Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/297

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11 8. VI. SEPT. 28, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 144.

NOTES : Inscriptions in the Chelsea Hospital Burying- Ground, 241 The Royal Society's 250lh Anniversary, 243 Adam Lindsay Gordon's Fate, 245 Erasmus or Tindale

French Sonnet Decipherment of Old Tombstone Inscriptions, 246" Russalky " Lore Passports to Para- dise, 247 Hogg on Scott, 248.

QUERIES : Token-Money Lawrance Judges who have died on the Bench, 248 Cockcigrues Earl of Moira : Irish Genealogy William Purdy, Bellfounder Presentation of "the Freedom" in a Gold Box Eighteenth-Century Murder, 249 Authors Wanted Schortelyme Garrick's 4 Satire ' Richard Cromwell at Cheshunt Letter of William III. St. James's, E.C. : Tithe-Books Pagan Customs and Institutions Fourier Society, 250 Maidens' Garlands Authorship of ' The Devil's Walk ' Brindle Arms Mrs. Armytage, painted by Reynolds Inscription on a Portrait John Norris " Exate " Lord Truro's Universal Information Bureau, 251.

EEPLIES : " Pomander," 251 Andrew Lang, 252 Forlorn Hope at Badajos Place of Deposit of Wills Dogs on Tombs Ludovick Robsert, Lord Bourchier, 253

Best Company consists of Five Persons Plants in Poetry Snake Poison, 254 Othniel Haggatt of Barbados Lindsay Shakespeare's Signatures German Proverb : Silks in the Kitchen Churchyard Inscriptions : List of Transcriptions, 255 Toads and Poison References Wanted Fitzwilliam and Grimaldi Arms Dick Turpin's Ride to York, 256 Bedford Bounds, Bloomsbury - Joseph Fussell, a Forgotten Waber-Colourist, 257 Play founded on the Exploits of Tekeli Murder of Lord William Russell David Napier, 258.

NOTES ON BOOKS : Cambridge County Geographies ' Early Spanish Voyages to the Strait of Magellan.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

OBITUARY : Thomas Hawkins Wright.


THIS cemetery is in the extreme north-east corner of the Royal Hospital grounds, abutting on Queen's Road. It is a long, narrow strip, divided into northern and southern portions by a path running east

  • md west. Thomas Faulkner, in his ' His-

torical and Descriptive Account of the Royal Hospital/ &c. (1805), gives three only of the inscriptions ; and the same writer in

  • An Historical and Topographical Descrip-

tion of Chelsea ' (1810) gives a considerable number of names, with the years of inter- ment, but no full abstracts.

A useful collection of abstracts was made by Capt. J. Ford in 1842, and is published in the small ' Handbook for Chelsea Hos- pital ' ; but he often leaves out details of interest to genealogists, and his figures are

not always correct. Some of the inscrip- tions noted by him have now disappeared, and his abstracts have been called into requisition in the following list when such is the case, and have also been used to supply, between square brackets, missing portions to still existing inscriptions, and to check the abstracts made by me. The in- scriptions marked with an * do not appear in Capt. Ford's list : they are mostly of a later date than 1842. The cemetery was closed for interments in 1855. These ab- stracts were made in July, 1911.


1. Mr. John Bruce, late Master Gardener of this Hospital, <1. 4 Feb., 1838, a. 70. Alexander Betson Bruce, 2nd s. of the above, late Clerk in the office of the Secretary, d. 7 Oct., 1829, a. 22. Henry Bruce, 3rd s., d. April, 1830, a. 18.

2. Mr. William Lang, d. 12 Sept., 1834, a. 70.

  • 3. Mr. Joseph Horswell, Master to

Chelsea Hospital for (32) years, d. (3)1 Dec., 1842, in his 68th year. Also to .... of the above.

4. Mr. Samuel Campion, d. 28 Oct., [1791].

5. Joseph May, d. 4 April, 1814, a. 24.

In love he lived, in peace he died His life was asked but God denied.

Mr. John May, f. of the above, d. 1 Nor., 1831.

Ann, w. of John May, d. 2 Oct., 1833, a. 80.

6. Mr. Richard Beck, d. 11 May, 1808, a. 71. John Douglas Crew, d. 3 May, 1816, in his 9th year. Richard Perceval Crew, d. 5 March, 1825, in his 22nd year. Thomas Crew, sexton of this Hospital for 32 years, d. 12 March, 1831, in his 73rd year. Harriot, his w., d. 13 June, 183[5], at 9, Charles Street, Queen[s] [EJlm, in her 64th year.

7. Here lyeth y e Body of | Simon Box | who in the capacity of I a souldier served King | Charles the first, King [ Charles y e 2d, King James | y e 2d and their present | Maj** King William and I Queen Mary whose | pentioner he was belong | ing to this their Maj* 8 | Royal Hospital | and the first that was inter'd in this Burying | Place who deceased y c | 6th of April in y e 63d yeare | of his age and of | Our Lord | 1692.

8. Mary, w. of Mr. Alexander Macdonald, of this p., d. 10 Dec., 1772, in her 70th year. Alex- ander Macdonald, d. 21 Nov., 1787, a. 87. Erected by his s. Charles.

9. Mary, w. of Richard Bettes worth, Esq., Major of H.M. Royal Hospital, d. 8 June, 1712, in her 47th year. Ric. Bettesworth, d. 24 Dec., 1745, a. 88.

10. Captain John Bunting, d. 23 Nov., 1732, a. 61.

  • 11. Katherine Mackintosh, d. a. ; Laugh-

land Mackintosh, d. a. , 1714. Children of Laughland and Mary Mackintosh.

  • 12. Peter Warburton, Captain in H.M. Royal

Hospital, d. 6 June, 1730, in his 94th year. Martha, his w., died 21 July, 1737, in her 59th year.

13. Mr. Robert Rankin, d. 13 Jan., 1755, a.

14. Mr. Robert Rankin, d. 12 March, 1749/50, a. 56.

15. Richard Johnson, d. 26 Dec., 1734, a. 53.