Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/563

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.



Smollett (T- G.), Dr. Arnold on Humphry Clin- ker,' 348

Snakes drinking milk, 206

" Sniping," military term, early instances of, 267 Soldier, oldest in British Army, joined 1837, 206 Soldiers, going into action naked, 271, 334, 492;

allowed to grow beards, 386, 458 Somerby, Lincolnshire, epitaphs in churchyard,


-Son and mother, original of the story, 9, 77 Songs and Ballads:

A lobster in a lobster-pot, 108, 157 Bonny Earl o' Moray, 68, 154 Cockles and Mussels, 408 Howden Fair, 325, 439 I Believe in Human Kindness, 69 Lizzie Lindsay, 33

t O for the Life of a Soldier, 29, 96 Old Clem, 289, 354, 415 Old Morgan at Panama, 408, 492 Pour eViter la rage de la femme, 109 Solid Men of Boston, 342 They asked him down from London Town,

244, 394, 458, 537 Tweedside, 87, 136 Wee Wee German Lairdie, 14, 52 Ye Mariners of England, 108 Young Son of Chivalry, 150 Sorb or whitty pear tree, Wyre Forest, destroyed

1862, 145 Soubise (Marquis de), Thackeray's allusion to his

cook, 270 Souchy = fish stew, old cooking recipe, 13, 96, 137,

276, 435 Southey (Robert), celebrities referred to in his

letters, 429, 538 Southwark, King's Bench Prison, debtor's life in,

410 Spanish Armada, ship wrecked in Tobermory Bay,


Spanish motto, its meaning, 290, 338, 353, 437 Spanish titles granted to Irishmen, 427 Spenser (Edmund) and Dante, 447, 515 Spettigue, Carpenter, and Bowe families, 346 Spider stories, 26, 76, 115, 137, 477 Spurring (Richard ^Eneas), his book-plate, 289 Stafford family of Wokingham, 268 Stamps, postage, perforation of, 197, 298 " Stand it," use of the phrase, 465, 536 Standard, Royal, use of separate quarters, 85 ' Standard Psalmist,' arranged by W. H. Birch,

c. 1857, 348, 433

Stanhope (John), London printer, 1664, 48 Staple of Calais, Guild of Merchants of, 1661, 507 Statues : Wellington in London, 55 ; and frescoes in Royal Exchange, 138, 176, 499 ; in the British Isles, 181, 361 ; royal, of London, 188, 398 ; Richard I. and William III. in London, 285 ; in Venice, 308, 394 ; height of their pedestals at Rome, 389 ; equestrian, removed from Cavendish Square, 527

Stealing, pirates on, origin of the allusion, 248, 419 Stevens (Alfred), lions modelled by, 349, 438 Stevenson (R. L.), as a scientific observer, 205;

his allusion to ' Maitre Guerin,' 290 Stewart (Major- General Alexander), 1740-94, 67 Stock (Mr.), bibliophile, 1735, 307, 356, 459 Stockings, black and coloured, 166, 214, 257,


Stone (G.), Archbishop of Armagh, 55 Stone, inscribed, discovered at Bellevue, c. 1779 : parallels in Soott and Dickens, 443 . ,: '\

Stonehenge, legend of the origin of, 128, 178, 235, 295, 395

Stones, holed bridal, origin of, 227, 463, 533

Strahan (Andrew and William), letters written to, 67

Stratton and St. Columb accounts, temp. Eliza- beth, 7, 74

Straw under bridges being repaired, 508

Strawberry Hill, ' Description of the Villa,' pub- lished 1774, 207, 251

Street names: Fox and Knot, 130, 178; Walm, 290, 358, 517

Street nomenclature, origin and meaning of, 187, 236, 339

"Strikefire" =gin, use of the word, 366

" Strip and go naked "=gin, 366

Stuart (Lady Elizabeth), Darnley's sister, her marriage, 89

Stuart, Freeman, Parry, Pyke families, 164

Stubbs (Capt. G.), killed at Salamanca, 1812, 529

Students, eleemosynary, and German universities, 25

Stuff weaving, Shetland term, its meaning, 108

Submarine boats in 1828, 346

" Subway," use of the word in America, 487

Sun as the Manger, astronomical literature on, 469

Sunday schools in 1789, 465

Sundial inscription, Sevenoaks, 1630, 307

Superstition of Finch family, 246

Surnames :

Arno, 290, 376

Bagstor, 170, 213, 417

Bulfin, Bulfinch, Bullyvant, Buttyvant, 18,

117, 158 Catholick, 529 Churchill, 233, 434, 491 De la in English, 127, 174 Gee, 158

Haldeman, 329, 398 Halfacree, 134, 179 Jew and Jewson, 209, 258 Lush, Lushington, 53, 118 Norris, 349, 417 Overing, 89, 178, 216, 277, 499 Purvis, 290, 357 Sweetapple, 213

Surrey (Earl of) and J. A. de Baif, c. lo,32, 6bo Surrey Institute and Swedenborgian hymns,

409* Sustermans (Justus), 1597-1681, portraits by,

195 " Swale," American and English meanings of the

word, 67, 114, 175, 351, 438, 495 Swammerdam, his ' History of Insects translated,

18 Sw"anland (Simon de), London merchant, and

Edward IL, 1 " SWeal," American and English meanings ot the

word, 351, 438, 495 Swearing, profane, public reading of Act against,

1819, 386 Swedenborgians, titles and authors of their hymns,


" Sweet lavender," the street-cry, 66 Sweetapple Court, origin of the name, 116 Sweetapple surname, 213 Swift (Dean), Pope's description of, ^ 270, dl-i,

419; and 'The Intelligencer,' first edition,

407, 473 . , -, ,

"Swiss Cottage Tavern," its removal, 464, 514 Syllepsis or zeugma : ' Pickwick, 3b6