Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/308

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. iv. OCT. 14, 1911

Solitary he was for going a lone

No body would goe with but that's all one.

To save Faggotts in winter by Dragon & Bell

Most are of opinion he went to hell.

Well, would I might never goe out of y e rome^i

Hee'le be very Melancholly at y e day of doome.

JOSEPH QUINCY ADAMS, Jun. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.


THIS burial-ground, now a public garden, is in Horseferry Road. The inscriptions are gradually disappearing, owing to the scaling of the stone and the depredations of the children who frequent the place. A tablet on the west wall has the following :

St. John the Evangelist, | Westminster. | This burial-ground having been closed for | interments by order in Council, dated Oct. 31st, 1853, | was opened as a public garden | May 23rd, 1885, by | their Graces the Duke and Duchess of West- minster. | C. W. Furse, Rector, | F. Seager Hunt, Treasurer, | Charles Wright, Hon. Secretary.

Mr. John Edward Smith in his ' Parochial Memorials of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster ' (1892), gives a full history of this burial-ground, which was purchased in 1729 and consecrated in 1731, but says little about the inscriptions. He mentions No. 224, in which the date and age are not now clearly legible, which had been clumsily altered to make the age of the deceased appear as 146, instead of 46, and states the correct year of death to be 1732. The tombstones are placed, some against the east and west walls of the garden, some as slabs beneath those walls. On the west side a number of slabs are concealed under the gardener's tool-houses, glass-houses, &c., and it was impossible to get at them. These abstracts were made in July, 1911.

1. A four-sided tomb within a railing near the north-west corner.

Mrs. Eliz. Roome, d. 12 Sept., 1762, a. 28.

Mr. Wm. Bacchus, d. 9 Oct., 1767, a. 31.

Mrs. Grace Bacchus, mother of the above, d. 17 Sept., 1771, a. 64.

Mr. John Bacchus, f. of the above Eliz. and Wm., d. 23 May, 1781, in his 81st year.

Arms, Quarterly, a saltire. Crest, a (horse ?) passant, gorged (?)


A line of headstones placed against the wall, beginning at .south end.

2. Eliz. Sarah, w. of James Boys, of this p., d. 27 April, 1831, a. 50. Wm. Henry Boys, second s. of the above, d. 19 Dec., 1833, at Old Calabar, on the coast of Africa, in his 27th year. Martha, dau. of James and Jane Bojs, d. 22 Sept., 1845, a. 2 years 6 months.

3. Margaret Tappenden, of this p., b. 2 Dec 1752, d. 28 April, 1838. James Tappenden, husb'I of the above, b. 1 Oct., 1742, d. (30) April, 18(11). Sophia Frances Tappenden, wid., dau. of the above James Tappenden. . . .

4. John Schrader, d. 11 Jan., 1837, a. 43.

5. Samuel Kay, Esq., of under Line, in

the ncaster, Surgeon temporary . .

10 June, 1845, a. 48.

[The following three stones are partially covered oy a manure heap.]

6. Ann Trickett, d mber 16... a 7-


7. [Illegible.']

8. Augustin Le Maire, d. 30 Dec a. 61.

9. Mrs. Clarissa Pocock, w. of Mr. Wm. Pocock of Palace Street, Westminster, d. 15 Dec., 18(3)1 a. (4)2. Also in 1886, a. 10 yrs mths

10. John Clarke, d. 3 Sept., 1834, a. 66. Phillis w. of the above, d. 12 June, 1842, a. 70.

11. The family grave of John and Mary Ann Darby. Robert Darby, d. 20 Oct., 1843, a. 16 mths. Jane Darby, d. 21 May, 1852, a. 13 mths.

12. Maria Elizabeth, d. of Chas. William and Elizabeth Wright, of Bowling Street, d. 14 Dec 1840, a. 2 yrs. 7 mths.

13. William Walters, d. 21 March, 1829 ^ o2" T ^ rs ' , Eliza Walters > wid. of the above, d. 23 July, 1829, a. 50. Jane Morris Walters' dau. of the above, d. 16 Feb., 1834, a. 15.

14. Sally Beech, d. 19 Dec., 1836, a. 56. Joseph Beech, husb. of the above, d. 4 July, 1838, a. 68.

15 n Barber. . . .

16. Mary, w. of Mr. Isaac Wilkinson, d. 3 Aug., 1845, a. 74.

17. Mr. Thomas Aldin, d. 18 March, 1845, a. 61, having lived more than 30 years in this- parish. Matilda Aldin, his wid., d. 13 April,. 1847, a. 63.

18. Charlotte, w. of William Hemblen Brissen- den, of this p., d. 8 Jan., 1839, a. 41. W. H. Brissenden, husb. of the above, d. 27 Feb.^

19. Richard Pitt, of this p., d. 29 Dec., 1841. a. 63. Catherine Pitt, wid. of the above, d. 9 June, 1853, a. 71. Henry Ric. Harris Deane, grand- son of the above, d. 10 Oct., 1853, a. 2(3).

20. Mrs. Sarah Coster, w. of Mr. John Coster, of Smith Square, d. 15 Feb., 1847, a. 65.

21. Mr. E. Bright, d. 11 Dec., 1834, a. 37. Also Mrs. Eliza Aldridge, wid. of the above,

28 I5dt iSV. a. 3 l 9 yea? harleS ' """ ^^^

22. Isabella Jane, w. of George Gaven, d. 9 Oct., 1838, in her 19th year. Edward Lovett Hopkins, s. of Edward John and Sarah Mary Hopkins, b. 25 Sept., 1847, d. 5 April, 1848.

23. M isman | who ber, 1836 I A

s | of | Mr. Thomas Sisman I who died 3:

Nov., 1836, | a. 64.

24. Thomas Witford, d. 28 May, 1831, a.. 23 months.

25. The three children of William and Margaret Seymour. William Curtis, d. 9 Nov., 1836, a. 4 yrs. 6 months. Thomas Edward, d. 24 Nov., 1836, a. 17 months. Margaret, d. 14 Oct., 1840, a. 20 months.

26. Mrs. Eliz. Mercer, formerly of Dover, late of this p., d. 31 Oct., 1829, a. 69. Mr. Robert Todman, of Edinburgh, d. 11 Aug., 1834, a. 50.