Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/215

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ii s. iv. SEPT. 9, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Two which bear their name are entitled ' Charming Florist ' and ' Reaper and Shep- herdess.' Two others, which do not bear their name, are 'The Flower of Wales' and ' Came to fulfil all Righteousness,' the latter being a crude representation of the Nativity. Three are about seven inches by five ; the others about half those measurements. They are of the earliest kind which adorned the walls of cottages. THOS. RATCLIFFE. Work sop.

LUNATICS AND PRIVATE LUNATIC ASY- LUMS. I wish to know the name of a book (published some thirty years ago) in which a full exposure was given of the way in which people were sent into private lunatic asylums. The book described how, for the benefit of the relations of the so-called lunatic and for the benefit of the keeper of the asylum, men and women were suddenly deprived of their liberty.


13, King Street, Brighton.

[We presume our correspondent is familiar with Charles Reade's ' Hard Cash,' which offers some evidence on the subject.]

" EVERY IRISHMAN HAS A POTATO IN HIS HEAD." This is a new saying to me, and, according to Augustus Hare, from whose

  • Guesses at Truth ' I have taken it, it means

that Irishmen are glib and eloquent. Is the saying still current ?

M. L. R. BRESLAR. Percy House, South Hackney.

OLIVER CROMWELL'S WIFE : BOURCHIER FAMILY. What relation was Oliver Crom- well's wife to the old Bourchiers, who were related to the old Cromwells, 1089-1450 ?

A. C. H.

" SEVECHER." In 1563 the church- wardens of Cirencester presented John Browne, a " sevecher," for some offence. What was his occupation ?

F. S. HOCKADAY. Highbury, Lydney.

BAKER FAMILY OF SISSINGHURST. Do any readers of ' N. & Q.' know where the portraits of the extinct Baker (baronet) family of Sissinghurst, Cranbrook, Kent, now are ? I understand that the portrait of Sir John Baker, Kt., was in the neigh- bourhood of Ipswich about 100 years ago : he was Chancellor of the Exchequer to Henry VIII. and Queen Mary. I should be grateful for any information.


AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. - Can any one give me the source of the following quotation ?

Al tuo martirio cupida e feroce

Questa turba cui parli accorrera ;

Ti vertammo a veder sulla tua croce

Tutti, e nessuno ti compiagnera.


Who is the author of the following beautiful lines ? When life as on an evil dream looks down upon

its wars, And the white light of Christ outsprings from

the red. disc of Mars, His fame which led the stormy van of victory,

well may cease, But never that which crowned the man whose

victory was peace.

- They were quoted, at a dinner given by the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House to the foreign ambassadors, by Mr. Russell Lowell,, who at the time was American Ambassador to this country. W. GRACE.

ST. ESPRIT. At Marton, near Leaming- ton, the parish church is dedicated to this saint. Can any reader tell me anything a,bout him, and also if other churches in England are dedicated to this saint ?

M. L. D. [St. Esprit=the Holy Spirit ?]

EDWARD LISTER : THOMAS LYSTER. Can any one give me the authority for, or a proof of the correctness of, the statement in the ' Dictionary of National Biography ' that Edward Lister, whose biography is given there, was " elder brother of Sir Matthew," son of William Lister of Thorn- ton ?

I also desire information regarding " Thomas Lyster, Philomath," of whom, '* ^tat. sure 63, A.D. 1698," there is an engraved portrait by R. White.

(Rev.) H. L. L. DENNY.

Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, S.W.

THYNNES OF LONGLEAT AND SIR W. COVERT. Can any of your readers inform me if there was any connexion between the Thynnes of Longleat and Sir Walter and Lady Covert circa 1630 ?


JEW AND JEWSON SURNAMES. What is the origin of these surnames ? About what period are they first met with ? Are members of these families descendants of Jews who perhaps remained here after the Expulsion in 1290 ? In Oxford there is a dealer in antiquities named Tyler Jew. He is unacquainted with the origin of his name. ISRAEL SOLOMONS.