Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/257

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ii s. vi. SKPT. H, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


GIACOMO LEOPAKDI : EASTERN EPIGRAM. In one of the ' Pensieri ' he says :

"In un libro che hanno gli Ebrei di sentence e di detti yarii, tradotto, come si dice, d' arabico, o pift verisimilmente, secondo alcuni, di fattura pure ebraica, fra molte altre cose di nessun rilievo, si legge, che non so qual sapiente, essen- dogli detto di uno, ' io ti vo' bene,' rispose : ' oh perch6 no ? se non sei ne della mia religione, ne parente mio, n6 vicino, n6 persona che mi mantenga.' "

What is the book from which Leopardi has taken this cynical saying ?

WILLIAM E. A. AXON. Manchester.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED V 1. EDMONDSTONE. Andrew Edmondstone was admitted to Westminster School in September, 1732, aged 12, and Robert Edmondstone in September, 1733, aged 8. I should be glad to obtain any information about them.

2. PEACHY EDMUNDS was admitted to Westminster School in January, 1715/16, aged 9. Particulars of his parentage and career are desired.

3. JEREMIAH ELLETSON was admitted to Westminster School in February, 1719/20, aged 14. Can any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' give me information about him ?

4. PETER ELLICE graduated B.D. at Oxford University, from Jesus College, in 1743. When was he ordained ? What preferments did he hold, and when did he die ? G. F. R. B.


familiar phrase does not seem to be noticed in the ' N.E.D.,' and I fail to find it among ' Proverbs and Phrases ' in the ' N. & Q.' indexes. Bartlett gives three undated instances in his ' Dictionary of Ameri- canisms,' 1848. Is it found in Dickens's earlier works, or in those of Scott or of Ainsworth ? Or can any correspondent trace it in other directions ?

RICHARD H. THORNTON. 36, Upper Bedford Place, W.C.

MORRICE OF BETSHANGER. Can any readers of ' N. & Q.' furnish the date and place of the marriage of the Rev. Andrew Ducarel Morrice ?

He was born at Barford, near Warwick, in 1782, a curate at Maidenhead in 1812, and married Emma Darby about 1812. He was Rector of Betshanger, Kent, from 1815 to 1866.


12, Rumford Place, Liverpool.

VICARS OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, LITTLE MISSENDEN. I shall feel greatly obliged if any reader will give me as full particulars as possible of the following vicars of this parish :

T. W. Hanmer, appointed vicar by Earl Howe in 1810 ; he was still vicar in 1829. In J. J. Sheahan's ' History of Bucks,' published in 1862, on p. 181, Thomas Walden Hanmer is said to be the yicar, but is mentioned as being non-resident ; his duties were carried out by the Rev. Thomas Staples Pepper. I have only discovered this vicar's signature once in the burial register, namely, in the year 1815, at the burial of Edmund Langston. I should like to know the exact date and place of his death.

W. Haslam : he signs his name as vicar in November, 1871.

Denis Carey : he signs his name as vicar in January, 1874.

Win. ffolliott : he is said to have exchanged livings with Denis Carey ; was vicar of Little Missenden for twenty-two years, and died 3 January, 1902.



NAME OF ENGRAVER WANTED. ' A Com- plete Manual of Private Devotions ' is a book which was " printed for Charles Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1725," and the copy under consideration is the fourth edition, corrected. The frontispiece has medallion portraits of Archbishop Laud, Bishop An- drewes, Bishop Ken, Dr. Hicks, Mr. Spinkes, and Mr. Kettlewell. They are excellent engravings, and I should like to know the artist. The ornamental head- and tail- pieces are of good design.


NICHOLAS HERLE, M.P. FOR GRAMPOUND, 1679. Was Nicholas Herle of Landue, who was returned for the Cornish borough of Grampound for the second Parliament elected in 1679, as well as that in 1681, father of the Nicholas Herle who, according to The Norwich Mercury of 10 Aug., 1728, when recording his death, " not long since, when he was High Sheriff of [Cornwall], had the Misfortune accidentally to shoot his Lady"? DUNHEVED.

LONDON BRIDGE. Will some reader kindly identify the writer of a pamphlet

' A Professional Survey of the Old and New London Bridges and their Approaches, including Historical Memorials of Both Structures, with Remarks on the Probable Effects of the Changes in Progress on the Navigation of the Thames ' ? It was published by Salmon of Wine Office Court, 1831. The introductory notice is dated from London, 13 Aug., 1831.