Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/552

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.

Degrees, Oxford, and ordination, 528 Dehany (Philip), M.P. 1778, his biography, 58 Delafield (Rev. Thomas and Joseph), authorship

of MS., 296, 339

Dennett (Misses), three dancers, c. 1816, 108, 173 Dennie family of London and Jamaica, 529 Deptford, naval epitaphs in St. Nicholas's, 464 Derivations, Prof. Skeat on, 7, 118 Derry, siege of, " cutting the boom, 156 Devon, North Devon words c. 1600, their meaning,

449, 518 Diatoric teeth, derivation of the word, 290, 395,


Dickens (C.) : his Mantalini and W. M. Thacke- ray, 47, 153, 258 ; emendation in ' Hamlet,' 84 ;

Miss Bolo in ' Pickwick,' 89, 158, 366 ; Eatans-

will newspapers in 'Pickwick,' 146 ; 'Pickwick,'

errors in first edition, 248, 292, 352 ; his

allusion to song ' Old Clem,' 289 , 354, 415 ;

and the inscribed stone, 443 ; (.'apt. Cuttle's

hook. 506: his phrase "United States

security," 508 ' Dictionary of Musicians,' 1822-7, editor and

compilers, 487 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' additions and

corrections, 86, 401 Diderot (Denis), his MS. ' Paradoxe sur le Come'-

dien,' 27

Dilke (Sir C. W.), collection of Keats relics, 51 " Dillisk," seaweed for cooking, meaning of the

word, 469, 532

Dillon (John) on Disraeli, 449, 498 Dinner in Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane, 1839,

5, 73

Directories of London, 18th century, 168, 234," 275 Diseases caused by plants, 530 Disraeli (Benjamin), and E.Bulwer (Lord Lytton),

25 ; called " a harp struck by lightning," 449,

498 ' Dives and Pauper,' dialogue, c. 1400, author of,

321, 358, 527 Doctors, James I. on, 148 Doctors, "Jockey Doctors," temp. Charles II.,


Documents, American historical, from 1540, 268 Dodd (Dr.), his sermon, 1769, 445 Dog, monument to, at Quilon, 49 Dogs, breed of, in Castle Howard Mabuse, 227 " Dolberline," meaning of the word, 368, 498 Domesday Book, and the Burghal Hidage, c. 878,

2 ; and the Luttrell family, 365 Donny family, 467, 518 Dorehill family, 389 Downman (John), A.R.A., c. 1777, portraits by,

328, 458 " Doyenn6 du Cornice " pears, origin of the name,

309, 372, 438 Drake (Sir Francis), " unus de Consortio Medii

Templi," 347, 414, 490

Drawing the organ, 1585, meaning of the term, 117 Drayson (Major-General A. W.), his ' Third

Motion of the Earth,' 168, 214 Drinking song, French peasant, 109 Druidic cult, Dr. Price and the revival of, 230, 273 Drumminnor (lairds of) and the 1st Lord Forbes,


Drummond (W.) of Hawthornden, original edi- tions of his works, 487 Drury family arms, 369

Du Bellay, Latin verse of 16th century, 347, 459 Dublin, Portobello Barracks, regiments at, 1828-

1840, 50 ; Fraternity of the Blessed Virgin

Mary, 490, 538

Dudley (Dud), his memorial, Worcester, 406, 494 Dumas (Alexandre) and Cleopatra's Needles, 246,


Dumbleton, origin of the place-name, 89, 136, 179 D'Urfey (Thomas) and Allan Ramsay, 58, 94 " During," " notwithstanding," point of grammar,

229 Duty and chess, a comparison, 88

Ear-piercing, the custom of, in various countries,


Earthworks, rectangular, and long barrows, 152 Eatanswill newspapers in ' Pickwick,' 146 " Editions " of newspapers, meaning of the term,

388 Edward II. and Simon de Swanland, London

merchant, 1

Edward VII. in ' Punch,' as baby and boy, 64 Edwardes (Capt.) = Caroline Forster, 1817, 408 Edwards (George), 1694-1773, his drawings of

birds, 150, 190 Effigies, cross-legged, denoting burial-place and

Crusaders, 88

Egerton (F. T.), Westminster scholar, 1847, 410' Eighteenth-century school-book. 289, 392 Eleanor of Bretayne, manner of her death, 464 Elector Palatine, V. 1685, 68, 136 Electric light in 1853, 66 Eliot (George), on a magic ring, 48 ; Edward

Casaubon in ' Middlemarch,' 507 Elizabeth (Queen), her visit to Bishop's Stortford,

27, 72 ; her portraits at Hampton Court, 244,

292 ; observance of her accession day, 439 Elizabethan plays in MS., 205, 275 Elliott (Mrs. G. D.), the spelling of her surname,

392 Elphinstone (Bishop William), d. 1514, his tomb,

367 Elsham, pronunciation of place-name, 269, 314,

455, 535 Elstob (Charles), Cambridge, 1714, 210, 257, 317,

413 Eltham (Abraham), Westminster scholar, 1717,


Emblems, Orange emblems on glassware, 390 Emerson (R. Waldo), in England, 1833, 69, 115,

152, 198 ; his visit to Manchester, 1847, 90 ?

and " Mr. Crump's whim," 108 ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' Gustavus Adolphus's

birthplace, 26 England, history of, with riming verses, 168, 233,

278, 375, 418', 517

England (George), Westminster scholar, 1719, 210 English, Early, pronunciation of " ch " in, 285, 412 English railroad, the earliest, with passengers r

1812, 65

Englishmen with tails, from a mediaeval MS., 46 Engraving, wood, and process block, difference

between, 289, 413 Envy, " eldest born of Hell," author of the verse,.


Epicurus, fragments of, at Herculaneum, 270, 393" Epigram: " Hie locus odit, amat," 279, 318

Epitaphs :

A poor and friendless boy was he to whom, 182: Affliction sore long time I bore, 123 American scurrilous, 265 An earnest and humble Christian, 366 Beneath in the ever peacefull grave, 12& Can I exemption plead when death, 525 Chartist memorial at Ancoats, 524 Chester Cathedral, 265