Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/241

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for merely political reasons ; but perhaps he felt some compunction at having ob- tained his brother's former See of Luon by forging Alphonse's birth certificate, and a pricking conscience prompted him to make him some amends for a scandal he owned up to to the Pope himself.


BARNARD FAMILY (11 S. v. 508). In a list of Barnard wills in my possession I find that the will of a John Barnard of Southampton was proved at Somerset House on 17 Feb., 1726; and that letters of administration were granted for the estate of Mary Barnard of Middlesex in November. 1729. These names and dates coincide with two of the Barnards whose names appear in the pedigree given by MR. ANDREWS.


Taiping, Federated Malay States.

NEVILLS OF RABY : THEIR ANCESTOR (11 S. vi. 48). MR. NEVILL'S interesting suggestion raises several questions.

Dolfin fitz Uchtred, " when doing homage to the Prior of Durham for Staindrop, reserved his homage to the kings of England and of Scotland, as well as the Bishop of Durham " (' Feudal England,' p. 490). This makes it probable that he was already in possession of the family estates, whatever they were, and consequently that his father was dead, in 1131. Huctred fitz Waldeve is mentioned as alive in the Pipe Roll of 1130 (Ancestor, x. 105). Is it MR. NEVILL'S theory that Uchtred, or Huctred, died between these dates and was succeeded by Dolfin ? Of course, Dolfin might have inherited property through his mother.

Dr. Round thinks that Huctred fitz Waldeve was father of the Ranulf fitz Huctred who granted land to Reginald Prath of Tindale in free marriage with his daughter, a charter of confirmation by the King of Scots in 1177 having among its witnesses Richard Cumin (presumably the husband of Hextilda, daughter of Huctred), Symon, son of Huctred, and Adam his brother (ibid., p. 106). Would MR. NEVILL suggest that Ranulf was a younger brother of Dolfin ? As to Symon and Adam there seems to be nothing to show whether they were relations.

Dr. Round suggested, but only as a guess, that Dolfin's father, Uchtred, might be " identical with Uchtred, son of Ligulf, that great Northumbrian thegn who was slain at Durham in 1080 " (' Feudal England,' p. 490). MR. FARRER states that nothing is

known of this Uchtred except that he is named as a benefactor of the monastery of Yarrow, unless he was the " Utredus filius Ligolfi " who made various gifts to St. Mary of York (10 S. xii. 53). He was subse- quently adopted as an ancestor by the ancient house of Lumley.


St. Cross, Harleston, Norfolk.

MOSES CHARAS (11 S. vi. 10, 96). C. C. B. writes at the latter reference that Charas got into trouble with the Inquisition. A note in Sotheran's Cat. 675, 1907, says :

" Charas's viperine practices, during his visit to Spam, brought down on him the Inquisition

at Toledo He writes as an enthusiast on the


His ' New Experiments on Vipers,' with folding plates, 1670, and ed. 2, 1673, con- taining also^ a letter of Francesco Redi's, are certainly curious books.

S. L. PETTY. Ulverston.

MUNICIPAL RECORDS PRINTED (US ii 287, 450, 529; iii. 493; iv. 131. 390 451- v. 73, 297, 352, 398, 478; vi. 91). It may as well be stated that the second volume of the ' Portmote or Court Leet Records of Salford ' (mentioned at vi. 91) was issued in 1902 as vol. xlviii.. New Series, Chetham Society. It contains in- dexes of names, places, and " miscellaneous."

C. W. SUTTON, Hon. Sec. Chetham Soc. Manchester.


(US. vi. 130). The arms in the third quarter of the coat described by MR. H. I. HALL are in all probability those borne by the Barons Malet at the time of the Con- quest, and used by their descendants who remained in France. There is, as I have seen, a portrait of Louis Malet, Sire de Graville, Grand Amiral de France, at Ver- sailles, wearing a red cloak embroidered with buckles, 1486-1516. The shield of the family had three buckles.


QTJARLES FAMILY (11 S. vi. 70, 153). Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Quarles of Romford, married John Symonds of Lin- colnshire. She died without issue on 15 Dec., 1666, and was buried in the church of Great Yeldham, Essex. Her husband married a second time, and was also buried in the church of Great Yeldham (in the south transept), where a mural tablet with a long