Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/148

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NOTES AND QUERIES. r_n s. VL AUG. 10, 1912.

'Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery,' from the Weber collection, which again he believes, on grounds here detailed, to be erroneously ascribed to Rembrandt. Mr. A. M. Daniel's 'On Italian Sculpture at the Burlington Fine Arts Club,' Alys Trotter's second paper ' On Varnishes as Vehicles and as Protections, and Mr. I Aymer Vallance's continuation of his series on 'Early Furniture' form interesting items in a good number. Mr. Lionel Gust sends some further valuable ' Notes on the Arundel Collections,' in continuation of previous articles contributed to the nineteenth and twentieth volumes.


MR. FRANCIS EDWARDS sends us a Catalogue of books illustrated by the Cruikshanks, Rowland- son, and others of their school, to which are appended a number of separate caricatures and original drawings. Of the Cruikshank works the most important seems to be Egan's ' Life in London,' first edition, 1821, together with the ' Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic ' of 1830, also a first edition, for which two volumes 601. is asked. There are several Dickens items, the best of these being a first edition of 'Oliver Twist' (1838, 12Z. 10s.). Both under Cruikshank and under Rowlandson ' Dr. Syntax ' is well in evidence. A first edition of the ' Life of Napoleon,' with Cruikshank's illustrations, is to be had for 18Z.; the ' Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of Consolation ' and the ' Tour in Search of a Wife,' two first editions, with Row- landson's work, cost 45Z. Other Rowlandson books are the 'Loyal Volunteers' (1798, 32Z.); the ' English Dance of Death ' and ' Dance of Life,' by Combe, 5 vols. in all (1815-17, 24Z.); and two copies (the better costing 30Z.) of the ' Microcosm of London ' in the original edition. Mr. Edwards offers also for 150Z. five vols. of The Caricature Magazine (1807, &c.), and for 56Z. five original coloured drawings by John Leech.

MESSRS. MAGGS'S Catalogue 292 is a list of books on the British Islands, Heraldry, Travels, and Natural History. Under the last of these headings an interesting item is an original MS., running to nearly 800 pages, of Notes by Marma- duke Tunstall to Pennant's zoological works. These consist of anecdotes about animals and Tunstall's own observations, and they are illus- trated by 16 water-colour drawings of birds, 1780-90, 25Z. Another good work is Redoute's ' Les Liliacees,' the full set of 486 plates, with descriptive text, in eight vols., 1802-16, 75Z. The books on the British Islands form a valuable and instructive collection, from which we can select only a small number for mention. Thus we noticed Hasted's ' Kent,' a complete copy, including the folding map of the county and the rare map of the Hundred of Worth, 1778-99, 24Z.; Eyton's ' Antiquities of Shropshire,' bound by Riviere, an important work of which only 300 copies were printed, 1854-60, 39Z.; Dallaway and Cartwright's ' History of the Western Divi- sion of the County of Sussex,' another rare book, considerably more than half of an edition of 500 copies having been destroyed by fire at Bensley's printing-office, 1815-30, 38Z.; a fine Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum,' 1817-30, 32Z. 10s.;

and D'Orfeville's 'La Navigation du Roy Jaques, Cinquiesme du nom, autour de son Royaume' & Isles Hebrides & Orchades, sous la conduicte d'Alexandre Lindsay,' Paris, 1583, 45Z. Among the ' Travels,' priced also at 45Z., is a collection of 80 Indian drawings, done about 1780, and depict- ing the costumes and occupations of typical inhabitants of India.

THE July and August Catalogue of Messrs. Henry Young & Sons of Liverpool comprises some good things. There are four interesting Bibles a " Vulgate " in Gothic type, with sundry illu- minations and numerous examples of scroll- work, decorated capital letters, and pen-letters printed by Frisner & Sensenschmit at Nuremberg in 1475, 90Z.; a clean and perfect copy of the first " Douay Bible," first edition, bound in morocco by F. Bedford, 1609-10, 16Z. 16s Luther's Bible, of 1534, printed at Wittemberg by Hans Lufft, the first complete edition having Lucas Cranach's title-pages and a great number of woodcuts, 75Z.; and the first French Protestant translation of the Bible, in " lettres bAtardes,"

Imprim6 en la ville et conte de Neuschatel par Pierre de Wingle, le 4 Juing, 1535," 30Z. For 211. is offered a " black-letter " folio copv dating from 1570, of Brant's 'Ship of Fooles' and for 30Z. Richard Blome's ' The Gentleman's Recreation,' which is "an Encyclopedy of the

Arts and Sciences " in two parts, 1636. \.

Koran a MS. written in Arabic about 1750 on 300 leaves, each page of which is enclosed in a gold border, the writing being in red and black, with sundry floral decorations is to be sold for 71. Is. Two other interesting books which we noticed are a Vitruvius (' De Architectura Libri X.' ), adorned with woodcuts after Cesare Cesariano 1521, 15Z. 15s.; and Lysons's ' The Environs of London, with its supplements, all in the first editions, making a set of nine volumes, 1792-1811, -. t i

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

to 0msp0ntonts.

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