Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/345

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CONTENTS.-No. 146.

NOTES : Bewickiana, 231 The Royal Society's 250t Anniversary, 282 Statues and Memorials in the Britis Isles, 284 Origin of the name of Cowes, 285 The Houst of John Murray An Indian Monument in Oxfordshire 236 A Relic of John Britton Season Posts for Popula Resorts Dugdale's Summonses, 287 " Money -dropping " Advowe " " Hyke," 238.

QUERIES : Gibbins " Castle Tavern," Eltham Valeria Petronianus Maria Puteolana Landgrave of Hesse Oliveretto Beausalt, 238 Bishop Ken James Brook

Leigh, Kent " Marshalseas " Brewers' Company St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, 289 Solah Topee or Pith Helmet William Phillips Glamorgan Breed of Cattle Caerphilly Cheese Earth-eating Sterne and " Dr. Sk>p~

Portrait of Oliver Heywood Author of Quotation Wanted Hewlett and Potter, Regicides Rev. J . Corham Huxham John Knowles, F.R.S., 290 Early Christian Gilt Glass Appleby of Appleby Magna Lamb's Chapel London Bagenal, Bagnal, Bagnall Italian Genealogy 291.

REPLIES : Legends of Flying, 291 The Use of Forks- Col. Lowther, 293 Henry Hunt Piper, 294 Nappe Tandy, 295 Woodville Family Ballad of Lord Lovel ' Church Historians of England,' 296 Countess of Lanes borough " Lease for three lives "Concave Mirror with Eagle, Chain, and Ball " Yelver" in Place - names " Exate," 297.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Fleet Street in Seven Centuries' ' Burlington Magazine.'

OBITUARY : Walter William Skeat.

Booksellers' Catalogues.

Notices to Correspondents.


REFERRING to the edition, of vol. i. of Bewick's ' Birds,' royal 8vo, dated 1804, mentioned at 1 1 S. iv. 284 (which is hereafter called the " extra " edition dated 1804), I can now, after further research, say that it cannot have been published until after March, 1814, and most probably not until 1815, for the following reasons : It contains two figures of birds, the Peregrine Falcon and the (second) Pied Flycatcher, and fifteen tail-pieces which are not in the editions issued in 1797 (1798), 1804, 1805, and 1809.

The twelve-line description of the Pere- grine or Passenger Falcon at the end of the description of the Gentil-Falcon in the first 1797 and (1798), p. 31 ; 1804, demy 8vo, and 1805, royal 8vo, p. 33 ; and 1809, p. 71, editions, is omitted on p. 71 of the "extra " edition dated 1804, and is embodied in the description under the cut of the Peregrine Falcon on pp. 72 and 73 in that volume, and so appears in the 1816 and subsequent editions.

The second paragraph under the heading of the Gentil-Falcon, beginning " Xaturalists

have enumerated/' &c., in the first 1797, and " Xaturalists enumerate," &c., in the (1798), pp. 30 and 31 ; 1804. demy 8vo, and 1805, royal 8vo, pp. 32 and 33 ; 1809, p. 71 ; and "extra" dated 1804, pp. 70 and 71, editions, is omitted from the 1816 and sub- sequent editions.

At the end of the description of the Pere- grine Falcon (under the cut of the bird) in the 1816 edition, p. 72, a paragraph is added, in which it is stated that

" the bird from which this figure and description were taken, was shot by M. Bell Esq. of Wool- smgton, in the act of tearing a Partridge, March 21, 1814."

As the cut and description are exactly the same in the " extra " edition dated *1804, pp. 72 and 73, but this paragraph is not included, it was no doubt left out owing to the volume being dated 1804, although not published until after March, 1814.

Then, again, in the description of the Pied Flycatcher the following statement,

" Since the cut, which was done from a stuffed specimen, was finished, we have been favoured with a pair of these birds, shot at Benton, in Northumberland,"

appears in the first 1797 and (1798), pp. 195 and 196; 1804, demy 8vo, and 1805, royal 8vo, p. 202 ; and 1809, p. 209, editions. This" is altered to :

Since the cut was finished, which was done i'om a drawing presented to the Editors, we have seen favoured with a pair of these birds, shot at Benton, in Northumberland, "

in the " extra " edition dated 1804, p. 242, and so appears in the 1816 edition, p. 210.

Furthermore, the volume bears the -water- mark date 1814, with the exception of a few eaves at the beginning and end, which lave the dates 1801, 1802, and 1804. as if -he paper in stock with the date 1814 had >een exhausted before the volume was finished, and any other odd sheets of paper f similar quality had been used to complete t.

The reason that this edition was antedated ten or eleven years seems most probably o have been that it was printed to pair with, ind help the sale of, royal 8vo copies of the irst (1804) edition of vol. ii., which had not ip to that time been disposed of, and still emained in stock.

The Additamenta to the 1826 edition of lie ' Birds,' which contain the figures of ix birds and two tail-pieces, including the Vhite - throated Nightingale, stated by tobinson in his ' Life and Times of Thomas iewick,' 1887, p. 161, on the authority of Miss Bewick, to have been the last bird