Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/203

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n s. vi. AUG. si, i9i2.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


condition was not so good as he had thought it to be because in all his thoughts about Religion and Salvation ' THE NEW BIRTH ' never entered into his mind," &c.

The old volume by Isaac Ambrose de- scribed above is almost wholly a treatise on this subject of " The New Birth," and the comments in the margin show that the writer was but newly acquainted with the doctrine, as the following extracts prove :

" In those men who have lived long in sin, whose sins have been gross, and great, and grievous, no sooner come they to a NEW BIRTH but they can feel grace work in them step by step," &c. Ambrose, p. 27.

The marginal comment is :

" Note where I find any of these in me, I make ys [this] marke X ."

Other comments are " Lord give me such a frame of Heart," " O my Soul ys word reproves thee," and many similar. There are also references to prison and captivity, and to w r ar (Bunyan was in the Parliament army, and present at the battle of Leicester).

The volume has been shown to the Curator of the Bunyan Museum at Bedford, who v has compared the handwriting with the specimens of Bunyan's which they possess, and he pronounces them to be similar. Besides those already mentioned, there are two other autographs in the volume, viz., Ludovic Auber, 1768 (in three places), and " James Martin, is [sic] book, October the 5th, 1785."

I should be greatly obliged if any of your readers could furnish me with any further particulars which would throw light on the connexion between Bunyan and Isaac Ambrose, the author of the book described above. GEORGE T. JUCKES

4, Belsize Avenue, N.W.


MEMORIALS. (See ante, pp. 41, 104.)

Bishop Heber. Reginald Heber (1773- 1826), second Bishop of Calcutta 1823-6. AVhite marble. Kneeling. By Sir F. Chan- trey, R.A. (1835). In St. Paul's Cathedral beneath the tower. His death, at Trichino- poly (where he is buried), was due to heart failure when, bathing. Author of ' From Greenland's Icy Mountains.' There is a similar statue in St. Paul's, London, and another in St. George's, Madras, both by Chantrey. The statue stood originally in the eastern portico of St. John's, behind the

altar, and could be seen from the compound, A relief portrait also adorns a facade of the India Office.

A statue of T. F. Middleton, the first Bishop of Calcutta, is also in St. Paul's,. London (Lough).

The Holwell Obelisk. This, the second , Holwell Monument was generously erected by Lord Curzon in 1902 at his own cost, on the site of the ditch of the ravelin, in course of construction at the time of " the troubles " in 1756, into which the bodies of the Black Hole victims were cast. It stands a few- yards to the north-east of the Black Hole,, nearer to Writers' Buildings, and takes the place of the original memorial of a darker material, to judge by contemporary pictures by Daniell and others that exist raised by John Zephaniah Holwell (1711-98) to his fellow sufferers, which was removed (for reasons unknown) in 1819 (? 1821), during Lord Hastings's Governorship. An obelisk of white marble, it is circled by dwarf posts and chains. On the six faces of its base are inscribed particulars of the tragedy, and the names of those who fell victims of the siege. Holwell became prime defender of the settlement on Drake's desertion, and was temporary Governor of Bengal in 1760.

Marquess of Lansdowne. Henry Charle& Keith Fitzmaurice, Marquess of Lansdowne (born 1845), Viceroy and Governor-General of India 1888-94. To the centre of the east side of the Red Road, facing west. Eques- trian. Cast from guns. By H. Bates, R.A. (completed by E. OnslowFord, R.A.). Alle- gorical groups of ' Wisdom,' and of ' Justice and Law ' adorn the pedestal.

John Lawrence. Sir John Laird Mair Lawrence, Baronet (1811-79), afterwards (1869) Lord Lawrence, Vicerov and Governor- General of India 1864-9. Bronze. By T. Woolner, R.A. On raised platform, paved and balustraded, facing from the maidan the south gateway of Government House. A civil servant who held Viceregal office. " The Saviour of the Punjab." The " Jan Larens " of the natives.

There are other statues in Waterloo Place, London (Boehm),in a niche on the principal facade in the India Office, and at Lahore, as well as a bust in Westminster Abbey (Woolner).

Macdonell Fountain. Memorial to Wil- liam Fraser Macdonell, V.C. Stone fountain on the maidan south-east of the High Court, near the end of Old Post Office Street. " Erected by friends " after his death in