Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/491

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n s. iv. DEC. 16, MI.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


16, 1827, a. 50. Emma Hollands, w. of the above, d. Nov. 29, 1837, a. 61.

182. Martha, d. of William and Elizabeth Halding, d. 26 Dec., 1830, in her fourth year. E(m)ily, d. of the above, d. 1 Nov., (183)1, a.


183 rth(a) Pa of the above,

d. 29 Aug., 1849, a. 65.

184. Eli died 6 Dec., 1843, in her 52nd

year. Also Mary Badcock, mother of the above, d. Dec. 22, 1847, a. 79. Also Mary Walby, d. March 20, 1853.

185. Mr. John Gough, late Quarter- Master of the Royal East Middlesex Militia, and Governor of H.M. General Penitentiary, Millbank, d. 9 July, 1824, in his 51st year, leaving a wid. and 5 children. Mary Euphemia, 3rd dau. of the above, died of a decline, 2 March, 1843, a. 26. James Latham Clarke, son-in-law of the above, d. after a few hours' illness, 1 Sept., 1849, a. 42.

186. William James Horton, d. 25 July, 1846, a. 5 months. Herbert Horton, d. 20 Dec., 1850, a. 3 months.

187. Mrs. Ann Mallet, d. 29 Feb., 1812, a. 68. Mr. William Mallet, d. 25 Nov., 1825, a. 51. Mr. John Miller, son-in-law of Mrs. Ann Mallet, d. Oct. 1 , 1830, a. 70. Sarah Maria Haselwood, grand-dau. of John Miller, d. June 12, 1836, a. 11 weeks. Mr. William Miller, [so]n of Mr. John Miller, d. Jan. 20, 1837, a. 37. Mrs. Sarah Canter Miller,

of the above Mr. John Miller, d. , 1853, a. 80.

188. Robert Jeffries, of 2nd Battn. Cold- stream Guards, d. Oct. 12, 1837, a. 23. Son of John and Mary Jeffries, of Swardstone, Norfolk.

189. Two children of William and Elizabeth Blackburn, of Millbank Street, namely, James, d. Feb. 14, 1801, a. 3 ; John, d. Feb. 20, 1803, a. 6 yrs. 7 mths. Also four (sic) children of the above : Ann, d. Sept. 28, 1805, a. 4 ; Edwd., d. Aug. 21, 1807, a. 7 yrs. 7 mths. ; John, d. Dec. 3, 1800, a. 3 yrs. 3 mths. ; Grace, d. Jan. 11, 1810, a. 1 yr. 7 mths. ; George, d. March 13, 1820, a. 3 yrs. 10 mths. Also

190. Five chn. of John and Susanna Blackburn, of Millbank Street, namely, John Mitchell, d. Aug. 10, 1789, a. 9 mths. 15 days ; Mary, d. Dec. 24, 1796, a. 4 yrs. 5 mths. 16 days ; Edwd. Deady, d. May 20, , a. 3 mths. ; Elizabeth, d.'Mar. 25,1802, a. 1 yr. 8 m'ths ; Mary Ann, d. Sept. 3, 1804, a. 4 yrs. 14 days. Also the above Susanna Blackburn, d. Jan. , 1805, a. 4(1) years. Also [S]ara[h] Elizabeth, daughter

191. Sarah, w. of Mr. Be[njamin] Thomas,

farrier, late , d. Oct. -, 1791. Also Mr.

Benjamin [Thomas], s. of the above, d. Oct. 7, 179(1), a. 20. Also Mr. Benjamin Thomas, husb. of the above Sarah, d. April 22, 1805, a. 62. Mr. Thomas Street, son-in-law of Mr. B. Thomas, d. Nov., 1805. Mary Ann Street, of the above, d. July, 1831.

192. Mr. John White, of Vine Street, d. Sept. , a. 48. Mrs. Elizabeth White, mother of the above, d. Dec. 23, 1803, a. 72. Mr. John Francis White, s. of Mr. John White, d. Sept. 27, 1804, a. 24. Mrs. Jane Marsh, d. 22 Sept., 1812, in her 72nd year. Mrs. Ann Maria White, relict of Mr. John White, d. 9 Jan., 1827.

193. In memory of Olivia Selby, Mary Selby, Robert Selby, Robert (sic) Selby, and Fanny Selby, chn. of Mr. Robert Walmisley and Eliza- beth his w., who each died under 10 mths. old.

194 Mr. Robert D , s. of the above*

[d.] Nov. 12, , a 21. [Cha]rles Robert, [s. of]

Willi[am] Daniel, a. 10 mths [Mar ?]y

Daniel Mark Daniel 1825.

195. William, s. of William and (Mary) Gifford, of this p., d. June, 1810, a. (3) yrs. 8 mths. 17 days.. John Humphery Gifford, d. 10 Aug., 1810, a. I yr. 10 mths. 28 days. Mr. Richard Gifford, d. 19 Oct., 1829, a. 26. Mrs. Mary Gifford, d, 12 Dec. r 1836, a. 53.

196. William Jeremiah Atkins Watson, bv 2 March, 1811 ; d. 2(8) March, 1812, a. 12 mths. 2(6) days. Mr. James Atkins, d. 30 Dec., 1818, a. 78.

A faithful Friend, a Father dear, A loving Husband lieth here ; In peace he lived, in peace he died, Who craved his life, but was denied.

Mary Ann Neve, d. 2 July, 1822, a. 8 mths. Mrs. Sarah Hunt, d. 29 March, 1828, a. 45. Mrs. Adriana Atkins, d. Oct., 182(8),*a. 82.

197. Mary Catherine, d. of William and Susjannah] Waterhouse, late of Smith Square> d. 29 Oct., 1823, a. 46. Mrs. Elizabeth Bas[s],. eldest dau. of the above [Sus]annah Waterhouse,

widow of [Geor]ge Bass, R.N first discovered

[Bass's Stra]ights [sic], which and which. . . ..

N[e]w [So]uth Wales, [Van Di]eman's La[ndJ

died 23 Ju.. a. 56.

198. Mr. Robert Minns, d. 5 April, 1791, a. 42. Six of his chn. who died in their infancy : Robert, James, John Cordy, Stephen, Hannah, Robert [second]. Mary Morrel, granddau. of the above, d^

2 Feb., 1806, a. 3 yrs. 7 mths. 2 days. Also


199. Matthew Lamb, s. of Edward Lamb* Solicitor at Daventry, Northants, and Catherine Parsons, his w., d. in this p. 23 April, 182(3 or 5), a. 32, and was bur. 26 April. This stone was restored by his brother-in-law, F. R. Philp, M.D.* Cantab., in June, 1878.

200. [T]hom[a]s Hirsele(y), of this p., brick- layer, d. Sept. 3, 1731, in his 50th year.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut.-CoL 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

(To be continued.)

LUDGATE. In The Hampstead and High- gate Express for 11 November is a report of a lecture by Sir Laurence Gomme OIL ' Ancient London,' in which the following passage occurs : " The name ' Ludgate ' was itself a Celtic survival, Lud being a Celtic god of water worship." It is perhaps rash to differ from so high an authority as Sir Laurence Gomme, but before accepting this statement, I think it would be well to* have something in the nature of historical evidence. According to Sir John Rhys, Nudd or Lludd was a Celtic god of the sea f but London was not situated on the sea, and it seems improbable that the Anglo- Saxons, in naming the gate, would have