Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/259

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ii s. iv. SEPT. 23,



in a certain Cause of Substraction [M'C] of Fees And further to do and receive as Justice shall require and the Execution hereof you are required to certifie to us our lawfull Surrogate or other com- petent Judge in this behalf Given under the seal of our Office the first day of November in the Year of our Lord 1738. W. MOUNT Register.

F. S. HOCKADAY. Highbury, Lydney, Glouc.

4 CHTJKCH HISTORIANS OF ENGLAND '(US. iii. 308, 373 ; iv. 58, 117, 154). I am now able to give verbatim quotations from the letter to which I referred at iii. 373 and iv. 117.

In March, 1883, I addressed a letter to Messrs. Seeley & Co., 54, Fleet Street, inquiring whether the following parts were all that had been published : Pre-Ref orma- tion Series, Vol. I. Part II. to Vol. V. Part I. Reformation Series, Vol. I. Part II. to Vol. VIII. Part II.

Mr. George Seeley replied in a letter dated " London, March 12, 1883." In this he says :

" The parts you have are all that were published except V ol. 1. Pt. I. of the Reformation Series, which was published some time after the others.

" Several notices were sent to the subscribers and advertisements [appeared] in various periodicals, and if you replied to them I cannot account for your not having received that part. So many of the sub- scribers neglected to fulfil their engagements that it was not possible to complete the other series."

The " other " means the " Pre-Ref ormation." After giving a few particulars of the history of the publication, the writer adds :

" I was unable to do more than complete the later series, and when I was obliged, by the effects of an accident, finally to give up business, the whole affair was wound up and the stock and plates dis- posed of. I am afraid that you will find some diffi- culty in obtaining the missing part."

There are illustrations in the Reformation Series in Vol. III. Part II. and in most of the following parts.

As various mistakes have appeared in the correspondence in ' N. & Q.' it may be well to give a correct list of all the volumes and parts issued of each series, their contents, and their dates of publication. I am able to do this as I have the books before me, minus Vol. I. Part I. of the Reformation Series, and of this missing part I have a publisher's notice (see later).

The Pre-Ref ormation Series consists of

Vol. I. Part II. Historical Works of the Vener- able Bed a. 1853.

Vol. II. Part I. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. 1853.

Vol. II. Part II. Chronicle of Fabius Ethelwerd. Asser's Annals of King Alfred. Book of Hyde. Chronicles of John Wallingford (or John of Walling- ford). History of Ingulf. Gaimar. 1854.

Vol. III. Part I. History of the Kings of England, and of his own Times, by William of Malmesbury. 1854.

Vol. III. Part II. Historical Works of Simeon of Durham. 1855.

Vol. IV. Part I. Chronicles of John and Richard of Hexham. Chronicle of Holyrood. Chronicle of Melrose. Jordan Fantosme's Chronicle. Documents respecting Canterbury and Winchester. 1856.

Vol. IV. Part II. History of William of New- burgh. Chronicles of Robert de Monte. 1856.

Vol. V. Part I. History of King Henry the First. Acts of Stephen, King of England, and Duke of Normandy : Giraldus Cambrensis concerning the Instruction of Princes : Richard of Devizes : History of the Archbishops of Canterbury, by Gervase, Monk of Canterbury: Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle: Chronicle of the Isle of Man. 1858.

The Pre-Reformation list given by MR. A. R. BAYLEY at the second reference is not perfect, the sequence is wrong, and Vol. V. Part I. is omitted.

The statement in F. H.'s query (iii. 308) that the Rev. Joseph Stevenson was the translator is wanting in precision. The Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. of University College, Durham, Vicar of Leighton Buzzard, was the editor of the Pre-Reformation Series ; he was also the translator of all the books thereof excepting Vol. II. Part I. and Vol. III. Part I. Of the former he translated a portion.

" With the exception of a few unimportant cor- rections, the English version of the earlier portion

of the Saxon Chronicle is a reprint of that

which was published in 1848 by Mr. Petrie," i.e., apparently in Henry Petrie' s ' Materials for the History of Britain ' (see Preface, p. xv).

In Vol. III. Part I. (i.e., William of Malmesbury) the translation

is fundamentally the English version published in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen,

by the Rev. John Sharpe but so corrected and

extended as to represent the improved text pub- lished by Mr. Hardy in one thousand eight hundred and forty."

The writers referred to are the Rev. John Sharpe, B.A., Rector of Castle Eaton, Wiltshire, and Thomas Duff us Hardy, Esq., Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Records (see Preface, p. xv).

The Reformation Series contains only

' The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe '

and matter concerning Foxe. There are

ight volumes, each consisting of two parts

bound separately.

Vol. I. Part I. of this series I have not got. It was published some time after the others

e Mr. Seeley's letter above). I have,

however, a reference to it in a printed

Second Notice " sent to subscribers, October, 1868, by Mr. George Seeley, then of