Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/358

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NOTES AND QUERIES. {ii s. vi, OCT. 12, 1912.

described in different pedigrees as of Loth- biiry, of Dantzic, and of Marske ; and (2) by marrying his first cousin's granddaughter. His wife Mary, Lord Lonsdale's sister, is in one pedigree married both to him and to his nephew John, son of the third Anthony of Marske, who was his eldest brother. The second Anthony was on his father's side second cousin once removed of his mother, who was daughter of her son's second cousin. Sir Christopher Lowther

Sir John Lowther


Sir John Lowther, 1st Baronet


Colonel John Lowther


Sir John George =Mary=f= John Anthony (3),

Lowther, Preston, Low-



2nd Baronet, of ther



1st Baron Holker,



Lowther first



and husband










sioner of




M arske

Lowther (1),

in Ireland,

third son,


died 1741


Anthony (2),

Major-General of Marines, buried 22 Jan., 1745-6

JOHN R. MAGRATH. Queen's College, Oxford.

HENRY HUNT PIPER (11 S. vi. 129, 176, 216, 236). Having seen your references to this Unitarian minister, I beg to add the following particulars. He was born on 26 Aug., 1781, in London, and he died on 14 Jan., 1864, aged 82, in Hampstead, and was buried at Highgate Cemetery.

It appears from one of his works that the Rev. H. H. Piper went to Norton, near Sheffield, in 1805 (in succession to the Rev. Robert Aspland, who had no sooner arrived at Norton than he was strongly pressed to take up work at Hackney).

In 1827, owing to a temporary misunder- standing amongst the congregation of Upper Chapel, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, a consider- able portion left and held Divine service in the Music Hall, Surrey Street, under the ministry of the Rev. H. H. Piper. On the resignation of Dr. Nathaniel Philipps in 1837 they rejoined the parent society. The Rev. H. H. Piper was at Norton up to 1843,

and then he ministered at Banbury, 1843- 1853. He probably retired at this time, and was living at Lewes in 1854.

Amongst my autographs of Sir Francis Chantrey is the following letter to H. H. Piper :

MY DEAR FRIEND [a drawing of a pipeJER,

I have patiently waited a long time, and now I have the pleasure to be able to send you the long contemplated present A BOX containing half a dozen cigars, by Railroad to Sheffield to- morrow evening enquire for " A Box " not naming its contents for there is No Permit. I intend being at Norton sometime next Week ! to proceed with the Work [with reference to the grave of his parents] in Norton Church Yard without further delay Arrange accordingly you shall know particulars in a day or two. Ever yours,


Monday 15 th June 1840.

(1) 1808. " Christian Liberty advocated. A Discourse delivered June 29, 1808, at the Uni- tarian Chapel, Lincoln. By Henry Hunt Piper." (Sheffield. Printed by J. Montgomery.) 8vo, pp. 28.

(2) 1824. "An Essay on the peculiarities of pronunciation and the Dialect of Sheffield and its Neighbourhood. Bead Oct. 1st, 1824, at the Monthly Meeting of the Sheffield Literary and Philosophical Society, and at the request of the Council afterwards delivered as a Public Lecture before the Society. By the Rev. H. H. Piper, Norton." (Sheffield. Printed by H. A. Bacon.) 12mo, pp. 24.

(3) 1828. " An Address delivered to the Members of the Mechanics' Institution at Chester- field, Oct. 23, 1828. By the Rev. H. H. Piper, of Norton." (Chesterfield. Printed by T. Wood- head.) 8vo, pp. 22.

(4) 1829. " A Sermon, with the devotional Services, delivered at Norton, on the 16 th Novem- ber, 1828, on occasion of the death of Samuel Shore, Esq., of Meersbrook. By H. H. Piper." (Sheffield. G. Ridge.) 8vo, pp. 40.

(5) 1831. " The Doctrine of the Trinity, examined by the Scriptures. A Lecture delivered at the Upper Chapel, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, April 17, 1831. By the Rev. H. H. Piper, Norton." (Sheffield." Printed by Platt & Todd. ) 8vo, pp. 27.

(6) 1833. " Sunday Evenings, or Practical Discourses, aiming to inculcate Just Views of God, exalted notions of Jesus, the Saviour of Mankind, and proper conceptions of the duty and best interests of the human race.... By H. H. Piper, Minister of the Chapel at Norton. ' ' (London. R. Hunter.) 8vo, pp. xii-484.

(7) 1835. "A Funeral Sermon for the late Rev. John W T illiams, Minister of the Presbyterian and Unitarian Congregation, Mansfield. With a brief Memoir of the deceased. By H. H. Piper, Minister of Norton, near Sheffield." (Mansfield. Printed.) 8vo, pp. 22.

(8) 1839. " Letters on Unitarianism, in reply to Letters by the Rev. Thomas Best, Minister

of St. James's Church, Sheffield By H. H.

Piper, Minister at Norton." (Sheffield. Printed.) 8vo, pp. xxxvi-264.