Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/316

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is," they declare, " very exact, neither too long nor too short, as we had vessels well suited for it. The one never had to wait for the other. They made such a pair when sailing that in all the rains and fogs we met with, they were never separated one from the other." These vessels were caravels of 80 tons burden, each carrying a crew of 40 men " taken by force because the destination was so remote .... that .... no one would go willingly."

A facsimile of the Nodals' chart is given as well as their ' Rules ' to know the variation of the needle at sunrise and sunset, their table to know the hours of the artificial day, and their remarks on soundings. The narrative itself is their log-book. This voyage seems to have received comparatively little attention ; but alike for the good observations made, the handling of the men, and the short time employed (the little vessels set sail in September, 1618, and were back early in July, 1619), it is one of the most remarkable of early expeditions of discovery


MR. WILLIAM DOWNING of Birmingham in his Catalogue 515 has one or two good modern items as well as several interesting to the collector of old things. Thus he offers for 51. 5s. ' The King's Quair,' printed on vellum at the Vale Press (one of ten copies) ; and he has a set of Richard Jefferies's Works, all first editions, 1879-85, 31. 15s. A collec- tion of Newspaper Cuttings and Old Woodcuts and Copperplates belonging to the early nineteenth century costs 21. 2-t. ; and there are nine of the Arundel Society's chromolithographs, of which we may mention Girolamo dai Libri's ' Virgin and Child' from Verona, 21. \2s. 6d., Luini's ' Presenta- tion' from the painting at Sarouno, \L 18s., and Meister Wilhelm's ' Virgin and Child ' from the Archbishop of Cologne's collection, 31. 10s. There is a copy of the Plantin ' Pindar,' with the arms of the Ware family on the binding and the autograph of Henry Ware on the fly-leaf, 2 vols., 31. 10s., and a 4 Newgate Calendar,' 1824, 61. 6s.

THE Catalogue (434) sent us by Messrs. Henry Young & Sons of Liverpool presents us with a varied collection of interesting books, and a few good prints to wind up with. There is a French late fifteenth- century 'Horse' some 200 vellum leaves written in lettres bdtardes having every page decorated with a lateral border in gold and colours, and containing 14 miniatures. The last o? these gives the arms of the lady for whom the MS. was written Gules, a chevron sable, bearing three coquilles argent, a pig or in base. The Calendar accompanying it is highly decorated, and has 24 small miniatures of the signs of the Zodiac and occupations of the month 301. Another interesting item is a collection, running to 40 vols., of Sir Richard Burton's books of travel, all, except two, in the first edition, for which 381. is askea. The former owner had the whole collection uniformly bound, which renders it unique, as Burton's works have not been published in a uniform set. We noticed a fine copy of the original edition (large paper) of Ormerod's 'Cheshire,' 1819, containing plates in proof state, those of coloured glass painted by hand, of which the price is 201. Lovers of

  • ' Elia" will like to hear of a copy of the original

edition of the ' Essays which have appeared under

that Signature in The London Magazine,' and ' The Last Essays of Elia, being a Sequel to Essays pub- lished under that Name. This belonged to the Castlecraig Library, and realized 49. at the sale of the library. It may now be had for 327. In the way of early printing there are offered for 9A 9s. the ' Libri Sententiarum IV.' of Peter Lombard, Vindelin de Spire, Venice, 1477. and for 61. fa. four little religious works bound in one volume done, in 1501-2, probably for circulation by aome Order in France or Germany : (1) the ' Fundamentum Eterne Felicitatis,' (2) the ' Liber de Contemptu Mundi,' (3) Johannis de Tambaco, ' Consolatorium Theolo- gicum,' (4) the ' Horologium Eterne Sapientie.' From the library of Sir Thomas Wardle conies a first edition of Fuchsius, ' De Historia Stirpium Commentarii,' Basle, 1542, 281. Out of a small number of autograph letters the best are five of Sir Walter Scott's, addressed to Benjamin Ro f ,ch. who had asked leave to send a poem on the Maid of Saragossa to Scott for his criticism. They belong to 1813 and the following years, and the price is 40A The most interesting of the engravings in this Catalogue are three mezzotints by Lucas from Constable : ' The Lock,' ' The Cornfield,' and ' The Rainbow,' a set which may be had for 4,V.

[Notices of other Catalogues held aver. ]


THIS gentleman, who occasionally contributed to ' N. & Q.,' passed away suddenly at Northamp- ton on the 30th ult., while on a visit to his solicitor. He was deeply versed in all that pertained to genealogical research, being particularly inter- ested in the Loyell, Bletsoe, and Wildbore families. His last contribution appeared at 11 S. iv. 189. Mr. Wright was a great traveller, but about four years ago was crippled for life by a street acci- dent while on a visit to Vancourer. He had fought through two revolutions in South America, and was at one time lessee of Lundy Island. He was 74 years of age at the time of his death. ' An Appreciation ' by the writer appeared in The Northampton Herald of the 6th inst.


ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

CORRESPONDENTS who send letters to be for- warded to other contributors should put on the top left-hand corner of their envelopes the number of the page of N. & Q.' to which their letters refer, so that the contributor may be readily identified.

H. INGE ANDERTON. Forwarded.