Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/397

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n s. vi. OCT. 26, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



Warden. Capteynes.

. Sol- Ensignes. \dyers.

18 Castle baynard Warde Edmond Pensall, Grocer Mer-

Argent and ruge panes, cross


More of ytself 112, from chaunt.

ruge p'tout.

Queenehythe Ward 38,

and so in all 150

19 Queenhythe Warde

Arnold Rutter, Duchman, free

Argent and azure panes, cross


From ytself onely 150


ruge in field arg e chief.

20 Bredstreete Warde Willyam Powell, free of the

Argent and sable panes, cross


From Queenehvthe Warde Haberd:

ruge p'tout.

52, and from ytself 98,

so in all 150

The same Warde Baptist Hickes, Mercer, y

Azure and or half dyamonds,


More of ytself 122, from the Queenes Ma ts Mercer arid

cross ruge in field argent

Vynetrie Ward 28, and sworne servant afterwardes


so in bothe 150 1599

21 Dowegate Warde

Henry Campyon, free of the

Azure and or panes, cross ruge


From ytself onely with-

Mercers, a Berebrewer.


oute any other warde


22 Cordewaner streete Warde

Nicholas Heathe, Mercer

Sable and or panes, cross ruge


Frome the Vynetree 40, and


in chief.

from ytself 110, so in

all 150

The same Warde

Thomas Dobson, Skynner

Argent and mayden hayre


Of ytself 88, from Dow-


panes, crosse ruge p'tout.

gate Warde 62, so in

all 150

23 Vynetree Warde

Michael Pullyson, free of the

Argent and sable panes, cross


From ytself onely withoute Drapers, Merchaunt.

ruge in fielde argent chief.

any other warde 150

24 Wallbroke Warde Willyam Chambers, Mer-

Argent and sable waves, cross


From ytself only 150 chaunt taillor Merchaunt.

ruge p'tout.

25 Candlewik strete Ward Willyam Keble, free of y c

Argent and sable panes, one

From ytself onely without Drapers.

little square vert in chief,


any other warde 150

cross ruge p'tout.

Summa totalis of the foure Regiments, Capteyne

9 & Soldy in London.

Wardes (besydes the Capteynes in all those Ensignes in all 40. Soldyers in all 6,000,

Tower and S* Martvns le places 40.

wherof 2,000 pykes,

Grand) XXV.

I 4,000 calyvers.

(To be continued.)

F. L,


(See ante, p. 241.) SOUTH SIDE (continued).

  • 51. General Sir Colin Halkett, G.C.B., G.C.H.-

Colonel of the 45th Nottinghamshire Regt.> Governor of Chelsea Hosp. He raised the 2nd Light Battalion of the King's German Legion, and served throughout the whole of the Peninsular War with great distinction. In the campaign of 1815 he commanded a British Brigade, and at Waterloo the - command of the 3rd Division devolved upon him, when at the close of the battle he was himself severely wounded. He d. 24 Sept., 1856, in his 83rd year. Dame Letitia Sarah, his wid., d. 12 Feb., 1862, in her 73rd year.

52. Mary Mclntoch, d. 1 Sept., 1783, a. 64. A loving w. and tender mother.

53. Blank. On the footstone, S. G. 1818. [Mr. Stephen Gray, of this p., d. 8 Feb., 1818, a. 64.]

54. John Wilson, Esq., Deputy Treasurer of Chelsea Hosp., and Lieut.-Col. of the Queen's Royal Regiment of Volunteers, who d. of apo- plexy, 17 Oct., 1812, a. 56.

Lov'd in his life, lamented in his end, Here Wilson lies, of all mankind the friend. Skilled the full tide of harmony to roll His noble praise was harmony of soul. The youths he aided with his utmost powers, The lorn companions of his social hours, The war worn Veteran & the Volunteer Shall own his worth and blend their sorrows


O Reader ! Mark all earthly joys how vain Sudden he fell like those in battle slain.

55. John Morris, Master Cook, d. - May, 1806, a. 53.