Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/441

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11 S. VI. Nov. 9, 1912.]




CONTENTS. No. 150.

NOTES : Quotations in Jeremy Taylor, 361 Rowe Family. 363 London's "Territorials" in 1588 and 1599, 364 "Notch" Bins-, Guinea-, Money - Droppers Real Characters in Fiction, 366 Ancient Observance at Braughing " Bulgars " : " Hangars " The Original " Uncle Tom," 367.

QUERIES -English Family Ludlow the Regicide's Stay in Switzerland-Portrait by James Godby, 367 Grant by Elizabeth of Lands in Belfast to Sir T. Smith German Funeral Custom Authors of Quotations Wanted ' Gammer Gurton ' Berrysfleld Fordwich, the Old Port of Canterbury Botany John Ewen, the Aberdeen Philanthropist Suecia, 368 " Gullivers" Francis Wilkinson of Lincoln's Inn Sir Robert Bartley Novalis and J S. Mill on Suicide Burial at Midnight Jefffey Hudson and Crofts Duel' The Eccentric Biography ' Great Glemham, co. Suffolk, 369 W. Willis Moseley R Crozier A " Dish " of Tea Secret Service Pampel- loime Biographical Information Wanted " Nulla non donanda lauru," 370.

REPLIES -Pagan Customs, 370' Widsith' and " Gauti- goth " 371' Husenbeth's Breviary 'London Sanctuaries : Ram Alley Morocco Oliveretto, 372 Chained Books Bishop Ken, 373 -Author of Quotation Wanted Segrave : de Segrt* Dogs on Tombs The Royal George : Name of Durham, 374 Campione and the Ambrosian Rite Italian Genealogy" Castle Tavern," Eltham James Brooke ^terne and " Dr. Slop," 375 A Winnower Miss Ingalls 376 " Honest " Epitaph Rocket Troop at Leipsic Solah Topee or Pith Helmets" Basset," 377 Greenstone Alabaster Effigies " Trump " as a Card Term Burial-Place of Mary de Bohun, 378.

NOTES ON BOOKS :-'The Scots Peerage ' ' Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland ' ' The Nineteenth Century ' ' The Burlington."

Booksellers' Catalogues.

Notices to Correspondents.


(See 11 S. i. 466 ; ii. 65 ; iii. 122 ; iv. 122 ; vi. 45, 128.)

VOL. II. in Eden's edition, p. 121, note m, ' The Life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,' pt. i. sect. v. discourse ii., ^ Of the Virtue of Obedience,' 23, "Mi) fpic yovfva-L, KavSiKaia. Xeyys. Laert," The 1847 issue of vol. ii. offers no comment. In that of 1856 we are referred to vol. viii. p. 351, where Taylor has the same Greek quotation, followed "by " said one in Laertius," and Eden's note is :

" This sentence is attributed to Pittacus ; not in the life 'of Pittacus by Diogenes Laertius, but among the ' Sententise septern sapientum/ printed from an ancient MS. by Aldus, Ven. 1495.' For the benefit of the reader who has no shelf of early Aldines at his elbow, it might

be added that the volume in which the maxim appeared was the Theocritus of 1495, or, to be more precise, the volume containing Theocritus, Hesiod, and other items, dated " mense Februario MCCCCXCV.," which ap- parently means February, 1496, N.S. See R. C. Christie's 'The Chronology of the Early Aldines,' reprinted from Bibliographica , vol. i., in his ' Selected Essays and Papers.' The reference in the ' Theocritus ' is sign. ZZ. f viii, recto, top line.

Vol. ii. p. 235, last line, ib., parti, sect. ix. discourse vi. part i. 17, " vtyov dvo/jujp-a, p) P.OVO.V OI//LV, ' Lord wash my sin, and not my face only.' " In the first issue of this volume (1847) Eden has no remark. In that of 1856 he mentions that the Greek is found in the Church of St. Sophia, and refers to G. J. Grelot's ' Relation nouvelle d'un Voyage de Constantinople.' King, ' Clas- sical and Foreign Quotations,' ed. 3, No. 2528, says that it is repeated in the baptistery of Notrs Dame des Victoires, Paris, and is inscribed on the fonts of Hadleigh and Worlingworth, Suffolk. Neither Eden nor King seems to have noticed that this palin- drome is given in the ' Anthologia Graeca Planudea.' See sign. HH n, recto, 1. 3, in the editio princeps edited by Joannes Las- caris, and printed by Laurentius Francisci de Alopa, Florence, 1494, and cap. xvi., ' Appendix Planudea.' No. 387**, p. 608, in vol. ii. of F. Dtibner's edition of ' Antho- logia Palatina,' &c.

Vol. ii. pp. 663 (note h) and 665 (note o), ib., part iii. sect, xv., ' Considerations upon the Accidents,' &c., 5 and 8, " Houdemius Anglus," " Houdem. de Passione." Eden in his later issue gives the name correctly. It had appeared in the first as Hondemius. He adds the references ' Christiad. ' ii. 5 and ii. 10. Matters might have been made clearer to the general reader by explaining that this English author was John Hoveden (see ' D.N.B.'), and that his poem entitled ' Christias ' in the Luxemburg edition of 1 603 was properly ' Philomela.'

Vol. iii. p. 455, ' The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying,' chap. v. sect, viii., " But if by seeing Socrates I think upon Plato, and by seeing a picture I remember a man." See Plato, ' Phaedo,' 73 D, E. I have only seen the 1847 ed. of vol. iii., which gives no reference ; nor does the ' Index of Authors quoted or referred to ' in vol. i., 1854.

Vol. iv. p. 213, ' A Course of Sermons,' &c., ' Winter Half-Year,' serm. xvii. i. 1, " as the Indian women enter into folly