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n s. vi, AUG. 3, i9i2.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Brydges Street, Covent-Garden ; T. C. Hansard, Printer, Peterboro' Court, Fleet Street. 8vo, pp. xvi 832 columns.

Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. From the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the Year, 1803. From which last-mentioned epoch it is continued downwards in the work entitled " Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates." Vol. VII. Comprising the Period from the Accession of King George the First, in August, 1714, to the Opening of the Sixth Parliament of Great Britain, in October, 1722. London : Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet- Street : and sold by It. Bagshaw, Brydges- Street, Covent-Garden ; and J. Budd. Pall Mall. 1811.

8vo, unnumbered Tables of Contents-988- ccliv columns.

Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. From the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the Year, 1803. From which last-mentioned epoch it is continued downwards in the work entitled " Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates." Vol. VIII. A.D. 1722-33. London": Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough - Court, Fleet - Street ; For Longman, Hurst, Bees, Orme, and Co. ; J. Richardson : Black, Parry, and Kingsbury ; J. Budd ; J. Ridgway. ; J. Booker ; J. Rod- well ; Cradock and Joy ; E. Jeffery ; and T. C. Hansard. 1811.

8vo, unnumbered Tables of Contents-1328 columns.

Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. From the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the Year, 1803. From which last -mentioned epoch it is continued downwards in the work entitled " Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates." Vol. IX. A.D. 1733-37. London : Printed by T. C. Hansard. Peterborough - Court, Fleet - Street : For Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Co. ; J. Richardson ; Black, Parry, and Kingsbury ; J. Budd ; J. Booker ; J. Rodwell ; Cradock and Joy; E. Jeffery ; and T. C. Hansard. 1811. 8vo, unnumbered Tables of Contents 1454 columns. Vol. X. and subsequent volumes were issued as ' The Parliamentary History of England,' and were edited by John Wright, Cobbett having disposed of his interest in the work.

Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Vol. IX. Com- prising the Period from the Thirty-Fourth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, A.I>. 1682, to the Thirty-Sixth Year of the said Reign, A.n. 1684. London : Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet - Street. Published by R. Bagshaw, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden ; and sold by J. Budd, Pall Mall ; J. Faulder, New Bond Street ; Sher- wood, Neeley and Jones, Paternoster-Row ; Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, Leadenhall- Street ; Bell and Bradfute, Edinburgh ; and J. Mercer, Dublin. 1811. 8vo, pp. vi-1372 columns.

Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors from the Earliest

Period to the Present Time. Vol. X. A.D. 1684- 1685. London : Printed by T. C. Hansard,. Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street : For Long- man, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Co. ; J. Richard- son ; Black, Parry, and Kingsbury ; J. Hatch- ard ; E. Lloyd ; J. Budd ; J. Faulder ; J, Booker ; Cradock and Joy ; E. Jeffery ; ani T. C. Hansard. 1811.

8vo, pp. v-1418 columns. With this volume Cobbett's connexion with the ' Collec- tion of State Trials ' ceased, his name was- removed from the title-page, and that of T. B. Howell inserted.

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, during the Fifth Session of the Fourth Parliament of the- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the Kingdom of Great Britain the Twenty-first, Which met at Westminster, the First Day of November, in the Fifty-first Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, Annoque Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten. Vol. XVIII. Com- prising the Period between the 1st of November.. 1810, and the 28th of February, 1811. London :: Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court,. Fleet-Street ;,For Longman, Hunt, Rees, Orme,. and Browne ; J. Richardson ; Black, Parry,.. and Kingsbury ; J. Hatchard ; J. Ridgway - r . J . Booker ; J. Rodwell ; Cradock and Joy ;- B. Jeffery ; R. H. Evans ; J. Booth ; J. Budd ;. and T. C*. Hansard. 1811.

8vo, vol. xviii. pp. viii-1268 columns, and 3 pp. Indices.


Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. XXI. From. January to June, 1812. [Vol. XXII. From. July to December, 1812.] London: Printed for the Author, and sold by Richard Bagshaw, Brydges Street, Covent Garden ; J. M Creery,. Printer, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-Street.

8vo, vol. xxi. pp. xvi-832 ; vol. xxii. pp. xvi- 832.

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, during the Fifth Session of the Fourth Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,- and of the Kingdom of Great Britain the Twenty-first, Which met at Westminster, the First Day of November, in the Fifty-first Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, Annoque Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten. Vol. XIX. Comprising the Period between the 22nd of Feb. and thelOthot May, 1811. [Vol. XX. Comprising the Period between the 13th of May and the 24th of July, 1811.] London: Print ed by T. C. Hansard, Peter- borough-Court, Fleet-Street ; For Longman,. Hunt, Rees, Orme, and Browne; J.Richardson;. Black, Parry, and Kingsbury ; J. Hatchard ; J. Ridgway ; J. Booker ; J. Rodwell ; Cradock and Joy ; E. Jeffery : R. H. Evans ; J. Booth ; J. Budd ; and T. C. Hansard. 1812.

8vo, vol. xix. pp. viii-1178 columns and cxxii columns, and 3 pp. Indices ; vol. xx. pp. viii-1120 columns and cxlviii columns, and 3 pp. Indices.

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, during the Sixth Session of the Fourth Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,, and of the Kingdom of Great Britain the Twenty-first, Which met at Westminster, the-