Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/292

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vi. SEPT. 21, 1912.

We sincerely hope that Mr. H. Macpherson's Practical Astronomy will meet with the welcome which, by its full and easy and straightforward instructiveness, it deserves. The subject is one which ought to be more generally popular to form a larger part of the ordinary consciousness than it commonly does. A good deal of work has been done in the way of popularizing it, and this little book, being, besides other merits, so cheap, ought to count for something in that work.

Aviation, by Mr. Sydney Walker, is written At least with clearness and simplicity, and rather cleverly assumes a certain though very small amount of mechanical knowledge on the part of the reader, so that we are not wearied by long dissertations on absolutely elementary matters. The writer has had the advantage of correspon- dence with the chief firms that construct aero- planes ; we could wish that he had extracted more detailed information from them.

Durham Marriage Bonds, 1664-76. (Newcastle-

upon-Tyne, M. S. Dodds.)

THIS list of marriage bonds (followed, when the marriage has been traced, by an extract from .the register) extends to nearly 170 pages, with 'two good Indexes of names and places. It does not seem to contain the marriage of any very celebrated persons, but we have been struck on looking through it with the numbers of well- known Durham County and Northumberland names of the present day. North of England genealogists will, of course, find it indispensable.


CATALOGUE No. 62, which we have received from Mr. Barnard of Tunbridge Wells, relates chiefly to ibooks and pamphlets of the Tudor and Stuart periods, and contains many attractive and curious items, from which we may select the following : Increase Mather's "A further Account of the

Trials of New England Witches to which is

added. Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcrafts

.and Evil Spirits Personating Men Printed for

I. Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693," 101. ; " A Dialogve of Cumfort against Tribulation, made by the right Vertuous, Wise and Learned man, Sir Thomas More, which he wrote in the Tower of

London, An. 1534 " 4. 15s. ; " Guidus : Oratio in

funere Mariae Britanniae Reginae ad Cardinales Regumque et Rerumpublicarum legates. Romae habita vni. Id. Martii M.D.LIX.," 1. 18s. ; Roger Ascham, 'Familiarium epistolarum libri tres,'c. 1576, 21. 10s. ; a first edition of Sir Thomas Browne's ' Pseudodoxia Epidemica,' 1646, 3/. 3s. ; and Roger Breston's ' The bayte and snare of Fortune. Wherein may be seen that money is not the only cause of mischefe and vnfortunat endea : but a necessary mean to mayntayne a Vertuous quiet lyfe. Treated in a Dialoge betwene man and money,' c. 1558. The author's name is given in an acrostic on the verso of the last leaf, 9/-. 9s.

IN his Catalogue No. 288, which we have received from Mr. James Commin of Exeter, we noticed a collection of eighteenth-century editions of Voltaire in three cases first editions offered for 21. 2s., and a firstedition of ' La Maison Rustique : or, the Countrie Farm, compiled in the French Tongue by Charles

Stevens and John Liebault also a short collec- tion of the hunting of the Hart, Wilde Bore, Hare, Foxe, Gray, Conie ; of Birds and Faulconrie,' 1600, SI. 3s. ; a first edition of Johnson's ' Dictionary,' 2vols., folio, 1755, 31. 10s.; Fuller's 'Abel Redivi- vus,' again a first edition, 1651, 31. 15s. ; and a black - letter book, " London in aedibus Thomae

Bertheleti typis impress M.D.XXXIX" Ulrich

Hutten's ' Ot the wood called Guaiacum that healeth the Frenche pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feet, the stoone, the palsey, lepzee, dropsy, fallynge evyll, and other diseases ' (trans- lated by Thomas Paynell), 167.

HERR LIEPMANNSSOHN of Berlin has sent us his Catalogue 181, which, under the four headings "Acoustics," "Metrics and Rhythmics," "Nota- tion," and "Psychology and Physiology of Music," contains upwards of two thousand works relating to music in its various aspects. Among them are many old and rare examples, some of exceptional interest, such as are, for instance, Zacconi's ' Prattica di musica,' Venice, 1596, 250m. ; Claudius Sebastiani's ' Bellum musicale, inter plani et mensuralis cantus reges de Principatu in.Musicae Provincia obtinendo, contendentes,' with a large woodcut at the end an amusing work founded on Andreas Ornitoparchus, 1563, 225m. ; Thomas Morley's "A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke set down in forme of a dialogue

Devided into three parts Imprinted at London

by Peter Short dwelling on Breadstreet hill at the sign of the starre, 1597," 100m. ; Thomas Mace's ' Musick's monument ; or a remembrancer of the

best practical musick, both divine and civil '

London, T. Ratcliffe & N. Thompson, 1676, 400m. ; Glarsanus's ' Dodekachordon,' a work which con- tains extracts from the compositions of some thirty musicians of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 1547, 300m. ; three examples of Gafnrius : the ' Angeli- cum ac diuinum opus musice' Milan, 1508, 400m., the 'Practica musice,' Milan, 1496, 350m., the ' Practica musicae vtriusqz catus,' Venice, 1512, 250m. ; and the ' Fronimo Dialogo di Vincentio Galilei sopra 1'arte del bene intavolare et retta- mente sonare la musica,' 1584, 400m.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

to (Eomspontonts.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

MR. H. COOPER writes that MR. KREBS has given him the English proverb he wanted in " An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening."

A. WEIGHT MATTHEWS ("Churchyard Inscrip- tions ), Please send address. We have two letters for you.

CORRIGENDUM. P. 215, col 1, 1. 13 from foot, for " fully a century " read nearly a century.