Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/187

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ii s: iv. SEPT. 2, mi.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




NOTES : Statues and Memorials in the British Isles, 181 St. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, 184 Kitty Clive, 185 Plasse: Weekes : Glubb St. Mary - le - bone Charity School, 186" Bombay Duck," 187.

QUERIES : " Sense-carrier " " Cytel " in Anglo-Saxon Names Street Nomenclature Payment of Members of Parliament, 187 London's Royal Statues The Har- monists : The Philanthropic Society Uniacke Family- William Bromley, Armiger Sir James Collet Rev. Patrick Gordon's 'Geography,' 188 Authors of Quota- tions Wanted Eli Comyn SS. Bridget, Gertrude, Foillan, and Febronia Ford, Milward, and Oliver Families Bacon Family of Wiltshire Astwell Castle and Manor, Northants " Caratch " Princess Louise Medal " Thymalos " : " Mouse of the Mountains," 189.

REPLIES : Edwards's Drawings of Birds, 190 Military and Naval Executions, 193 Deeds and Abstracts of Title Deer-leaps, 194 M'Clelland Family " Kidkok "The Cuckoo and its Call Sinecures temp. George III. Justus Sustermans, 195 St. Clement the Pope and Wyre- mongers Washington Irving's ' Sketch-Book ' " Gifla " :

  • ' Fserpinga " Ludlow Castle, 196 Charles Corbett,

Bookseller Princess Victoria's Visit to the Marquis of Anglesey First Perforated Postage Stamps "J'y suis, j'y reste," 197 Campbell the Scottish Giant Emerson in England Apparition at Pirton "Vir bonus." &c. " David Hughson "Dr. Edmond Halley's Marriage, 198 ' La Carmagnole,' 199.

NOTES ON BOOKS : - Coleridge's ' Biographia Episto- laris ' Fournier's 'Napoleon I.'

OBITUARY : George Edward Cokayne. Notices to Correspondents.


(See 10 S. xi. 441 ; xii. 51, 114, 181, 401 ; 11 S. i. 282; ii. 42, 242, 381 ; iii. 22, 222, 421.)


St. Andrews. Shortly after the lamented death of Major Whyte Melville a memorial fund was opened. The result was that a suitable monument was placed over his grave in Tetbury Churchyard ; a tablet in the Guard's Chapel, Wellington Barracks ; an annuity founded in connexion with the Hunt Servants' Benevolent Society ; and a memorial fountain erected at St. Andrews, near his ancestral home. The fountain con- sists of an upper and lower basin, of red sandstone and granite, carved with water plants, and bearing a white marble medallion portrait and other medallions showing an inscription and shields of arms, supported by five clustered granite pillars, above and

below. It was designed by Mr. Edis, F.S.A. ; the carving was executed by Mr. Earp, and the medallion portrait by Sir J. E. Boehm, R.A. The cost of the memorial was between 700Z. and 800?. It bears the following inscription :

This fountain is erected by many friends, rich and poor, to the beloved memory of George John Whyte Melville, of Mount Melville, Ben- nochy, and Strathkinness ; born 19th July, 1821 ; died 5th December, 1878, from an accident in the hunting-field, near Tetbury, Gloucester- shire. His writings delighted ; his conversation charmed and instructed ; his life was an example to all who enjoyed his friendship, and who now mourn his untimely end.

Rugby. On 24 June, 1899, the late Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Temple) unveiled a white marble statue of Judge Hughes. It stands near the Art School, and is the work of Thomas Brock, R.A. On the pedestal is inscribed :

Thomas Hughes, Q.C., M.P.

Author of ' Tom Brown.'

Born Oct. xix., MDCCCXXII.

Died March xxii., MDCCCXCVI.

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

Lichfield and London. In the Market- Place, Lichfield, opposite the house in which Dr. Johnson was born, his statue was erected in 1838. It was presented to the town by the Rev. J. T. Law, Chancellor of the Diocese, who himself laid the foundation stone on 2 August, 1838. The pedestal and statue are about 19 feet high, and the learned Doctor is represented in a sitting posture, habited in the LL.D. robe. The figure leans slightly forward in an attitude of deep thought the right hand supports the head, and the left hand rests upon an open scroll. On the pedestal are shown in relief three incidents in Johnson's life : 1. Seated on his father's shoulders, listening to Dr. Sacheverell preaching in Lichfield Cathedral ; 2. Borne to school on the shoulders of his companions ; 3. Standing bareheaded in Uttoxeter Market-Place as a penance for disobedience to his father. The sculptor was Mr. R. Lucas, a native of Salisbury.

On the green plot behind the apse of the church of St. Clement Danes, Strand, London, a statue of Johnson was placed in August, 1910. It is the gift and handi- work of Mr. Percy Fitzgerald, who also performed the unveiling ceremony. The statue is of bronze, and represents the Doctor in traditional costume and full-bottomed wig, after one of the Reynolds portraits. His right arm is slightly raised, and in his