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n s. vi. JULY 13, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

8vo. Vol. i. pp. 400 : vol. ii. pp. iv-472 ; vol. iii. pp. iii-440 ; vol. iv. pp. iii-444 ; vol. v. pp. iii-432 ; vol. vi. pp. iii-432 ; vol. vii. pp. iii-430 ; vol. viii. pp. iii-480 ; vol. ix. pp. iii-412 ; vol. x. pp. iii-452 ; vol. xi. pp. iii-434 ; vol. xii. pp. iii-252 ; and an unnumbered index. The Porcupine .... London.

The last number of The Porcupine in the British Museum is dated 15 Oct.


Letters to the Right Honourable Henry Adding- ton, Chancellor of his Majesty's Exchequer, on the Fatal Effects of the Peace with Bonaparte, particularly with respect to the Colonies, the Commerce, the Manufactures, and the Con- stitution, of the United Kingdom. By William Cobbett. London : Published by Cobbett and Morgan, Pali-Mall. January, 18"02. 8vo, pp. 115.

Letters to the Right Honourable Lord Hawkes- bury, and to the Right Honourable Henry Addington, on the Peace with Buonaparte, to which is added an Appendix, Containing a Collection (now greatly enlarged) of all the Conventions, Treaties, Speeches, and other Documents, connected with the Subject. By William Cobbett . . . .Second Edition. London : Published by Cobbett and Morgan, Pall-Mail. January, 1802.

8vo, viii-259-xcvi.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. I. From January to June, 1802. [Vol. II. From July to December, 1802.] London : Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough Court, Fleet Street ; and sold by Richard Bagshaw, Brydges Street, Covent Garden, and John Budd, Pall Mall.

8vo, vol. i. pp. xxx-840 columns ; vol. ii. pp. vi-624 columns. This paper, which was issued weekly, was called ' Cobbett's Annual Regis- ter.' It was edited by William Cobbett, who contributed the greater part of the contents.

A Compendium of the Laws of Nations, founded on the Treaties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe. .. .by G. F. Von Martens, Professor of Public Law in the University of Gottingen. Translated, and the List of Treaties, &c.. brought down to June, 1802, By William Cobbett. London : Published by Cobbett and Morgan, Pali-Mall. June, 1802. 8vo, pp. xxxii-454.


[Royal Coat of Arms.] Important Considerations for the People of this Kingdom. Published July, 1803. and sent to the officiating Minister of every Parish in England. Printed by T. Burton. Little Queen Street. 12mo, pp. 16.

Important Considerations for the People of this Kingdom. Published July, 1803, and sent to the Officiating Minister "of every Parish in England. [Royal Coat of Arms.]

12mo, pp. 16. No publisher's name is given, but the printer was William Spilsbury, No. 57, Snowhill.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. III. From January to June. 1803. [Vol. IV. From July to December, 1803.] London : Printed by Cox and Baylis. Great Queen Street ; and

sold by John Budd. Crown and Mitre, Pall Mall : R. Bagshaw, Bow Street ; Richardson, Royal Exchange ; Ginger, Piccadilly ; also by J. Mercer, Dublin ; J. Morgan, Philadelphia ; and E. Sarjeant, New York.

8vo, vol. iii. pp. xxii-3006 columns ; vol. iv. pp. xii-2032 columns.


The Political Proteus. A View of the Public- Character and Conduct of R. B. Sheridan, Esq., as exhibited in I. Ten Letters addressed to him ; II. Selections from his Parliamentary Speeches from the Commencement of the French Revolution ; III. Selections from his Speeches at the Whig Club, and at other Public Meetings. By William Cobbett. He, in the course of our revolving moon, Was play- wright, tiddler, statesman and buffoon. Dry- den. London : Printed by Cox, Son, and Baylis, No. 75, Great Queen Street ; Sold by Budd. Crown and Mitre, Pall Mall ; Bagshaw, Bow-Street ; Mundell, Edinburgh : Mercer, Dublin ; Morgan. Philadelphia ; and Sarjeant,. New York. January, 1804. 8vo, pp. 388.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. V. Front January to June, 1804. London : Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet- Street ; and sold by Richard Bagshaw, Brydges Street, Covent -Garden : and John Budd, Pali- Mall.

8vo, pp. viii-1040 columns. From the issue of 17 March, the weekly numbers were issued as C'obbett's Weekly Political Register.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. VI. From July to December, 1804. London : Printed by Cox and Baylis, Great Queen Street ; Pub- lished by Richard Bagshaw, Bow Street, Covent Garden ; and sold also by J. Budd, Crown and Mitre, Pall Mall ; W. and J. Richardson, Royal Exchange : J. Ginger, Piccadilly ; J. Mercer,. Dublin ; J. Morgan, Philadelphia ; and E. Sarjeant, New York. 1804. 8vo, pp. viii 1074 columns.

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, during the Second Session of the Second Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great-Britain and Ireland, and of the Kingdom of Great-Britain the Nineteenth, Appointed to meet at West- minster the Sixth Day of October, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three ; and from thence continued by Prorogation, to the Twenty-second Day of November, in the Forty- fourth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, Annoque Domini, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three. Vol. I. Comprising the Period between 22d November, 1803, and 29th March, 1804. London : Printed by Cox and Baylis, Great Queen Street; and sold by R. Bagshaw, Bow Street, Covent Garden ;: J. Budd, Pall Mall ; and H. D. Symonds, Pater-noster Row. 1804.

8vo, pp. xix-1176 columns, and 4 pp. of Indices.

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, during the Second Session of the Second Parliament of the L T nited Kingdom of Great -Britain and Ireland, and- of the Kingdom of Great -Britain the Nineteenth, Appointed to meet at West- minster the Sixth Day of October, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three ; and from thence