviews, and Transactions, besides a number of Camden Society publications. Works under Medical and Surgical include Allbutt's ' System,' 329 illustrations, 30 charts, and 17 coloured plates,

8 vols., 1896-9, 11. 15s. ; and Power and Sidg- wick's ' New Sydenham Society's Lexicon,' 5 vols., 4to, half-morocco, 1881-99, 11. Is. There are illustrated books of the sixties, and a number of colour-books. Among Recent Purchases are the first edition of Bacon's ' Advancement of Learn- ing,' 1640, 51. 5s. ; Britton and Brayley's ' Beauties of England and Wales,' 25 vols., half- calf, 1801, 21. 10s. ; and another set, including Introduction, 26 vols., half-russia, 1801-23, 31.

Messrs. James Rimell & Son's Catalogue 226 is devoted to Engravings of the English School. Among those after L. F. Abbott is ' W 7 illiam Innes, walking, carrying Golf Club, with Attend- ant,' a fine coloured mezzotint by V. Green, 1790, 311. 10s. Under Aikman is John Gay,' oval mezzotint by Kyte, Ql. Under Alken is ' A Bath Coach in a Heavy Rainstorm,' coloured aquatint by Hunt, circa 1820, HZ. There are some Bartolozzis. A portrait of Nelson after Beechey, 1806, a mezzotint by Bell, 1806, is Ql. 9s. There are several after Bunbury and Cipriani. After Constable are a pair of fine mezzotints by Lucas, 1834, 25Z. After Dodd are two of the battle of the Nile, and four plates of the hurricane that destroyed Graves' s squadron onl6 September, 1782 . Those after Gainsborough include Garrick and George IV. when Prince of Wales ; and those after Hogarth, Lady Byron, great-grandmother of the poet. There are many after Hoppner. Romneys include Burke, mezzo- tint by Jones in square frame, rare, 50Z. ; and a gortrait of Mrs. Jordan in the character of the ountry Girl, stipple by Ogborne, Boydell, 1788, 16Z. 16s. Books of engravings include Barto- lozzi, by Tuer ; Blake's Works ; Burne- Jones, 91 fine photogravure plates, reproduced from the original pictures by the Berlin Photographic Company, 29Z. (limited to 200 copies at 105Z. each) ; Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Cruikshank from the Truman Collection, 42 Z. ; and Hogarth, from the original plates, Baldwin & Craddock, 1822, imperial folio, half-morocco, a little rubbed, 7Z. 7s. At the end of the Catalogue is an Alphabetical List of Portraits.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

10 <tt0msp0ntottts.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

EDITORIAL communications should be addres&ed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

BAFFLED (" Two men look out through the same bars"). By the Rev. F. Langbridge. See 10 P. xi. 14.

M. L. R. BRESLAR (" Mortimer Collins "). See ' Mortimer Collins, his Letters and Friend- ships, with some Account of his Life,' edited by Frances Collins ; or the notice of him in the

  • D.N.B.'