Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/549

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.



Boatman, murderous London, 1586, 16

Bobart (Tilleman) of Woodstock, 305

Bode (John), 1639, his biography, 369, 494

Body and the belly, the story, 9, 76

Boleyn family, various spellings of the name, 465

Boleyn or Bullen family in Ireland, 6, 465

Bombay duck"=a fish called bummelo, 187,

238, 335 "Bon Chretien" pears, origin of the name, 309,

372 Bonaparte (Napoleon) : his surgeon at St. Helena,

167, 216 ; relic in India of, 284 ; his " Imperial

Guard," 289, 350 ; and David II. of Scotland,

historical parallel, 525

Bonar & Co., London firm established 150 years, 31 Book, printed, bequeathed in will 1507, 106 Bookbindings, early English, c. 1200-1450, 468 Book-plates : of Buckeridge family, 150 ; of Moyle

family, 210 ; of Richard JEneas Spurring, 289 Books in wills, 106

Books recently published:

Broughton's (John Cam Hobhouse, Lord)

Recollections of a Long Life, 420 Cambridge : University of Cambridge, Vol.

IIL,byMullinger, 239 Cambridge History of English Literature,

ed. by A. W. Ward and A. R, Waller,

Vol. VII., 439 -Coleridge's Biographia Epistolaris : being the

Biographical Supplement of Coleridge's

  • Biographia Literaria,' with Additional

Letters, &c., ed. by A. Turnbull, 199 'Concise Oxford Dictionary, adapted by H. W.

and F. G. Fowler, 179," 223 De Quincey, edited by S. Low, 300, 426 Dowden's (Dr. J.) The Church Year and

Kalendar, 39

Enfield, Account of, by Capt. Whitaker, 318 "Escott's (T. H. S.) Masters of English

Journalism, 399

Field's (C.) A Dictionary of Oriental Quota- tions (Arabic and Persian), 218 Fournier's (A.) Napoleon I. : a Biography,

200 Furnivall (Frederick James) : a Volume of

Personal Record, 379 Godfrey's (W. H.) A History of Architecture

in London, 260 Gosset's (A. L. J.) Shepherds of Britain:

Scenes from Shepherd Life, 79 Hardy (Thomas) Dictionary, by Saxelby,

460 Harvey's (A.) The Castles and Walled Towns

of England, 180 Jaggard's (W.) Shakespeare Bibliography : a

Dictionary of every Known Issue of the

Writings of our National Poet, 59 Jones's (W. L.) King Arthur in History and

Legend, 460 Law's (E.) Some Supposed Shakespeare

Forgeries, 180 Leach's (A. F.) Educational Charters and

Documents, 299 Longman's (E. D.) and Loch's (S.) Pins and

Pincushions, 519 Macray's (W. D.) Register of Magdalen

College, Oxford, New Series, Vol. VII.,

Fellows 1882-1910, 280 Melville's (F. J.) Chats on Postage Stamps,

Morris's (J. E.) An Introduction to the Study

  • of Local History and Antiquities, 99

Books recently published:

Mullinger's (J. B.) The University of Cam- bridge, Vol. III., 239 Napoleon L, by Fournier, 200 New English Dictionary : Scouring-Sedum (Vol. VIII.), by H. Bradley ; Si-Simple (Vol. IX.), by W. A. Craigie, 159 Oxford: Register of Magdalen College

Vol. VII., ed. Macray, 280 Records of the English Bible : the Documents relating to the Translation and Publication of the Bible in English, 1525-1611, ed. by A. W. Pollard, 18

Savage's (E. A.) Old English Libraries, 539 Saxelby's (F. O.) A Thomas Hardy Dic- tionary : the Characters and Scenes of the Novels and Poems, 460 Scots Dialect Dictionary, compiled bv A

Warrack, 118

Scott (Sir W.), Woodstock, ed. Gage, 399 3eligmann's (C. G. and B. Z.) The Veddas, 139 Shakespeare : Shakespeare Bibliography, by Jaggard, 59; Some Supposed Shake- speare Forgeries, by Law, 180 ; Corio- lanus, ed. Verity, 340

Skeat's (Rev. W. W.) English Dialects from

the Eighth Century to the Present Day, 499

Specimens of Bushman Folk-lore, collected

by the late W. H. I. Bleek, Ph.D., and L. C.

Lloyd, and edited by the latter, 358

Swift (Jonathan), Correspondence, Vol. II..

ed. Ball, 460 Thompson's (A. H.) The Historical Growth of

the English Parish Church, 479 Ward's (J.) The Roman Era in Britain, 340 West's (G. H.) Gothic Architecture in Eng- land and France, 118

Whitaker's (Capt. C. W.) An Illustrated Historical and Topographical Account of the Urban District of Enfield, 318 Booksellers' Catalogues, 19, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 220, 320, 359, 400, 440, 479, 519, 540 Book-titles, punning, for sham books, 230 " Borrowing days " and the weather, 55 Bosham, legend of the bells of, 286 Bourchier family and Oliver Cromwell's wife, 209 Bovingdon, Herts, apparition at, 30 Box, metal, unearthed in priory grounds, its use,

208, 258 Bradshaw (Henry), the regicide, his descendants,

344, 456 Breda Cathedral font, privilege attached to, temp.

William III., 227

Bretagne (Eleanor of), manner of her death, 464 Bridal stones, holed, origin of, 227, 463, 533 Bridges being repaired, straw under, 508 Bright (John), his writings in " The Best of all

Good Company " series, 508

Bright (Timothy), his ' Treatise on English Medi- cines,' 1580, 464, 531 Brisbane (Sir T. Makdougall), his descent from

Robert the Bruce, 34 Brisbane family, 49, 217 Bristol board, earliest manufacture of, 8 Bristol Cathedral clock, the maker, 348, 437 Bristol M.P.'s : Sir A. Hart and Sir J. Knight, 247,

291, 372

' British Critic,' changes in title, 11, 73 British Isles, statues and memorials in, 181, 361 British Museum, earliest guide, 1761, 205 Brittany, Christmas customs and folk-lore, 501 Broadbent family portraits, 1650-1800, 530