Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/169

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u s. iv. AUG 26, mi.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


his birth. Perhaps I may be permitted to refer for a more lengthy discussion of the subject to a paper of mine published in the last volume of the Proceedings of the Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiquarian Field Club, vol. xxxi. pp. 71-84 (1910).

JAS. M. J. FLETCHER. The Vicarage, Wiraborne Minster.


(See 7 S. iii. 427.)

MY account in the ' D.N.B.' of "this elegant scholar and acute philosopher " (as he is styled by Sir William Hamilton) great-great-grand-uncle of his better- known namesake gives the names of seven metaphysical theses sustained under his presidency, while he was a docent at the University of Rostock in 1609-10. Three of these are known to me only from their appearing in a reprinted collection :

Thomae Rhaedi | Britanni | Philosophi acutis- simi | Pervigi- | lia metaphy- | sica desidera- | tissima. Rostochi. | Prostant apud loannem Hallervordeum Bibliopolam. [1616 : date of Preface].

The ' Pervigilia ' are five in number, and of two in their original form copies are preserved in this library (with a third lacking the title-page), presented by Reid himself, and annotated in his handwriting. The Rostock University Library has the reprint of 1616, but none of the separate * Pervi- gilia ' in their original form. I wish to discover the exact dates of the three unseen theses, and the names of their respondents. Both dates and names are omitted in the reprint. I append a note of the titles, so far as known to me :

1. Pervigilium Lunae, De Oojecto Metaphysics.

2. Pervigilivm | Mart is, | Sev | Lucubrationum Metaphy sicarum II. | De Ente, | In qua evoluta ejus essentia non minus vera & san- | eta, quam nova & paradoxa ex mysticis Empedoclis re- sponsis, & | mentis Aristotelicse abysso cruitur ; contra Platonem & Pythagoraeos, &, qui illis | in hoc dogmate adhaesere, Scholasticos, partim demonstratipne, | partim Adversariorum confess- ione stabilita ; CuL appendix | de communi Cosmographorum & Nautarum | errore in tabulis hydrographicis an- | nexa est, | In alma Rosarum Academia ad examen | publicum exhibita | Preside | M. Thoma Rhaedo Scoto, | Respondente

I loanne Lavrenbergio | Guilielmi F. Rostoch. | In Auditorio majore, IV. Eid. lanuar. 1610, sub j horam matutinam. [ Rostochii | Typis Reusneri- anis, Anno 1610.

3. Pervigilium Mercurii, De Proprietatibus Entis.

4. Pervigilium Jovis, De Veritate et Bonitate Entis.

5. Pervigilium Veneris | Sev | Lucubrationum Metaphysicarum V. | De | Diversita- | te Entis,

| Seu de distinctionibus rerum ; In qua Veterum pla- | citis ratione prseeunte ostenditur, qua re, quae ratione differant ; & | Monachorum, (qui ex falsis principiis absonas opinipnes, quas ne | ipsi quidem intellexerunt, de distinctione reali & formal! acciden- | tium primi intriyere, & ratione quaedam differre, qua vere non differunt, ab- | surde finxere) incerta dogmata, qua? inde usq' a, Scholasticae Phi- | losophiae primordiis passim invaluerunt, discutiuntur, | & convelluntur, | In alma Rosarum Academia pub lice examinanda I Praeside | M. Thoma Rhaedo, | Respondente | Heinone Voglero Hamb. | In Auditorio majorl horis post | septimam matutinis 14 lulij. |. Rostochii | Typis Reusnerianis, Anno MDCX.

Of the other two theses, not included in the ' Pervigilia,' the titles are :

6. De Accidente Proprio | Theore- | mata Philo J sophica, | Quibus essentia breviter de- clarata quaestipnes etiam dubise | enodantur, & rationes Philosophical contra Pro- | priorum Communicationem a Bel- | larmino, Keeker* manno, Gocle- | nio, Timplero, aliisque ex- cogitatse diluuntur. | In inclyta Rosarum Acade- mia | Prseside | M. Thoma Rhaedo Scoto | publice defendenda | a | loanne Brandes Sonderburg- | Holsat. | In auditorio majore hora sexta matu tina inchoabitur disputatio | 5 Nonas Maij. | Rostochii | Literis Reusnerianis Anno 1600.

7. De | Obiecto | Metaphysicae j Dissertatio elenctica; | In qua Clarissimi Viri, | Henningi Arnisaei | In Illustri Academia Francofurtensi Professoris | & Doctoris Medici, | quee contraj primam nostram lucubratipnem Meta- | physi- cam per saturam congessit, argumenta ra- I tionis luce dissipantur, veritatis prius assertse [ fundamenta confirmantur : | In alma Rosarum, Academia | Publice exammanda | Praeside | Thoma Rhaedo Scoto | Respondente | Jodoca Rupenio Hannovera-Saxone | 6 & 9 Septemb., 1610. | In auditorio majore horis post | septimam, matutmis. | Rostochii, Typis Reusnerianis, Anno' 1610.

The attack by Arnisaeus, to which No. 7; was a reply, is entitled

De Subiecto Metaphysicae Veram sententiam, A Calumniis & Erroribus, quos autor Pervigilij, Lunae, vigilans somniavit vindicatam Publicse. Eruditorum censurae & examini In Illustri Aca- demia Viadrina subijcit Henningus Arnisa3us. . . , Typis Friderici Hartmanni Bibliopola3 [1610J.

To Reid's criticism Arnisaeus responded 1 in a volume of 258 pages :

Vindiciae Secundum Veritatem pro Aristotele & Sanioribus quibusque Philosophis Contra Acutissimi Philosophi M. Thomae Rhsedi Scoti Pervigilia & dissertationem Elencticam De Subjecto Metaphysicae & natura Entis assertge ab Henningo Arnisaeo .... Francof urti Excudebat Andreas Eichorn, Sumtibus Johannis Thymii ; Anno 1611.

All these prints are so rare that it seems, desirable to put their titles on record. Any references to Reid will be welcome.


Aberdeen University Library.